Is SR an approximation or a special case?

In summary, both statements are correct. Special Relativity (SR) can be considered an approximation for General Relativity (GR) in a region of spacetime where tidal effects can be neglected. However, SR is also a special case of GR, and is exactly accurate when there is no stress energy present. SR can also be applied to non-inertial frames, but cannot account for gravity. It is mathematically possible to reduce GR to SR, as SR is just a flat space-time with zero curvature.
  • #1
I was having this debate with a friend, and I wanted to know if I was correct. My friend was saying that SR is an approximation for GR (albeit a very good one) with the specific conditions of only inertial reference frames, and I was saying that SR is exactly accurate with GR, and so is directly solvable from GR with those conditions made (doesn't matter if you can actually reduce GR mathematically to SR, just that logically you can).

Am I right?

Edit: I guess I can appendix this with another related question: can you mathematically reduce GR to SR?
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  • #2
Vorde said:
I was having this debate with a friend, and I wanted to know if I was correct. My friend was saying that SR is an approximation for GR (albeit a very good one) with the specific conditions of only inertial reference frames, and I was saying that SR is exactly accurate with GR, and so is directly solvable from GR with those conditions made (doesn't matter if you can actually reduce GR mathematically to SR, just that logically you can).

Am I right?

Edit: I guess I can appendix this with another related question: can you mathematically reduce GR to SR?
Actually, the answer to the question in the title is that both are correct. In a region of spacetime small enough to neglect tidal effects SR is a good approximation to GR. SR is also a special case of GR, specifically a solution to the EFE with no stress energy anywhere.

However, it seems like you may be under the mistaken impression that SR is restricted to inertial frames only. That is not the case. You can analyze accelerated motion or use non-inertial frames in SR just fine. All that you cannot do in SR is treat gravity. See:
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  • #3
SR is just the case of a flat space-time. Or put mathematically, the curvature of space is zero.

It is just as exact as general relativity, but like DaleSpam said locally a curved space can be approximated by a flat one. Think of tangent planes to curved surfaces.

FAQ: Is SR an approximation or a special case?

1. Is Special Relativity (SR) an approximation or a special case?

Special Relativity (SR) is both an approximation and a special case. It is an approximation because it is only valid for objects moving at speeds much slower than the speed of light. It is also a special case because it does not take into account the effects of gravity.

2. What is the difference between SR and General Relativity?

The main difference between SR and General Relativity is that SR only applies to objects moving at constant speeds in a straight line, while General Relativity takes into account the effects of gravity and acceleration.

3. Can SR be used to describe all physical phenomena?

No, SR cannot be used to describe all physical phenomena. While it is a very accurate theory for objects moving at high speeds, it does not take into account the effects of gravity and therefore cannot accurately describe phenomena such as black holes or the expansion of the universe.

4. How does Einstein's theory of relativity impact our understanding of time and space?

Einstein's theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of time and space by showing that they are not absolute, but rather relative to the observer's frame of reference. It also introduced the concept of spacetime, where time and space are interconnected and can be affected by the presence of mass and energy.

5. Is SR still a relevant theory in modern physics?

Yes, SR is still a very relevant theory in modern physics. It has been extensively tested and its predictions have been confirmed by numerous experiments. It also serves as the basis for many other theories, such as quantum field theory, and has been crucial in the development of technologies such as GPS systems.
