Landau Quantization: Classical Particle Motion in a Uniform Magnetic Field

In summary: I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I just asked you if you could calculate the curl of the A you had posted.In summary, I am very confused by this problem. I don't understand what the trajectory should look like, how to evaluate the action, or what the Lagrangian is.
  • #36
Yes, this would be [itex]x(t)[/itex] that you need to substitute in the above expression and integrate again.
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  • #37
Integrating my Lagrangian[itex] L = (m/2)[(v_{0})^2 +1] - (q/c)B[(x_{0} - \frac{v_{0}}{\omega} sin(t\omega)][-(v_{0})sin(t\omega)][/itex]


[itex]S(t) = [(m(v_{0})^2)/2]\Delta t -

(q/c)B[\frac{(v_{0})x_{0}}{\omega}](cos(\omega t_{1}) - cos(\omega t_{0})) -

(q/c)B[\frac{(v_{0})^2}{\omega}]((t_{1})/2 - \frac{sin(2\omega t_{1})}{4\omega} - (t_{0})/2) + \frac{sin(2\omega t_{0})}{4\omega}[/itex]

This looks more complicated than it should be..
  • #38
Ok, do this first:

Take the lagrangian:

L = \frac{m v^{2}_{0}}{2} \, \left(v^{2}_{x} + v^{2}_{y} \right) - \frac{q B}{c} \, x \, v_{y}


v_{x} & = & v_{0} \, \cos{(\omega \, t)} \\

v_{y} & = & -v_{0} \, \sin{(\omega \, t)} \\

x & = & \frac{v_{0}}{\omega} \, \sin{(\omega t)}

and perform integration from 0 to t, by keeping in mind that:

\omega = \frac{q \, B}{m \, c}

What is the lagrangian as a function of t?

What is the integral of this from 0 to t?
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  • #39
I get that [itex]L=(v_{0})^2[\frac{m}{2} + (sin(\omega t)^2)[/itex]

Have I done anything stupid so far?
  • #40
First of all, your equation is dimensionally inconsistent. In the large parentheses, the first term has a dimension of mass, and the second term is dimensionless.
  • #41
All I did was cancel the omega in the x term and the omega in the [itex]v_{y}[/itex] term, which I got from plugging in the provided equations.

Sigh. How did I manage to mess THAT up?
  • #42
The vector potential term from the Lagrangian has the product:

x v_{x} = \frac{v_{0}}{\omega} \, \sin{(\omega t)} \, v_{0} \, \cos{(\omega t)} = \frac{v^{2}_{0}}{\omega} \sin{(\omega t)} \, \cos{(\omega t)}

using the double angle formula:

\sin{(2 \alpha)} = 2 \, \sin{(\alpha)} \, \cos{(\alpha)}

this product can be further simplified as:

\frac{v^{2}_{0}}{2 \omega} \, \sin{(2 \omega t)}

However, this product is also multiplied by [itex]q \, B/c[/itex] in the Lagrangian. Using the definition of the cyclotron frequency [itex]\omega = q \, B/(m \, c)[/itex], what is:

\frac{q B}{\omega c} = ?

The kinetic energy term has the sum of squares:

v^{2}_{x} + v^{2}_{y} = ?

What is this sum equal to? What is it multiplied by in the Lagrangian?
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  • #43
\frac{q B}{\omega c} = ?
[/tex][itex]\frac{qB}{\omega c} = \frac{qBmc}{Bc} = qm[/tex]

The kinetic energy term has the sum of squares:

v^{2}_{x} + v^{2}_{y} = ?

What is this sum equal to? What is it multiplied by in the Lagrangian?

v^{2}_{x} + v^{2}_{y} = ((v_{0})^2)((cos(\omega t))^2 + (sin(\omega t))^2) = ((v_{0})^2)

This is then multiplied by [tex] \frac{m}{2} [/tex]
  • #44
Whaddya mean?
  • #45
Sonny Liston said:
\frac{q B}{\omega c} = ?

[itex]\frac{qB}{\omega c} = \frac{qBmc}{Bc} = qm[/tex]
This is incorrect.

Sonny Liston said:
The kinetic energy term has the sum of squares:

v^{2}_{x} + v^{2}_{y} = ?

What is this sum equal to? What is it multiplied by in the Lagrangian?

v^{2}_{x} + v^{2}_{y} = ((v_{0})^2)((cos(\omega t))^2 + (sin(\omega t))^2) = ((v_{0})^2)

This is then multiplied by [tex] \frac{m}{2} [/tex]
This is correct.
  • #46
I didn't see the charge term in the original cyclotron frequency. In that case, we don't get qm, we get m.
  • #47
Sonny Liston said:
I didn't see the charge term in the original cyclotron frequency. In that case, we don't get qm, we get m.

