Line Integral, Dot Product Confusion

In summary, the force applied to a point charge is equal and opposite to the repulsive Coulomb force it experiences from another point charge, allowing it to move at a constant velocity. The equation should yield a positive value and is valid, but using the dot product formula with the cosine of the angle between the applied force and displacement vectors does not work. This is because the angle between the vectors is actually pi radians, not 0, and the cosine of pi is -1. This means that the infinitesimal displacement vector is defined to point in the positive direction of the chosen coordinate system, rather than the direction of actual displacement. This creates confusion and raises questions about the interpretation of the differential vector in the work integral.
  • #1
From my interpretation of this problem (image attached), the force applied to the point charge is equal and opposite to the repulsive Coulomb force that that point charge is experiencing due to the presence of the other point charge so that the point charge may be moved at a constant velocity. I agree that the equation should yield a positive value, and I agree that the equation is valid, but I'm still a bit confused.

I don't see why this equation would hold if I used this evaluation of the dot product: \vec F \cdot d \vec r = | \vec F | * | d \vec r | * cos(Θ). (My LaTeX failed, but I hope you can see what I mean.) Our applied force vector and charge displacement vector are in the same direction. With that being said, as cos(0) = 0, I wouldn't see why our integral would have the negative sign on the left of the equality. However, removing this negative sign would of course change our answer, resulting in a negative value which would be an incorrect answer. Why does this approach with this interpretation of the dot product not seem to work (or, more likely, where does my thinking go wrong)?


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  • #2
Lost1ne said:
From my interpretation of this problem (image attached), the force applied to the point charge is equal and opposite to the repulsive Coulomb force that that point charge is experiencing due to the presence of the other point charge so that the point charge may be moved at a constant velocity. I agree that the equation should yield a positive value, and I agree that the equation is valid, but I'm still a bit confused.

I don't see why this equation would hold if I used this evaluation of the dot product: \vec F \cdot d \vec r = | \vec F | * | d \vec r | * cos(Θ). (My LaTeX failed, but I hope you can see what I mean.) Our applied force vector and charge displacement vector are in the same direction. With that being said, as cos(0) = 0, I wouldn't see why our integral would have the negative sign on the left of the equality. However, removing this negative sign would of course change our answer, resulting in a negative value which would be an incorrect answer. Why does this approach with this interpretation of the dot product not seem to work (or, more likely, where does my thinking go wrong)?
The ##\theta## angle between ##\vec{F}## and ##d\vec{r}## is actually ##\pi## not 0 and ##\cos\pi=-1##. ##\vec{F}## points inwards and ##d\vec{r}## points outwards.
  • #3
Delta2 said:
The ##\theta## angle between ##\vec{F}## and ##d\vec{r}## is actually ##\pi## not 0 and ##\cos\pi=-1##. ##\vec{F}## points inwards and ##d\vec{r}## points outwards.

Okay. In that case, here's the other part of my post that I deleted:

If our infinitesimal vector is defined to point in the positive direction of our coordinate system, then the negative sign would appear as the cos(pi radians) = -1. (That is, if a "dr" was defined to be outwards, away from our "destination charge" and anti-parallel to our "actual displacement. This would be similar to claiming that a vector (dx, dy) always points towards the first quadrant in the XY plane.) This seems a bit weird and introduces a notion of "actual displacement" (of our object of interest) versus the vector (dx, dy, dz) (or whatever it's equivalent is in other coordinate systems) that is seen in our work integral, but the math, at least so far, would work.

I guess my question is more of the interpretation of the differential vector that appears in the work integral. Is this vector truly our infinitesimal displacement vector that points in the direction of the displacement of the object, or is it a vector that is constrained to point in the "positive" direction of our chosen coordinate system? If it's the first, which is what I thought initially, then why aren't things working out?
  • #4
Lost1ne said:
Okay. In that case, here's the other part of my post that I deleted:

If our infinitesimal vector is defined to point in the positive direction of our coordinate system, then the negative sign would appear as the cos(pi radians) = -1. (That is, if a "dr" was defined to be outwards, away from our "destination charge" and anti-parallel to our "actual displacement. This would be similar to claiming that a vector (dx, dy) always points towards the first quadrant in the XY plane.) This seems a bit weird and introduces a notion of "actual displacement" (of our object of interest) versus the vector (dx, dy, dz) (or whatever it's equivalent is in other coordinate systems) that is seen in our work integral, but the math, at least so far, would work.

