Is There a Fractal Program for Mac That Can Generate Fractals from Drawings?

In summary, the person is looking for a free fractal program for their Mac that allows them to draw a pattern and have the program generate a similar fractal. They also mention that a general fractal program for Mac would also be helpful. However, it is noted that this may be difficult to achieve given the self-similarity and non-differentiability of fractals. The conversation ends with the person thanking the other for their input.
  • #1

I am currently looking for a fractal program for my mac, preferably with free download :)
I want to be able to draw a pattern and the program compares this to a fractal that it can generate (hope that makes sense). I mean that instead of entering the complex number in say a julia set, one can make a drawing and the computer will tell me the most similar julia set to what i have drawn. This might not exist, but if anyone of you guys/girls know of one it would be greatly appreciated!

p.s If you know a general fractal program that works well on mac, i would like to know.

Thank you for your time!
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  • #2
Svensken said:
I mean that instead of entering the complex number in say a julia set, one can make a drawing and the computer will tell me the most similar julia set to what i have drawn. This might not exist, but if anyone of you guys/girls know of one it would be greatly appreciated!
I doubt it exists, and in fact it may be essentially impossible. Remember that fractals, by their nature, have very strong self-similarity at all scales. So any reasonable measure of similarity will not be differentiable or smooth at any scale regardless of how fine-grained you make your parameter space.
  • #3
DaleSpam said:
I doubt it exists, and in fact it may be essentially impossible. Remember that fractals, by their nature, have very strong self-similarity at all scales. So any reasonable measure of similarity will not be differentiable or smooth at any scale regardless of how fine-grained you make your parameter space.

Hello, yes that is very true - didnt think of that. Thanks anyways

FAQ: Is There a Fractal Program for Mac That Can Generate Fractals from Drawings?

What is a fractal?

A fractal is a mathematical set or geometric pattern that exhibits self-similarity at various scales. In simpler terms, it is a pattern that repeats itself infinitely at different levels of magnification.

Why would I need a fractal program?

A fractal program is useful for creating and exploring fractal patterns, which can have practical applications in many fields such as computer graphics, data compression, and even in understanding natural phenomena like coastlines and snowflakes.

What features should I look for in a good fractal program?

A good fractal program should have a user-friendly interface, a wide variety of fractal types, the ability to customize and manipulate fractal parameters, and the option to save and export fractal images.

Are there any free fractal programs available?

Yes, there are many free fractal programs available for download, such as FractInt, Apophysis, and Mandelbulber. These programs offer a range of features and are a great option for beginners or those on a budget.

Can fractal programs be used for scientific research?

Yes, fractal programs have been used in various fields of science, including biology, physics, and economics. They can be used to analyze and model complex systems and phenomena, providing valuable insights and predictions.

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