Live Quiz Today - Join Now for Fun General Knowledge Quiz!

  • Thread starter Hootenanny
  • Start date
In summary, the quiz will start at 5:00pm BST (11:00am CST) and should last no longer than an hour. Members in the chat room are asked to not carry any conversation other than answering the question, or seeking clarification during each round. There will be a break between each round where members may seek clarification on any answer that was given during the previous round. However, points will not be reallocated. There will be a time limit of approximately 1 minute after the question is asked. If no correct answer is given, the answer will be revealed and the next question will be asked. If a member gives multiple answers to a question, only the first answer will be taken into account. Members should use white
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Today (26/07/09), I will be holding a general knowledge quiz during chat.

The quiz will start at 5:00pm BST (11:00am CST) and should last no longer than an hour. The quiz will take place in the dedicated quiz chat room. All interested members are invited to join and/or participate in the contest. Simply by joining the room, you are eligible to participate in the quiz. You may join and leave at any time.


1. The quiz is purely for fun, anyone taking it too seriously will be banned :-p

2. The FIRST member to answer the question correctly as determined by what is displayed on the chat screen will receive 1 point. The quiz moderator will acknowledge the answer by saying "{PFmember} correct", where PFmember is the member's PF username.

3. The moderator's decision and point allocation is final.

4. Members in the chat room are asked to not carry any conversation other than answering the question, or seeking clarification during each round. There will be a break between each round where members may seek clarification on any answer that was given during the previous round. However, points will not be reallocated.

5. There will be a time limit of approximately 1 minute after the question is asked. If no correct answer is given, the answer will be revealed and the next question will be asked.

6. If a member gives multiple answers to a question, only the first answer will be taken into account.

7. Members should use white font only, with no decorations (such as bold, italics or underlining).


There will be three rounds, each with a different theme.

Round One: General Knowledge - pretty self explanatory.

Round Two: Whose line - each question will consist of a line from a film/book/TV show, one point will be awarded to the first user who correctly gives both the name of the person who said it (i.e. the character) and the name of the film/book/TV show. Partial points will not be awarded.

Round Three: Music Round - A round dedicated to everything about music

Bonus Round: At the end of the quiz there will be a bonus round. The "questions" will be posted in this thread after the final round and entries to be submitted via PM to me. The first PM I receive with all the correct answers will be declared the winner!
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Physics news on
  • #2

Sounds good fun Hoot.
  • #3

Can we use smilies in our responses :!) or is that against the rules :frown:

:confused: :confused: :confused:

  • #4

I'm almost hoping for bad weather, so I have an excuse to slack off and hang in chat.

Probably no need to hope. We have had three months of very cold wet weather, and that does not seem poised to break any time soon.
  • #5

*loads google and wikipedia*
  • #6

Redbelly98 said:
Can we use smilies in our responses :!) or is that against the rules :frown:

:confused: :confused: :confused:

If Borek is answering in Polish, I don't see how I can refuse :biggrin:
  • #7

This is going to be fun. :biggrin:

I will post a transcript of the quizes here after completion.
  • #8

Can the "Who's line" section be renamed to "Whose line", please?
  • #9

Jonathan Scott said:
Can the "Who's line" section be renamed to "Whose line", please?

And is --> are please?
3. The moderator's decision and point allocation is final.

See, we're already getting warmed up! :-p
  • #10

Jonathan Scott said:
Can the "Who's line" section be renamed to "Whose line", please?
As you can see, grammar has never been my strong point.

Just posting a reminder about tomorrow's quiz. Round three has now been designated as a Music round and I've added a bonus round at the end of the quiz.

See you all tomorrow!
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  • #11
Bonus Round: PF Avatars
Below is shown five avatars of PF members. The objective is to identify the five members which these avatars belong to. The first person to send me a PM with all the correct names will be declared the winner. If no-one gets all five usernames, then the person with the highest number of correct names will win. The winner will be announced tomorrow.

Please send all entries via PM to me so as not to give away some of the answers.

Good luck!