I guess my question is more of the interpretation of the differential vector that appears in the work integral. Is this vector truly our infinitesimal displacement vector that points in the direction of the displacement of the object, or is it a vector that is constrained to point in the "positive" direction of our chosen coordinate system? If it's the first, which is what I thought initially, then why aren't things working out?
No ##d\vec{r}## is the vector of displacement, it doesn't always point outwards. From where did you get the impression that it always points outwards or towards the positive direction of the coordinate system?
  • #5
Delta2 said:
No ##d\vec{r}## is the vector of displacement, it doesn't always point outwards. From where did you get the impression that it always points outwards or towards the positive direction of the coordinate system?

Yeah, it seemed like a very weird interpretation and felt like me forcing myself to change my understanding of things just for the math to make sense. That's what caused me to delete it.

So if my initial understanding about that differential displacement vector is correct, then perhaps I'm just interpreting the problem wrong? It seems to me like the displacement of our charge that we are applying the force to and that applied force vector are in the same direction. If that's the case, as cos(0) = +1, I'm having trouble seeing where the negative sign would appear in the left part of our equation, following the dot product definition of | \vec F | * | d \vec r | * cos(Θ).

I think I'm misinterpreting something about the line integral in general (not just as it pertains to this specific problem) as even in the case of a horizontal spring mass system, extending the mass rightwards with the "zero" x-position defined at zero stretch (and the positive direction pointing rightwards), the work done by the spring force on the block as the block moves from x = +1 meter to x = 0 meters would follow \int_1^0 -kx \, dx , providing the correct answer but still having a negative sign that shouldn't appear if the "magnitude definition" of the dot product is followed, as the spring force and mass displacement are in the same direction.
  • #7
Delta2 said:
The ##\theta## angle between ##\vec{F}## and ##d\vec{r}## is actually ##\pi## not 0 and ##\cos\pi=-1##. ##\vec{F}## points inwards and ##d\vec{r}## points outwards.
I disagree. ##d\vec r## points in the same direction as ##\vec F## because the charge is being pushed toward the other charge. The minus sign appears because ##|d\vec r| = -dr##.
  • #8
vela said:
I disagree. ##d\vec r## points in the same direction as ##\vec F## because the charge is being pushed toward the other charge. The minus sign appears because ##|d\vec r| = -dr##.
Well probably you are right, now I noticed that the charge is being pushed from the infinite (from ##r=\infty## to ##r=r_{12}##) , so ##d\vec{r}## points inwards and ##dr## can be taken as negative so ##|d\vec{r}|=-dr##
  • #9
Delta2 said:
Well probably you are right, now I noticed that the charge is being pushed from the infinite (from ##r=\infty## to ##r=r_{12}##) , so ##d\vec{r}## points inwards and ##dr## can be taken as negative so ##|d\vec{r}|=-dr##
Yep. I’ve come to this conclusion as well, and things are making sense. Thank you.
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FAQ: Line Integral, Dot Product Confusion

1. What is a line integral?

A line integral is a mathematical concept used to calculate the total value of a function along a given curve or path. It involves breaking down the curve into small segments and calculating the value of the function at each point, then adding up all the values to get the total integral.

2. What is the difference between a line integral and a regular integral?

A regular integral calculates the area under a curve, while a line integral calculates the value of a function along a curve. Line integrals are also defined in terms of a specific path, while regular integrals are not.

3. What is a dot product?

A dot product is a mathematical operation that takes two vectors and calculates the scalar value of their projection onto each other. It is used to calculate the angle between two vectors and to determine if they are perpendicular or parallel.

4. How is the dot product related to line integrals?

The dot product is used in the calculation of line integrals when the function being integrated is a vector field. It helps to determine the direction and magnitude of the vector at each point along the curve, which is essential in calculating the line integral.

5. What are some real-world applications of line integrals and dot products?

Line integrals and dot products have many practical applications, such as in physics for calculating work done by a force along a curved path, in engineering for determining the flux of a vector field over a surface, and in computer graphics for rendering three-dimensional images.

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