Lightning strikes and computers

In summary, the conversation discussed a problem of lightning strikes damaging electronics in a grandparent's house. It was suggested to test each component individually, but it was also mentioned that the power supply is likely damaged. It was also mentioned that a newer surge protector may have saved the computer, but the phone line may have been the source of the damage.
  • #1
my grandparents house has a problem of getting hit by lightning, unfortunately this time it fried their computer and TV (even with a surge protector?)

as for the computer, i was wondering what could be salvagable from it,
im assuming the motherboard will be useless, but what about the ram, processor, HD, ect??

or is each computer ruined uniquely?
Computer science news on
  • #2
most likely the HDD. i doubt the ram or processor though.

They need something with a battery back-up in the surge protector. or just unplug the stuff when a storm starts.
  • #3
Since every piece of equipment runs on rather tight voltage ranges, they may all be fried. But might as well check them all out! I don't see why the hard drive would survive... but I also have seen a lot of hard drives survive rather jolting... jolts of electricity
  • #4
There are a lot of factors involved. Best policy is to assume the whole computer is toast (especially for insurance reasons), and test each component out individually.

Virtually guaranteed is the Power Supply being damaged. It may have protected the rest of the system, but that is a fairly rare occurrance. Keep in mind that some damaged components will appear to be working fine, but will cause sporadic problems later on.
  • #5
Dngrsone said:
There are a lot of factors involved. Best policy is to assume the whole computer is toast (especially for insurance reasons), and test each component out individually.

:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #6
Jeez, you're fast, Pengwuino! :rolleyes:
  • #7
My house was hit by lightning in July and I lost everything except my computer and monitor. I lost my DSL modem and my ethernet card though. I guess it was the difference in surge protectors. I had a newer surge protector on the computer. The problem seems to have come through the phone line.

FAQ: Lightning strikes and computers

1. How does lightning affect computers?

Lightning can cause power surges and electrical discharges, which can damage computer components and data. It can also cause disruptions in internet and phone services, affecting computer connectivity.

2. Can lightning strike damage my computer even if it's turned off?

Yes, lightning can still cause damage to your computer even if it's turned off. The power surge can travel through phone or internet lines and damage the internal components of your computer.

3. Is it safe to use my computer during a thunderstorm?

No, it is not safe to use your computer during a thunderstorm. It's best to unplug your computer and other electronic devices during a storm to avoid the risk of damage from lightning strikes.

4. What precautions can I take to protect my computer from lightning strikes?

You can use a surge protector to protect your computer and other electronic devices from power surges caused by lightning strikes. It's also a good idea to unplug your computer during a thunderstorm.

5. Can lightning strikes cause data loss on my computer?

Yes, lightning strikes can cause data loss on your computer. If your computer is not properly protected, a power surge can damage the hard drive and result in loss of data. It's important to regularly backup your files to avoid permanent loss of data.

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