Number One:

Number Two:

Number Three:

Number Four:

Number Five:
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  • #12
Live quiz Results


The results of today's quiz are as follows:

1st: cristo, sylas & turbo-1 (6 points)

2nd: Jonathan Scott (4 points)

3rd: Kurdt (3 points)

4th: humanino & Math Is Hard (1 point)

Bonus Round: cristo

Congratulations to today's winners and thanks to everyone for taking part. A special thanks goes to Evo for helping out and running the transcript.

See you all next week for another quiz!
  • #13
Here is the transcript from today's quiz. Thank you hoot, it was a blast! I will come back and clean this up, but wanted to get it out.

[Hootenanny] 11:06 am: Then if you're all sitting comfortably, I shall

****[Hootenanny] 11:07 am: ROUND ONE: General Knowledge
****[Hootenanny] 11:07 am: Name the only fruit that has its seeds on

the outside
*****[Evo] 11:07 am: strawberry
[cristo] 11:07 am: strawberry
*****[turbo-1] 11:07 am: strawbeerries
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:07 am: Strawberry?
****[Hootenanny] 11:07 am: Evo correct
*****[Evo] 11:07 am: but I'm not playing
*****[Evo] 11:07 am: give it to cristo
****[Hootenanny] 11:07 am: Naughty Evo
[cristo] 11:07 am: lol
*****[Evo] 11:08 am: ?me bans self
****[Hootenanny] 11:08 am: Very well, cristo gets the point
[cristo] 11:08 am: thank
[cristo] 11:08 am: s
Hootenanny] 11:08 am: Question two
****[Hootenanny] 11:08 am: Which BAFTA nominated English actor died

whilst filming
[cristo] 11:08 am: oliver reid
****[Hootenanny] 11:08 am: cristo correct
*[Hootenanny] 11:09 am: Question Three
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:09 am: Oliver Reed
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:09 am: Sorry
****[Hootenanny] 11:09 am: Don't worry about JS
****[Hootenanny] 11:09 am: Question Three
****[Hootenanny] 11:09 am: In a traditional Christian wedding, what

does the Bride walk
down in the middle of the church?
[cristo] 11:09 am: aisle
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:09 am: L
*****[turbo-1] 11:09 am: aisle
cristo] 11:10 am: have i died?
****[Hootenanny] 11:11 am: Times up
[cristo] 11:11 am: what was the right answer?
****[Hootenanny] 11:11 am: The correct answer was the "Central

Passageway". The aisle
are down the outside of the pews
[General Chat]: Kurdt has entered at 11:11 am
*****[Evo] 11:11 am: oooh
[cristo] 11:11 am: lol
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:11 am: !
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Kurdt has entered at 11:11 am
*****[Evo] 11:11 am: <smacks the back of Kurdt's head>
[Kurdt] 11:12 am: I didn't know I had to be here
****[Hootenanny] 11:12 am: Thanks for popping in Kurdt
******[Kurdt] 11:12 am: Have we started?
*****[Evo] 11:12 am: last night you said you'd be here
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:12 am: Nice shade of white, Kurdt
****[Hootenanny] 11:12 am: Just now, we're three questions in
****[Hootenanny] 11:12 am: And you missed my trick question!
**[Kurdt] 11:12 am: ok
****[Hootenanny] 11:13 am: Question Four
****[Hootenanny] 11:13 am: According to Mary Poppins, what helps the

medicine go down?
******[sylas] 11:13 am: sugar
[cristo] 11:13 am: spoonful of sugar
******[Kurdt] 11:13 am: spoonful of sugar
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:13 am: a spoomful o f sugar
*****[turbo-1] 11:13 am: a little bit of sugar
****[Hootenanny] 11:13 am: sylas correct
[Kurdt] 11:13 am: aww nuts I could have said sugar
*****[Evo] 11:14 am: who's keeping score?
*[sylas] 11:14 am: christo's keeping most of it
****[Hootenanny] 11:14 am: I've got the scores Evo
****[Hootenanny] 11:14 am: lol sylas
[Hootenanny] 11:14 am: Question Five
****[Hootenanny] 11:14 am: Who played Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter

