How Does L'Hopital's Rule Apply to the Second Derivative Calculation?

In summary, the conversation is about finding the third derivative of a function and seeking help in understanding the solution that was provided by the teacher. The teacher used a method involving an exponential series to find the values of the function and its derivatives at zero. The conversation also mentions an alternative 3rd degree polynomial approximation to find the values at zero.
  • #1
Any help you can give me would be appreciated!

The teacher wrote the solution to the problem on the board without giving much explanation of how he got there, and now he wants the third derivative, so I was wondering if you could help answer how he got the second.

g(x) [the lim. as x goes to zero] = (e^x - 1) / x , where x can not equal zero

then he wrote

1, x = 0 I'm guessing this means to use the value 1 when x = 0

Then he wrote the first derivative of g(x) is

( xe^x - e^x + 1) / (x^2) , where x does not equal zero


1/2 x = 0

then the second derivative of g(x) :

g(x) [lim. as x goes to zero] ( ( (xe^x -e^x + 1) / x^2 ) - (1/2) ) / x

then goes to:

( 2xe^x - 2e^x + 2 - x^2 ) / 2x^3

then goes to:

( 2e^x + 2xe^x - 2e^x - 2x) / 6x^2 [the 2e^x's cancel]

this goes to:

( e^x - 1 ) / 3x = 1/3

Now I have to do the third derivative. If you could help me understand this second derivative it may help me solve the third. Thanks in advance for any time you spend on this.

  • #2
I can't say I like your teacher's method overly much, although it is correct.
Let's first write g(x) in a form where it is easy to find the values of g and g's derivatives at zero:
1. The exponential series.
Possibly, you haven't learned this yet, but for any x we have:
where the INFINITE SERIES can be written as:
where 0!=1, and i!=1*2..*i (i>0)
(The factorial)
2. Rewriting g(x)
From 1., and the expression for g(x), we get:
The first terms of g(x) can be written out as:

In order to find g(0),g'(0),g''(0),g'''(0), it is sufficient to use the polynomial appoximation to g(x):
You gain:
  • #3

Sure, I'd be happy to help you understand the second derivative of g(x) and how it relates to the third derivative. First, let's review the concept of L'Hopital's rule. This rule states that if you have a limit of the form 0/0 or ∞/∞, you can take the derivative of the numerator and denominator separately and evaluate the limit again. This process can be repeated as many times as necessary until a non-indeterminate form is reached. This is a useful tool for evaluating limits that involve fractions.

Now, let's look at the second derivative of g(x). You correctly wrote out the first derivative as (xe^x - e^x + 1)/(x^2), where x≠0. When finding the second derivative, we apply L'Hopital's rule again because we have a limit of the form 0/0. This means we take the derivative of the numerator and denominator separately and evaluate the limit again. However, in this case, we also have a constant term, 1/2, in the numerator. This means we need to take the derivative of that as well. So, the second derivative becomes:

g(x) [lim. as x goes to zero] ((2xe^x + e^x - 1)/x^2 - 1/2) / x

= (2xe^x + e^x - 1 - 1/2x^2) / x^3

= (2e^x + e^x - 1 - x) / 2x^2

= (3e^x - 1 - x) / 2x^2

Now, to find the third derivative, we can apply L'Hopital's rule again because we have a limit of the form 0/0. This means we take the derivative of the numerator and denominator separately and evaluate the limit again. The third derivative becomes:

g(x) [lim. as x goes to zero] ((3e^x - 1 - x)/2x^2 - 1/3) / x

= (3e^x - 1 - x - 2/3x^3) / 2x^3

= (3e^x - 1 - x - 2/3x^3) / 2x^3

= (3e^x

FAQ: How Does L'Hopital's Rule Apply to the Second Derivative Calculation?

1. What is L'Hopital's rule?

L'Hopital's rule is a mathematical tool used to evaluate limits of indeterminate forms, such as 0/0 or ∞/∞. It states that if the limit of the quotient of two functions is in an indeterminate form, then the limit of the quotient of their derivatives is equal to the original limit.

2. How is L'Hopital's rule used to find the limit of a function?

To use L'Hopital's rule, you first need to identify an indeterminate form in the limit you are trying to evaluate. Then, take the derivative of the numerator and denominator separately and evaluate the limit again. If the new limit is still in an indeterminate form, you can repeat the process until you get a definite value or determine that the limit is undefined.

3. What is the second derivative test?

The second derivative test is a method used to determine the nature of critical points of a function. It involves taking the second derivative of the function at the critical point and evaluating its sign. If the second derivative is positive, the critical point is a local minimum; if it is negative, the critical point is a local maximum; and if it is zero, the test is inconclusive.

4. How is the second derivative test used to find the nature of a critical point?

To use the second derivative test, you first need to find the critical points of the function by setting the first derivative equal to zero. Then, take the second derivative of the function at each critical point and evaluate its sign. If the second derivative is positive, the critical point is a local minimum; if it is negative, the critical point is a local maximum; and if it is zero, the test is inconclusive.

5. What are some common mistakes made when applying L'Hopital's rule?

One common mistake is applying L'Hopital's rule when the limit is not in an indeterminate form. Another mistake is taking the derivative of the denominator instead of the numerator. It is also important to make sure that the derivatives of the functions exist and are continuous at the point of evaluation. Lastly, it is crucial to double check the final answer to ensure it is correct and matches the original limit.

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