Yes. So, what is the final expression for the Lagrangian L?
  • #48
[tex]L = \frac{m(v_{0})^2}{2} - \frac{m(v_{0})^2}{2\omega}sin(2t\omega)[/tex]
  • #49
Sonny Liston said:
[tex]L = \frac{m(v_{0})^2}{2} - \frac{m(v_{0})^2}{2\omega}sin(2t\omega)[/tex]

Where did the extra [itex]\omega[/itex] come from in the second term? C'mon man. Concentrate on your algebra. This is taking too long.
  • #50
[tex] S(t) = [\frac{m((v_{0})^2)}{2}]t + [\frac{m((v_{0})^2)}{2}]\frac{(cos(2t\omega) + 1}{2\omega} [/tex]

Extra omega eliminated here. Sorry about that.
  • #51
(Again, you kept an extra [itex]\omega[/itex] in the second term.) I see you corrected that.


\int_{0}^{t}{\sin{(2 \omega t)} \, dt} = -\left.\frac{1}{2 \omega} \, \cos{(\omega t)}\right|^{t}_{0} = \frac{1}{2\omega} \, \left[1 - \cos{(2 \omega t)}\right]

Finally, what will be the change in S during one period (take [itex]t = 2\pi/\omega[/itex] in the above formula)?
  • #52
[tex] 1 - cos (2 \omega \frac{(2\pi}{\omega}) = 0[/tex], so it is appropriately periodic.
  • #53
No, the first term is proportional to [itex]t[/itex] and is not periodic.
  • #54
Assuming that's satisfactory, may I ask you one last quick question (you are a saint, by the way. I have been unbelievably useless throughout this.) How would I go about evaluating the magnetic flux through the classical trajectory as a function of the energy?

In case you're wondering about my remarkable ignorance, I'm a math student who never took classical mechanics and is in a quantum course, so all the classical mechanics stuff is new to me. Thanks again.
  • #55
What does the trajectory look like? What are its dimensions in terms of the quantities we have already defined? What is the magnetic flux from a homogeneous magnetic field perpendicular through a contour?
  • #56
In my notes, I have that it is given by [tex]\frac{1}{2\pi}\oint A dx[/tex], and the baby E&M book I am looking at says that it can be given by the Area of the surface dotted with the B field times cos(theta), for theta the angle between the B field and the surface.

But since the B field is homogeneous in the z-direction, [tex]\theta = \frac{\pi}{2}[/tex] and cos=0, so something must be really flawed in my reasoning.
  • #57
Sonny Liston said:
In my notes, I have that it is given by [tex]\frac{1}{2\pi}\oint A dx[/tex], and the baby E&M book I am looking at says that it can be given by the Area of the surface dotted with the B field times cos(theta), for theta the angle between the B field and the surface.

But since the B field is homogeneous in the z-direction, [tex]\theta = \frac{\pi}{2}[/tex] and cos=0, so something must be really flawed in my reasoning.

Yes, they are both equal due to Stokes' Theorem:

\phi_{m} = \int_{S}{\left(\mathbf{B} \cdot \hat{\mathbf{n}}\right) \, da} = \oint{\mathbf{A} \cdot d\mathbf{l}}

So, there is no factor of [itex]1/(2\pi)[/itex] if you use the circulation of the vector potential.
  • #58
So there is nothing wrong in my reasoning and the flux actually is zero? It seems odd to ask me to evaluate it "as a function of the energy" then.
  • #59
No, it is not zero. I didn't see the part where you say it's zero. Since [itex]\mathbf{A}[/itex] has only a zero component, you need to evaluate:

\oint{\mathbf{A} \cdot d\mathbf{l}} = \oint{A_{y} \, dy} = B \int_{0}^{T}{x(t) \, v_{y}(t)}

where [itex]T = 2\pi/\omega[/itex] is the period of the trajectory and i used [itex]A_{y} = B \, x[/itex].
  • #60
[tex]B\int x(t) v_{y} (t) = B \frac{-(v_{0})^2}{\omega} \int (sin(\omega t)^2)[/tex]

Using [tex](sin(\omega t)^2) = \frac{1 - cos (2\omega t)}{2}[/tex] and doing the integral, I get

[tex]\Phi = B\pi(- \frac{v_{0}}{\omega})^2[/tex]
  • #61
yes. the minus sign is redundant.
  • #62
I can't thank you enough for all your help.
  • #63
no problem. nice username ;)
  • #64
Btw, I don't think I understand why the magnetic flux is a function of the energy here.