and the
Philosopher's Stone?
[cristo] 11:15 am: richard harris
******[Kurdt] 11:15 am: Richard Hariis
****[Hootenanny] 11:15 am: cristo correct
[Hootenanny] 11:15 am: You're on fire today cristo!
[cristo] 11:15 am: haha, sure am!
******[Kurdt] 11:15 am: he types too fast
[cristo] 11:15 am: lol
[Hootenanny] 11:16 am: Question Six
****[Hootenanny] 11:16 am: A Lepus is more commonly known as what?
*****[turbo-1] 11:16 am: rabbit
******[sylas] 11:16 am: leopard
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:16 am: Hare
****[Hootenanny] 11:16 am: turbo-1 correct
****[Hootenanny] 11:17 am: Sorry!
****[Hootenanny] 11:17 am: Jonathon correct
******[sylas] 11:17 am: here puss puss puss
[turbo-1] 11:17 am: Fussy Brits
****[Hootenanny] 11:17 am: Sorry about that turbo
*****[Evo] 11:17 am: lol
[Jonathan Scott] 11:17 am: (Rabbit is cuniculus)
****[Hootenanny] 11:18 am: I was eager to give you the points turbo :P
[Hootenanny] 11:18 am: Question Seven
****[Hootenanny] 11:18 am: Stan Laurel, one half of Laurel & Hardy, was

born in which
*****[turbo-1] 11:18 am: Englsd
******[Kurdt] 11:18 am: England
*****[Evo] 11:18 am: county?
*****[turbo-1] 11:18 am: England
[cristo] 11:19 am: France?
******[Kurdt] 11:19 am: northumbria
****[Hootenanny] 11:19 am: Yes, county NOT country ****
******[Kurdt] 11:19 am: or was it Durham
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:19 am: Lancs
******[sylas] 11:19 am: lancashire
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:19 am: (Googled!)
****[Hootenanny] 11:19 am: Jonathan correct
******[Kurdt] 11:19 am: or neither
*****[Evo] 11:19 am: good one Hoot
[cristo] 11:19 am: lol
*[Hootenanny] 11:20 am: Hehe
****[Hootenanny] 11:20 am: Question Eight
****[Hootenanny] 11:20 am: What does the African word "Ubuntu" mean?
[cristo] 11:20 am: humanity
*****[turbo-1] 11:21 am: philosophy
******[Kurdt] 11:21 am: solidarity
****[Hootenanny] 11:21 am: cristo correct
[Hootenanny] 11:21 am: Technically it means "humanity to others", but

it's close
enough for me
[cristo] 11:21 am: thanks!
[sylas] 11:21 am: i googled "community" too late
****[Hootenanny] 11:22 am: Question Nine
****[Hootenanny] 11:22 am: Alan Ada starred alongside Jimmy Smits in

which hit American
TV Drama?
******[sylas] 11:22 am: mash
******[Kurdt] 11:22 am: west wing
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:22 am: Alan ALDA?
[cristo] 11:22 am: L.A. Law
****[Hootenanny] 11:23 am: Kurdt correct
******[sylas] 11:23 am: wild guess fail
****[Hootenanny] 11:23 am: apologies for the typo
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:23 am: Ah.
****[Hootenanny] 11:23 am: Indeed, I meant Alan Alda
[turbo-1] 11:24 am: Darn
****[Hootenanny] 11:24 am: And finally Question Ten
****[Hootenanny] 11:24 am: In what year did World War II end?
******[sylas] 11:24 am: 1946
******[Kurdt] 11:24 am: 1989
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:24 am: 1945
[cristo] 11:24 am: 1948
*****[turbo-1] 11:24 am: 1947 Japan
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:24 am: (or not yet)
****[Hootenanny] 11:25 am: Kurdt was closest. It was actually 1990
******[Kurdt] 11:25 am: ahh yes
****[Hootenanny] 11:25 am: when Germany was reunited and regained

