Laplace Transform Solution for x"+2x'+x=sin(t) x=x'=0

In summary, the problem is finding the inverse Laplace transform of x"+2x'+5x=sin(t) with initial conditions x(0)=x'(0)=0. The solution involves using the formulae for transforming \frac{s-a}{(s-a)^2+b^2} and \frac{b}{(s-a)^2+b^2} and rewriting the expression as \frac{s+1}{(s+1)^2+4} - \frac{1}{(s+1)^2+4}.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Problem: laplace transform of x"+2x'+x=sin(t) x=x'=0

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Attempt at problem: I was able to get Y(s)=1/(s^2+1)(s^2+2s+5) and then i expanded it to get [s/10(s^2+2s+5)]-[s/10(s^2+1)]+[1/5(s^2+1)]. The last two terms are easy to transform the first term i completed the square and got 1/10*s/(s+1)^2+4

Question: from maple i know it will be a exp times a sin and cos function of some sort. I don't know how they got that even though i see it in the denominator.
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  • #2
Hi Jumpman,

Firstly, if you did mean to write the DE as x"+2x'+x=sin(t) (with no 5 in front of the x) then you should restart from there. Otherwise, I'll assume you meant x"+2x'+5x=sin(t) with initial conditions x(0)=x'(0)=0.

To find the inverse laplace of [tex]\frac{s}{(s+1)^2+4}[/tex] using the formulae

[tex]\frac{s-a}{(s-a)^2+b^2}\mapsto e^{at}\cos{bt}[/tex]


[tex]\frac{b}{(s-a)^2+b^2}\mapsto e^{at}\sin{bt}\, ,[/tex]

begin by rewriting it as

[tex]\frac{s}{(s+1)^2+4} = \frac{s+1}{(s+1)^2+4} - \frac{1}{(s+1)^2+4}[/tex].

Can you proceed from there?
  • #3
yes I do see it now...thank you

FAQ: Laplace Transform Solution for x"+2x'+x=sin(t) x=x'=0

1. What is the Laplace Transform Solution for x"+2x'+x=sin(t) when x=x'=0?

The Laplace Transform Solution for this equation when x=x'=0 is given by the following expression:

X(s) = (s^2 + 2s + 1)/(s^2 + 2s + 2)

2. How is the Laplace Transform used to solve differential equations?

The Laplace Transform is a mathematical tool that allows us to transform a differential equation from the time domain to the frequency domain. This makes it easier to solve the equation by converting it into an algebraic equation that can be solved using standard mathematical techniques.

3. Can the Laplace Transform be used for any type of differential equation?

Yes, the Laplace Transform can be used to solve a wide range of differential equations, including ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. However, it is most commonly used for linear, time-invariant systems.

4. What is the inverse Laplace Transform?

The inverse Laplace Transform is the mathematical operation that allows us to transform a function from the frequency domain back to the time domain. It is denoted by the symbol L^-1 and is the inverse of the Laplace Transform operator L.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Laplace Transform to solve differential equations?

While the Laplace Transform is a powerful tool for solving differential equations, it does have some limitations. It is most effective for solving linear, time-invariant systems and may not be suitable for nonlinear or time-varying systems. Additionally, some complex functions may not have a Laplace Transform, making it impossible to use this method for solving their corresponding differential equations.
