Is the electrical charge of atomic particles correlated with mass?

In summary, the conversation revolves around the fundamentals of electronics and the properties of atomic particles. The understanding is that electrons have a lighter mass and a negative charge, protons have a heavier mass and a positive charge, and neutrons have a mass greater than both and are neutrally charged. The question is whether the mass of each particle affects their charge, and how protons and neutrons are bound. There is a discussion on the role of energy and mass in interactions between particles, and it is suggested to study atomic and sub-atomic physics for specific answers.
  • #1
Hello world.

I've been studying up on the fundamentals of electronics and have started with an abstract on atomic particles.

My understanding is Electrons have a lighter mass and have a negative charge, Protons have a heavier mass and have a positive charge. Neutrons have a mass greater than both and is neutrally charged.

My question then is does the mass of each particle have an effect on the charge of the particles? Lighter particles holding a negative charge and heavier particles holding a positive charge?

Im conceptualising it as almost a kind of a band of electromagnetic force (? some kind of force), where the electrical charge is defined within the band by the mass of the particle.

Also how exactly are Neutrons and Protons bound? I understand the concept of orbiting electrons because of a lighter mass, but why doesn't the Proton and Electron bond?

Despite the fact that they may have different masses they have opposite charges which would attract them.

Wouldn't it make more sense for say, a theoretical Proton/Electron bonded nucleus to have orbiting neutrons? That the only force (Gravity?) dictating the Neutron to orbit would be the mass of the object, which is what we see in solar systems and celestial bodies.

I get the feeling this answer is going to involve a ton of theory on sub-atomic physics, so go easy on me! I did calculus and physics in high school almost a decade ago!

I know these questions seem basic and abstract, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Hey cooksta and welcome to the forums.

You might want to look at the connection between energy and mass and study the interaction mechanisms between collisions, decay mechanisms, and other similar scenarios (like other interactions).

When you consider how the interaction takes place, what things are conserved, and what properties of the physical decomposition (and re-composition) take place (i.e. a decay, transition to new particle, decomposition into different particles, etc) then you will have a much better idea to try and answer your question.

I can't give you a straight answer to your question, but you will need to study a lot of atomic and sub-atomic physics to get real specific answers.

FAQ: Is the electrical charge of atomic particles correlated with mass?

What is electrical charge?

Electrical charge is a fundamental property of matter that describes the attraction or repulsion between particles. It is caused by the presence of protons and electrons, which carry positive and negative charges, respectively.

How is the electrical charge of atomic particles measured?

The electrical charge of atomic particles is measured in units of coulombs (C). Electrons have a charge of -1.602 x 10^-19 C, while protons have a charge of +1.602 x 10^-19 C. Neutrons have no charge.

Is the electrical charge of atomic particles correlated with mass?

Yes, the electrical charge of atomic particles is correlated with mass. Protons and electrons have the same magnitude of charge, but protons have a much greater mass than electrons. Neutrons, which have no charge, have a slightly greater mass than protons.

How does the electrical charge of atomic particles affect their behavior?

The electrical charge of atomic particles affects their behavior in a number of ways. Charged particles can attract or repel each other, leading to the formation of chemical bonds and the interactions between atoms. Electric fields can also influence the movement and trajectory of charged particles.

Can the electrical charge of atomic particles be changed?

Yes, the electrical charge of atomic particles can be changed through various processes such as ionization, which involves adding or removing electrons from an atom. However, the total charge of a closed system remains constant, as stated by the law of conservation of charge.