******[Kurdt] 11:25 am: do I get points?
[cristo] 11:25 am: stupid germans
****[Hootenanny] 11:25 am: No points
******[Kurdt] 11:25 am: argh
****[Hootenanny] 11:25 am: Just because you were late
****[Hootenanny] 11:26 am: That's the end of round one
[cristo] 11:26 am: haha
[cristo] 11:26 am: do i get my prize now?
[Hootenanny] 11:26 am: lol
****[Hootenanny] 11:26 am: Any clarifications on the answers?
*****[turbo-1] 11:26 am: Either I have really bad problems in my

connection or cristo has the
answers before I see the question
*[turbo-1] 11:26 am: Gah!
[cristo] 11:27 am: i can type faster than the speed of light ****
****[Hootenanny] 11:27 am: lol
*****[Evo] 11:27 am: Excellent Hoot!
[cristo] 11:27 am: esriously though, shame your connection is letting

you down!
*****[Evo] 11:27 am: that was fun!
****[Hootenanny] 11:27 am: And the current positions are:
[1st] cristo - 4 points
[2nd] Jonathan Scott - 2 points
[3rd] Kurdt & sylas - 1 point

*[Kurdt] 11:28 am: aww you weren't kidding about the points either
****[Hootenanny] 11:28 am: Thanks Evo
*****[turbo-1] 11:28 am: It's OK, cristo. At least I'm not getting

booted every few minutes anymore
Kurdt strikes Hoot off christmas card list
[cristo] 11:28 am: that's true
Hootenanny begins to weep
*****[turbo-1] 11:28 am: Fun playing anyway
[cristo] 11:29 am: so.. is it time for music now?
Evo hands tissue to Hoot
******[Kurdt] 11:29 am: fun so far Hoot
Hootenanny never gets any christmas cards
**[Jonathan Scott] 11:29 am: It's Hoose Line next, isn't it?
turbo-1 never sends cards
*****[turbo-1] 11:29 am: Hoose?
****[Hootenanny] 11:29 am: Lol, yes it is JS
Kurdt runs to get a drink
cristo] 11:29 am: youll need it, loser!
*****[Evo] 11:30 am: ahaha
turbo-1 runs outside to grease up the DSL line
[Hootenanny] 11:31 am: Whilst we're waiting for Kurdt, this is how the

round works
******[Kurdt] 11:31 am: I'm back no more waiting for me
****[Hootenanny] 11:31 am: In this round each question will consist of

a line from a
film/book/TV show, one point will be awarded to the first user who

correctly gives both
the name of the person who said it (i.e. the character) and the name of

the film/book/TV
show. Partial points will not be awarded.
[cristo] 11:31 am: wow.. I am going to be terril
****[Hootenanny] 11:31 am: In other words, you need BOTH the

character's name AND the
title to get the point
[cristo] 11:31 am: ble at this!
****[Hootenanny] 11:32 am: Just surnames are fine
****[Hootenanny] 11:32 am: Right, here we go!
****[Hootenanny] 11:32 am: ROUND TWO: Whose line
[General Chat]: humanino has entered at 11:32 am
*[Hootenanny] 11:32 am: Question One
****[Hootenanny] 11:33 am: "Would you like me to do it now? Or would

you like a few
moments to compose an epitaph?"
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: humanino has entered at 11:33 am
*****[Evo] 11:33 am: repost for humanino
****[Hootenanny] 11:33 am: "Would you like me to do it now? Or would

you like a few
moments to compose an epitaph?"
[cristo] 11:33 am: dumbledore hp and the deathly hallows
[cristo] 11:34 am: ****.. snape, above movie
******[sylas] 11:34 am: snape, deathly hallows
****[Hootenanny] 11:34 am: sylas correct
******[Kurdt] 11:34 am: harry potter and the deathly hallows: servius

******[humanino] 11:34 am: Thank you Evo
******[Kurdt] 11:34 am: aww nads
[sylas] 11:34 am: lol
****[Hootenanny] 11:34 am: I'm afraid I can only accept you're first

answer cristo
[cristo] 11:34 am: i know
******[sylas] 11:35 am: thanks christo
****[Hootenanny] 11:35 am: Welcome humanino
[cristo] 11:35 am: never mind!
******[sylas] 11:35 am: ****
****[Hootenanny] 11:35 am: You know how this round works?
******[humanino] 11:35 am: I'm afraid I'm not going to be very good at

