Proving Conservation of (u_{α}+eA_{α})ξα on Particle World Line in Relativistic Mechanics

In summary, a particle with an electric charge e moves in a spacetime with a metric g_{\alpha\beta} and a vector potential A_{\alpha}. The equations of motion are given by u_{\alpha;\beta}u^{\beta} = eF_{\alpha\beta}u^{\beta}, where u^{\alpha} is the four-velocity and F_{\alpha\beta} = A_{\beta;\alpha}-A_{\alpha;\beta}. If the spacetime has a killing vector \xi^{\alpha}, it can be proven that (u_{\alpha}+eA_{\alpha})\xi^{\alpha} is constant on the world line of the particle.
  • #1
1. Question

A particle with an electric charge [tex]e[/tex] moves in a spacetime with the metric [tex]g_{\alpha\beta}[/tex] in the presence of a vector potential [tex]A_{\alpha}[/tex].

The equations of motion are [tex]u_{\alpha;\beta}u^{\beta} = eF_{\alpha\beta}u^{\beta}[/tex], where [tex]u^{\alpha}[/tex] is the four-velocity and [tex]F_{\alpha\beta} = A_{\beta;\alpha}-A_{\alpha;\beta}[/tex]. It is assumed that the spacetime possesses a killing vector [tex]\xi^{\alpha}[/tex],

so that [tex]\mathcal{L}_{\xi}g_{\alpha\beta} = {L}_{\xi}A_{\alpha} = 0[/tex].

Prove that [tex](u_{\alpha}+eA_{\alpha})\xi^{\alpha}[/tex]

is constant on the world line of the particle.

Homework Equations

[tex]\mathcal{L}_{\xi}g_{\alpha\beta} = \xi_{\alpha;\beta}+ \xi_{\beta;\alpha}[/tex]

[tex]\mathcal{L}_{\xi}A_{\alpha} = A_{\alpha;\beta}\xi^{\beta}+ \xi^{\beta}_;\alpha}A_{\beta}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

My approach at this problem was to show that [tex](u_{\alpha}+eA_{\alpha})[/tex]
satisfies the geodesic equation

and hence the inner product with the killing vector would be constant but doing so did not lead to any useful results.

Any suggestions or comments to this approach would be greatly appreciated



Note: this problem was from: A Relativists toolkit: The mathematics of black-hole mechanics
by Eric Poisson
Physics news on
  • #2
Just a quick question: How did you express the geodesic equation in the presence of the electromagnetic field as well as the gravitational field?
  • #3
Here is an amplification on my quick question in the previous post. The equation of motion for your charged particle is not the geodesic equation of the form of Poisson's equation (1.14). Rather, if you have access to Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler's "Gravitation", look at page 898. In the middle of the page is the equation of motion of your charged particle in the elementary coordinate representation. The lefthand side of that equation is the standard geodesic equation form, but the righthand side is a "source term" --the Lorentz force. But note the sentence after this term: "The Hamiltonian formalism enables one to discover immediately two constants of motion; the elementary Lorentz-force equation does not." I interpret this to mean that perhaps rather than a calculational proof that [tex] (u_{\alpha} + eA_{\alpha}) \xi^{\alpha} [/tex] is a constant on the world line, you need a logical argument.

I hope these comment are of use to you
  • #4
One more though: You could read the whole of section 33.5 in MTW and obtain the results you want using the Hamiltonian formulation, but I'm sure that's NOT what Poisson had in mind when he posed that problem!

FAQ: Proving Conservation of (u_{α}+eA_{α})ξα on Particle World Line in Relativistic Mechanics

1. What is the significance of proving conservation of (u_{α}+eA_{α})ξα on particle world line in relativistic mechanics?

Proving conservation of (u_{α}+eA_{α})ξα on particle world line in relativistic mechanics is important because it is a fundamental law of nature that governs the behavior of particles in a relativistic framework. It allows us to understand and predict the motion of particles in high-speed or high-energy situations, which is crucial for many fields of science such as astrophysics and particle physics.

2. How does this conservation law relate to the principle of least action in relativistic mechanics?

The conservation of (u_{α}+eA_{α})ξα on particle world line is directly related to the principle of least action in relativistic mechanics. This principle states that the path a particle takes between two points is the one that minimizes the action, which is the integral of the Lagrangian over time. The Lagrangian includes terms related to the particle's momentum and energy, which are in turn influenced by the conservation law.

3. Can you explain the physical meaning of the components (u_{α}+eA_{α})ξα in this conservation law?

The components (u_{α}+eA_{α})ξα represent the particle's velocity (u_{α}), the electric potential (A_{α}), and the particle's position (ξα) in a relativistic framework. The conservation of this quantity means that these three components remain constant along the particle's world line, regardless of any external forces acting on it.

4. How does this conservation law differ from the conservation of energy and momentum in classical mechanics?

This conservation law differs from the conservation of energy and momentum in classical mechanics in several ways. Firstly, it takes into account the relativistic effects of high speeds and energies. Secondly, it includes the influence of electric and magnetic fields on the particle's motion. Lastly, it is a more general and fundamental law that encompasses both energy and momentum conservation as special cases.

5. What is the mathematical proof for the conservation of (u_{α}+eA_{α})ξα on particle world line in relativistic mechanics?

The proof for this conservation law involves using the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion and the equations of electromagnetic fields in a relativistic framework. By substituting these equations into the Lagrangian, and then using the principle of least action, it can be shown that the components (u_{α}+eA_{α})ξα are conserved along the particle's world line. This proof is a complex mathematical derivation that requires a strong understanding of relativistic mechanics and calculus.
