Knight and zealot from Skull & Bones

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  • Thread starter Loren Booda
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In summary, people don't contribute to their own success by doing things on their own. They need help from others in order to be successful.
  • #1
Loren Booda
I was honored to observe for one year the crucible of leaders at Yale University. Since those days we have molded our personae, George W. Bush overcoming his alcoholism through faith in God, much as I have graciously benefited; and John Kerry considering those in need, where I have often devoted myself. I feel connected to these two presidential candidates, but only one - Kerry - I perceive as an effective individual.

Where the buck stops is often a lonely place. There we need a person, not a figurehead, who can survive by himself, at times without money, pride or political influence. How important do you consider the quality of autonomy, that our president would basically be someone intrinsically and positively self-motivated?

George W. Bush seems removed in his application of Deity to the problems of his office, whereas John Kerry seeks to uplift the least of us. Bush is a often only a nut in a machine, whereas Kerry is a master mechanic, relating the fundamental parts of society. I do not believe that current President Bush can make rational decisions by himself while under pressure, and may recklessly misinterpret his conversations with God.

Remember to elect not the party as president, but rather, the man who would retain true independence in the most challenging of trials.
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  • #2
I'm curious Loren Booda...what profitable business ventures has Kerry had? I mean other then his marriages?
  • #3
kat said:
I'm curious Loren Booda...what profitable business ventures has Kerry had? I mean other then his marriages?

I'm not sure what this question is aimed at or how it's related to Loren's post ? On the other hand, I disagree that Bush is not effective. How do you get elected President, if you're not effective ? How can you have a good chance of getting re-elected despite war and job losses, unless you are effective ? George Bush, through his associates and machinery, is effective at swaying public opinion.

John Kerry was not a businessman, but in the late 70's he co-founded (and is a lifetime member, though his name may never appear on the website because of the bad publicity associated with JK) the Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., the only congressionally chartered national Vietnam veterans organization that is exclusively dedicated to Vietnam-era veterans and their families.

No this is not a profitable business for Kerry...but it's probably his only venture into business. know something that is not known to most of us, which I'm sure you'll inform us of.

Now I'm curious ...what profitable business ventures has Bush had (besides using Govt muscle to raise the value of his Astros stock) ?
  • #4
In any corporate dealings both candidates are relatively weak for a president's prerequisites. Would Bush's business ventures have been profitable without outside help from his family and their cronies, and was it his "expertise" that made these diversions successful? Even with one term as president, George W. has shown little independent leadership, relying more on advisors than himself, or when he himself has chosen, inviting disaster (Iraq, worldview of America, deficit, job loss).

I admire "W" if he may well have found God (Billy Graham once claimed that 80% of those "saved" actually are not, though), but so have many murderers, rapists and thieves. Has he exercised actual responsibility as a singular Head of State, submitting to the morays shared by principled citizens, or is he more subject to Ego, wrapped in false humility, at once claiming submission to God and ruling over all Earth's faiths?

Can he ride the road alone when his heart and our survival demand? I believe John Kerry more able in this respect.
  • #5
Gokul43201 said:
I'm not sure what this question is aimed at or how it's related to Loren's post ?
Well when he said this "who can survive by himself, at times without money, pride or political influence. " I just don't see that he's done anything by "himself" He came from money, influence, family had political influence...he was very connected to the Kennedy's...he's married wealthy women which has also helped him immensely. I just don't see this "by himself".
As for Kerry's business dealings, the only one I know of (and I haven't researched it really) is the cookie business which I think there were issues about him stealing someone elses business plan right down to the floor plans. I'm not sure of actual details...and I may not be accurate about it.
  • #6
I doubt that anyone would label Bush's business ventures as succesful. Almost anything he touched, he ran into the ground.
  • #7
What about the candidates themselves as freethinkers, when and where the buck stops?
  • #8
Loren Booda said:
What about the candidates themselves as freethinkers, when and where the buck stops?

People don't contribute to the campaigns of freethinkers, it prevents political favors.

That goes for Kerry as much as for Bush.
  • #9
Gokul43201 said:
I doubt that anyone would label Bush's business ventures as succesful. Almost anything he touched, he ran into the ground.
Yeah...and...I asked about Kerry not Bush. Why is it nobody seems to know much about Kerry? Can you tell me which of his Business ventures were succesful? or unsucessful? Inquiring minds would like to know!
  • #10
kat said:
Yeah...and...I asked about Kerry not Bush. Why is it nobody seems to know much about Kerry? Can you tell me which of his Business ventures were succesful? or unsucessful? Inquiring minds would like to know!

He had no business ventures, just his marriages which were of course highly profitable.[sarcasm] So extrapolating from that if we're lucky he'll, "Marry" us to europe and suck all the money from them that he can!

That ought to give europeans something to think about.
  • #11
Neither Bush nor Kerry seem to have advanced much beyond high school capitalism - marketing potholders, brownies and lemonade.
  • #12
Loren Booda said:
Neither Bush nor Kerry seem to have advanced much beyond high school capitalism - marketing potholders, brownies and lemonade.

Wow, high school capitalism sure has advanced since their day. I mean, i had a job in high school at least.

FAQ: Knight and zealot from Skull & Bones

1. Who were the Knights and Zealots in Skull & Bones?

The Knights and Zealots were secret societies within the Skull & Bones organization, a collegiate society at Yale University. They were groups of elite members who were selected for their leadership qualities and were responsible for carrying out the rituals and traditions of the organization.

2. What were the roles of the Knights and Zealots?

The Knights and Zealots were responsible for upholding the values and traditions of the Skull & Bones organization. They were also tasked with selecting and initiating new members, as well as organizing and participating in the group's secret rituals and ceremonies.

3. How did one become a Knight or Zealot in Skull & Bones?

Membership in the Knights and Zealots was restricted to a select few members who had already been initiated into the Skull & Bones society. These members were chosen based on their academic achievements, leadership abilities, and family background.

4. What were the rituals and ceremonies of the Knights and Zealots like?

The specific details of the rituals and ceremonies of the Knights and Zealots are kept secret, as with most aspects of the Skull & Bones organization. However, it is believed that they involved elaborate costumes, props, and symbolic gestures that were meant to create a sense of camaraderie and exclusivity among the members.

5. Is the Skull & Bones organization still active today?

Yes, the Skull & Bones society is still active at Yale University. However, there is limited information available about the current activities and members of the organization, as they continue to maintain a high level of secrecy.

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