******[humanino] 11:35 am: but I'm guessing
******[humanino] 11:35 am: ****
[Hootenanny] 11:35 am: Good luck!
****[Hootenanny] 11:35 am: Question Two
****[Hootenanny] 11:35 am: "Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women."
*[turbo-1] 11:36 am: Quint Jaws
[cristo] 11:36 am: jaws quint
******[sylas] 11:36 am: quint , jaws
****[Hootenanny] 11:36 am: turbo-1 correct
*****[turbo-1] 11:36 am: Yay!
[Hootenanny] 11:37 am: Question Three
****[Hootenanny] 11:37 am: "We're in hell right now gentlemen. Believe

me. And we can stay
here, get the #$%^&* kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back

into the light. We
can climb outta hell... one inch at a time."
[sylas] 11:37 am: d'mato any given sunday
******[Kurdt] 11:37 am: D'amato, any given sunday
****[Hootenanny] 11:37 am: sylas correct
[cristo] 11:37 am: any given sunday. d'amato
*****[turbo-1] 11:38 am: D'amato Any Given Sunday
******[humanino] 11:38 am: you're fast
[cristo] 11:38 am: damn... i forgot his name ****
*[Kurdt] 11:38 am: no he spelled it wrong
*[Hootenanny] 11:38 am: Lol Kurdt
****[Hootenanny] 11:38 am: I'm in no position to by judging on spelling
******[sylas] 11:38 am: argh
Kurdt isn't competitive at all ****
****[Hootenanny] 11:38 am: As long as i can understand it, its fine
*****[Evo] 11:39 am: lol
******[sylas] 11:39 am: d'm ags
*[Hootenanny] 11:39 am: Question Four
****[Hootenanny] 11:39 am: "If you really want to hear about it, the

first thing you'll probably
want to know is where I was born and what my lousy childhood was like,

and how my
parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David

Copperfield kind of
crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the

*[turbo-1] 11:40 am: Caulfield Catcher in tdhe Rye
******[Kurdt] 11:40 am: the catcher in the rye, cauldfield
******[Kurdt] 11:40 am: #$%^&*
******[Kurdt] 11:40 am: argh
****[Hootenanny] 11:40 am: turbo-1 correct
******[Kurdt] 11:41 am: nooooooooooooo
[Hootenanny] 11:41 am: So close each time kurdt!
*****[turbo-1] 11:41 am: Good ol' DSL grease
******[humanino] 11:41 am: thanks google
*[Jonathan Scott] 11:41 am: Couldn't remember Caulfield's name, just

the author's name!
****[Hootenanny] 11:41 am: Question Five
****[Hootenanny] 11:42 am: (This is an easy one)
****[Hootenanny] 11:42 am: "This list... is an absolute good. The list

is life. All around its
margins lies the gulf."
[cristo] 11:42 am: schindlers list, schindler
*****[turbo-1] 11:42 am: Schindler Schindlerrs list
*****[turbo-1] 11:42 am: rats
******[sylas] 11:42 am: stern, schindlers list
[humanino] 11:43 am: must have been easy, it's the first one I did have
****[Hootenanny] 11:43 am: sylas correct
******[humanino] 11:43 am: no, I did not have it
******[humanino] 11:43 am: lol
[cristo] 11:43 am: lame
*[Hootenanny] 11:43 am: Question Six
****[Hootenanny] 11:43 am: "On a similar note I must confess to you,

I'm giving very serious
thought... to eating your wife."
[cristo] 11:44 am: hannibal lector
*****[turbo-1] 11:44 am: Hannibal in Hannible the fillm
******[sylas] 11:44 am: hanibal, silence lambs
****[Hootenanny] 11:44 am: cristo correct
****[Hootenanny] 11:45 am: Question Seven
[Hootenanny] 11:45 am: "The mind is its own place, and in itself can

make a heaven of
hell, a hell of heaven."
[turbo-1] 11:45 am: jSatan Paradise lost
******[Kurdt] 11:45 am: satan paradise lost
****[Hootenanny] 11:46 am: turbo-1 correct
*****[Evo] 11:46 am: poor kurdt
*[humanino] 11:46 am: Kurdt, your proxy is on the other side of the

