Is there any news to Garrett Lisi theory?

In summary: Hi MTd2, thanks for asking. A year or so ago I figured out how to generalize Cartan geometry and make sense of the idea of a deforming Lie group. It's turned out to be a very powerful and succinct geometric structure for modeling both GR and the SM, and I've been working on a paper. I gave some more hints about it on the interview jedishrfu linked. I also bought a house here in Maui, built some guest cabins, and have been running it as a micro-science institute, which has been great fun.In summary, Garrett has been working on a paper that generalizes Cartan geometry and makes sense of the idea of a deforming
Physics news on
  • #5
This is why I am asking. It's a long time since anything happened.
  • #6
Hi MTd2, thanks for asking. A year or so ago I figured out how to generalize Cartan geometry and make sense of the idea of a deforming Lie group. It's turned out to be a very powerful and succinct geometric structure for modeling both GR and the SM, and I've been working on a paper. I gave some more hints about it on the interview jedishrfu linked. I also bought a house here in Maui, built some guest cabins, and have been running it as a micro-science institute, which has been great fun.
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  • #7
Hi, I don't want to launch a hostile discussion, but I am wondering whether you have a simple answer to the first commenter's objection on the Scientific American website: He claims that
It has been known for many years that there is no embedding of the standard model into E8 ( This is a mathematical, group-theoretical fact, which Garrett Lisi has made a career out of obscuring. His would-be theory is also precisely the kind of word-level-idea that is ruled out by the no-go theorem of Coleman and Mandula.
  • #8
Hi stevendaryl, I'm not sure I've ever seen a hostile PF discussion, and I don't think this one qualifies. I replied to some objections, including both of these, in another arxiv paper and in this Sciam post:
(See items 2 and 4.) In summary, the Coleman-Mandula theorem doesn't apply in this kind of pre-gravitational unification, and the embedding of the SM works for one generation of fermions but embedding three generations is either weird or impossible.
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  • #9
garrett said:
Hi MTd2, thanks for asking. A year or so ago I figured out how to generalize Cartan geometry and make sense of the idea of a deforming Lie group. It's turned out to be a very powerful and succinct geometric structure for modeling both GR and the SM, and I've been working on a paper. I gave some more hints about it on the interview jedishrfu linked. I also bought a house here in Maui, built some guest cabins, and have been running it as a micro-science institute, which has been great fun.
Several bits of good news here! I'm looking forward to the paper currently in progress.
I'd love to know if you have any comment to make in passing on this November 2014 paper by Chamseddine Connes Mukhanov:
Geometry and the Quantum: Basics

It seems to be an alternative approach to treating GR and StdMdl particles in the same framework. Is there any (possibly very general) sense in which your work and theirs is converging towards a common physical interpretation of quantum geometry and matter?
  • #10
Hi Garrett,

Do you have an opinion about the SU(8) papers of Stephen Adler? It looks like he succeded in squezing in the SM, including the three generations, into this group. Opening a path to E(8).

Remark from Stephen: “SU(8) gravity” multiplet has 128 boson and fermion helicity states, and the “SU(8) matter” multiplet has 112 boson and fermion helicity states. These numbers respectively match the numbers of half-integer and integer roots of the exceptional group E(8). Is this a numerical coincidence, or a hint of a deep connection with the E(8) root lattice?".

  • #11
garrett said:
Hi MTd2, thanks for asking. A year or so ago I figured out how to generalize Cartan geometry and make sense of the idea of a deforming Lie group. It's turned out to be a very powerful and succinct geometric structure for modeling both GR and the SM, and I've been working on a paper. I gave some more hints about it on the interview jedishrfu linked. I also bought a house here in Maui, built some guest cabins, and have been running it as a micro-science institute, which has been great fun.
In the blog of the interview, you mention 10 dimensions. Isn't that a bit like string theory?
BTW, are there accommodations in that house for people who have a disability, like me?
  • #12
Thanks, Marcus. On that CCM paper, I think their approach is great and I'm happy that a whole community of researchers have been working in that direction. With this paper in particular though, it's mightily complex, and I worry that with each step of complexity they're getting further away from good physics. This is often the case with research programs that get popular -- there's a tendency to pile on complications, constructing more and more theory until it becomes a bit of a nightmare. And though I do think this is happening here, at least it hasn't yet gotten as bad as strings.

