It seems time has came for me to leave the forums

  • Thread starter STAii
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In summary: I think your problem is not that PF is giving you depression, but that you are too attached to PF. You need to get away from PF and find something else to focus on.
  • #1

Hi there everyone.
It seems time has came for me to leave the forums.
Time would have came anyway, but it came faster than it was supposed to, you know why ?
(i will be frank)
Cause one day i woke up, and realized that PF is giving me some kind of depression (don't ask me why !).
The only thing i know is that i am the problem, not PF.
I hope some day i will be able to come back in a better way :smile:.
Physics news on
  • #2
what?! I don't see how either... Well I'm sorry to here your leaving:frown:

Bye...:frown: :frown: :frown:
  • #3
Oh, Staii! We're all sorry to see you leave.:frown:

Remember, you're always welcome here...:frown:
  • #4
He'lll be back... Mwhahaha...

Oh come on, please...? What's depressing you?
Maybe I can cheer you up with silly faces?
  • #5
One of the symptoms of depression is getting stuck in a rut. You do your daily routine over and over, not getting any real satisfaction out of it, but because you psychologically can't do anything else. It's an awful feeling. :frown:

I hope that once your out of your depression you remember us, though!

  • #6
"The only thing i know is that i am the problem, not PF."

Omg, it sounds like you are breaking up with PF. :frown:
That's no good, I hope you get out of your depression and get back to posting soon.
You're going to be missed :wink:
  • #7
Yes yes you will truly be missed I hope you come back soon!
  • #8
Thanks all, i really appreciate those replies.
Yes Hurkyl, it seems routine is killing me.
It also seems i have general problems with soceity, i hardly get on with it, and easily break up with it.

Well Lilith, if i had a girlfriend, it would be PF for sure :wink:.

The silly faces were usefull indeed FZ+, now i know why Greg put them there .

I guess i will not be able to go too long, i will soon feel home sick , but in the meanwhile ...

See u all soon.
Cheers !
  • #9
Cause one day i woke up, and realized that PF is giving me some kind of depression (don't ask me why !).
I think you take the arguements far too seriously. I personally am not important enough that you should care what I think. I ENJOY arguing but don't care one bit about other people's opinions on a personal level.
  • #10
Originally posted by russ_watters
I think you take the arguements far too seriously. I personally am not important enough that you should care what I think. I ENJOY arguing but don't care one bit about other people's opinions on a personal level.

Wow, you sound really reasonable .

Anyway, Staii, could you reconsider (perhaps change something else, in your routine - maybe even try to do something spontaneous every day)? I'd miss looking for your posts, if you left.
  • #11
Once again... Bye staii and I hope to see you soon!
  • #12
Wow, you sound really reasonable .
And thats...bad?
  • #13
Bye STAii, I'll miss your posting. Depression is a real bad thing. It's a real illness, a serious illness of the soul. I know because I've been thru it. Breaking with habits is a good idea. Getting some professional help is also a good idea. There are ways to heal it, but it's a long and painful process which can only work if you're ready for it. Hope you get better...
  • #14
Good luck, can`t say I know you to well but you got to do what you got to do!
  • #15
Originally posted by russ_watters
And thats...bad?

I was being sarcastic, russ.

I ENJOY arguing but don't care one bit about other people's opinions on a personal level.

did not sound reasonable to me.
  • #16
Oh, alright! Let me try.

It's me that's the problem. I can be a real dickhead! I'm just anti-social so I tend to be hurtful in my posts. It's nothing personal.

Please stick around Staii, can't you see we have all become codependent on each other? If you split we all loose part of ourselves. You have a responsibility to us. Please stay.
  • #17
oh well i have only read the top post but i think the problem is that reading about space and all these huge powerful forces and events make you feel insignifagant, i gto the same why after hearing Nirvana for a similair reason of nothing seems right. My friend siad all have to do i think of what makes me happy and then think how hard it is to get and if it is worth it go for it

FAQ: It seems time has came for me to leave the forums

What do you mean by "leaving the forums"?

By leaving the forums, I mean that I will no longer be an active member or contributor to the online community. I will not be posting or participating in discussions or activities on the forums.

Why are you leaving the forums?

I have decided to leave the forums for personal reasons. It could be due to lack of time, change in interests, or simply wanting to take a break from online interactions. I appreciate my time on the forums and the knowledge and connections I have gained, but it is time for me to move on.

Will you come back to the forums in the future?

I cannot say for sure if I will come back to the forums in the future. It will depend on various factors such as my schedule, interests, and other commitments. But for now, I have made the decision to leave and I will not be actively participating on the forums.

Can I still contact you outside of the forums?

Yes, you can still contact me outside of the forums through other means such as email or social media. However, I may not be as responsive as I was on the forums, as I will no longer be checking it regularly.

Is there anything I can do to convince you to stay on the forums?

I appreciate your concern, but my decision to leave the forums is final. I have thought about it and it is something that I need to do at this point in my life. I hope you can understand and respect my decision.
