Isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor help

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof that any isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor can be written as a linear combination of the totally antisymmetric tensor with a scaling factor. The first problem is to show that the elements of this pseudotensor are unchanged under othonormal transformations, while the second problem is to show that all rank 3 pseudotensors that remain unchanged have this form. The only difference between tensors and pseudovectors in this proof is the need to account for a possible reflection of coordinates. The first problem involves transforming tensors as the product of vectors and using orthornormal transformations in three dimensions.
  • #1
Can anybody show me how any isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor can be written as

[itex]a_{ijk}=\lambda \epsilon_{ijk}[/itex]

for the isotropic rank 2 tensor case [i.e. [itex]a_{ij}=\lamda \delta_{ij}[/itex] ], my notes prove it by considering an example i.e. a rotation by [itex]\frac{\pi}{2}[/itex] radians about the z axis.
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  • #2

  • #3

No help yet? It's not clear to me how you're using indices. Are you writing vectors with lower indices?

Secondly, are you defining pseudotensors as tensors that change sign under a reflection of the coordinates such as (x,y,z)-->(-x,y,z)? There are two definitions of a pseudotensor.

Edit: Actually, it should be obvious from your question that you are using the first definition.

So the claim is that the only pseudotensors, whos elements remain unchanged under a general rotation, are equal to the totally antisymmetric tensor multiplied by some scaling factor.
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  • #4

i guess then i meant that such a pseudotensor is proprotional to the levi civita rank 3 pseudotensor.

how does one actually show that though?
  • #5

They're not giving you much to go on, are they?

The easy problem (1) is to show that the elements of [itex]\lambda \epsilon_{ijk}[/itex] are unchanged under othonormal transformations. The hard part is (2) showing that the elements of all rank 3 pseudotensors that remain unchanged are of the form [itex]\lambda \epsilon_{ijk}[/itex].

The only difference between tensors and pseudovectors in this proof is that you have to eventually account for an optional reflection of coordinates.

I would tackle the first problem first:

Tensors transform as the product of vectors.

An orthornormal transformation in three dimensions can be obtained as the product of the transformations that rotate vectors about the X, Y and Z axis.
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FAQ: Isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor help

1. What is an isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor?

An isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor is a mathematical object that has three indices and behaves like a tensor under rotations and reflections. It is called isotropic because its components are invariant under these transformations.

2. How is an isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor different from a regular tensor?

An isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor differs from a regular tensor in that its components are not independent and can be expressed in terms of a single scalar function. It also has unique transformation properties under rotations and reflections.

3. What are some applications of isotropic rank 3 pseudotensors?

Isotropic rank 3 pseudotensors are commonly used in physics, particularly in electromagnetism and fluid mechanics, to describe quantities such as magnetic field or vorticity. They can also be used in general relativity to describe the curvature of spacetime.

4. How is the isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor related to symmetry?

The isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor is closely related to symmetry because it has unique transformation properties under rotations and reflections, making it a useful tool for studying symmetric systems. It also represents a special case of a symmetric tensor with specific symmetry properties.

5. Can you provide an example of an isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor in action?

One example of an isotropic rank 3 pseudotensor is the electric field gradient tensor, which describes the rate of change of electric field with respect to position. It is used in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the structure of molecules and solids.

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