On the content side, I think I see some of what they're doing, and it is getting closer to my work. Their [itex]M_2(\mathbb{H}) \times M_4(\mathbb{C})[/itex] algebra contains the [itex]su(2) \times su(2) \times su(4)[/itex] Pati-Salam model, and they're presumably getting gravitational degrees of freedom from the rest of [itex]M_2(\mathbb{H})[/itex], though I couldn't see quite how in their paper. If that is what they're doing, then they could embed that algebra in [itex]spin(4,4) \times spin(8)[/itex], add their spinor representation and triality, and be looking squarely at [itex]E_8[/itex].

I do consider them my closest competition. But I'm not especially worried, because my approach is to minimize rather than expand complexity, which is a terrible strategy for building a career but possibly the best for figuring something out.
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  • #13
Hi Berlin. Stephen Adler has been working in this area for quite a long time. And he does mention that possible connection to [itex]E_8[/itex] at the close of his paper. His approach with [itex]su(5)[/itex] GUT and [itex]su(3)[/itex] family unification via [itex]su(8)[/itex] is very reasonable. I'd like to see gravity included though. One interesting thing to try might be using Bert Kostant's decomposition, [tex]e8=su(5) \oplus su(5) \oplus (5 \otimes 10) \oplus (10 \otimes \bar{5}) \oplus (\bar{5} \otimes \bar{10}) \oplus (\bar{10} \otimes 5)[/tex] But I'm more interested in relating the generations via triality.
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  • #14
MTd2, is that a troll? ;) It's not at all like string theory. The ten-dimensions are the Cartan geometry description of spacetime from deforming the ten-dimensional Lie group [itex]Spin(1,4)[/itex] while maintaining the structure of a six-dimensional [itex]Spin(1,3)[/itex] subgroup to get four-dimensional spacetime.

I don't know how you are disabled, but the Pacific Science Institute buildings are single-story.
  • #15
Did you use any Klein geometry as well?Because You used Lie geometry .You used the principal group(G) and a closed lie subgroup(h).
  • #16
Enrico, yes, the initial Klein geometry decomposition gives de Sitter spacetime, [itex]Spin(1,4)/Spin(1,3)[/itex], which is a symmetric space and subgroup of [itex]Spin(1,4)[/itex]. That then deforms as a Cartan geometry to describe spacetime.
  • #17
I am paraplegic, I need a wide space in the bathroom. There are norms to follow. This pessage is too thin and it should go all way to the parking lot or whenever a car would leave the person

it should be larger, like 1.5 meter wide and with at most a slight inclination, not more than 5º to not few uncomfortable. And there's the problem of bathrooms.
  • #18
MTd2, PSI is currently a typical residence, so you'd probably need someone around to help you if you came to visit.
  • #19
Yes, he recently posted this paper 6 days ago:

I would love for a technical discussion to arise from this paper like it did his last one, it was very interesting.
  • #21

FAQ: Is there any news to Garrett Lisi theory?

1. What is Garrett Lisi's theory?

Garrett Lisi's theory, also known as the "Theory of Everything" or "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything", is a proposal to unify all the fundamental forces of nature, including gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces, into a single mathematical framework.

2. Is Lisi's theory widely accepted by the scientific community?

No, Lisi's theory is not widely accepted by the scientific community. While it has generated both interest and criticism, it has not yet been thoroughly tested or confirmed by experimental evidence.

3. How does Lisi's theory differ from other proposed theories of everything?

Lisi's theory differs from other proposed theories of everything in that it is based on the mathematical structure of the E8 Lie group, which has 248 dimensions. This is significantly higher than the dimensions used in other theories, making it more complex and difficult to test.

4. Has there been any progress or updates on Lisi's theory?

There have been some updates and developments on Lisi's theory since its initial proposal in 2007. However, there is still a lack of experimental evidence and it remains a controversial topic in the scientific community.

5. How can Lisi's theory potentially impact our understanding of the universe?

If Lisi's theory is confirmed and accepted, it could greatly impact our understanding of the universe by providing a unified explanation for all fundamental forces and possibly even solving the long-standing problem of how to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics.