ocean ?
******[Kurdt] 11:46 am: its a millisecond away from turbo's
****[Hootenanny] 11:46 am: lol!
****[Hootenanny] 11:46 am: Question Eight
[Hootenanny] 11:47 am: (I will accept the character's first name for

this next one)
****[Hootenanny] 11:47 am: "I don't know half of you half as well as I

should like; and I like
less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
******[sylas] 11:47 am: biblo lotr
Hootenanny] 11:48 am: sylas correct
[cristo] 11:48 am: fellowship of the ring, bilbo
******[Kurdt] 11:48 am: bilbo felowship of the rings
******[sylas] 11:48 am: ... you know what i mean...
cristo] 11:48 am: booo
****[Hootenanny] 11:48 am: Bilbo Baggins in The Lord of The Rings is

******[sylas] 11:48 am: that's the first one i didn't need google
[General Chat]: Math Is Hard has entered at 11:48 am
[cristo] 11:48 am: lord of the rings isn't a film
****[Hootenanny] 11:48 am: Many people think that LOTR is three books

when it is infact one
[cristo] 11:49 am: but there are three films
*****[Evo] 11:49 am: MIH in da house
[turbo-1] 11:49 am: My paperback edition was three books
****[Hootenanny] 11:49 am: I would have accepted either, but as sylas

got there first
*[humanino] 11:49 am: Catcher in the Rye is not a film either
[cristo] 11:50 am: coz he didnt have to type as much!
****[Hootenanny] 11:50 am: As was mine turbo-1, but Tolkein actually

wrote them as three
volumes of the same book
****[Hootenanny] 11:50 am: Anway, we're digressing
******[sylas] 11:50 am: i have a beautiful issue in one volumne, rice

[Hootenanny] 11:50 am: Question Nine
****[Hootenanny] 11:51 am: "Locksley! I'll cut your heart out with a

[turbo-1] 11:51 am: Sherrif Robin hood
******[Kurdt] 11:51 am: prince of thieves sherrif of nottingham
[sylas] 11:51 am: rickman, robin hood pot
****[Hootenanny] 11:51 am: Kurdt correct
[General Chat]: ~christina~ has entered at 11:51 am
*****[Evo] 11:52 am: WOOT
[cristo] 11:52 am: surely turbo should get that, though?
******[sylas] 11:52 am: ******
******[Kurdt] 11:52 am: indeed
****[Hootenanny] 11:52 am: Kurdt get's the point because there are

several films called
Robin Hood
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: ~christina~ has entered at 11:52 am
*****[Evo] 11:52 am: hey christina
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:52 am: Beware of wild apostrophe's
******[Kurdt] 11:52 am: hey Tina
*******[~christina~] 11:52 am: hey Evo
****[Hootenanny] 11:52 am: But the line was only in prince of theives
*******[~christina~] 11:52 am: hi Kurdt
******[humanino] 11:52 am: are there two ~christina~ now ?
[~christina~] 11:53 am: what?!
******[humanino] 11:53 am: nevermind, I did not notice "enter general

chat" and "join trivia"
*******[~christina~] 11:53 am: shhh no chatting, hi humanino
****[Hootenanny] 11:53 am: Would you be kind enough to change your text

colour to white
please christina?
~christina~] 11:53 am: corrected
****[Hootenanny] 11:54 am: Thank you very much
****[Hootenanny] 11:54 am: And finally Question Ten
*[Hootenanny] 11:54 am: "I could dance with you till the cows come

home...On second
thoughts, I'd rather dance with the cows when you came home."
*[sylas] 11:54 am: groucho marx night at the opera
*****[turbo-1] 11:55 am: Groucho Duck Soup
******[Kurdt] 11:55 am: groucho marx duck soup
****[Hootenanny] 11:55 am: turbo-1 correct
******[sylas] 11:55 am: argh
******[Kurdt] 11:55 am: noooo
*[turbo-1] 11:55 am: Yay!
****[Hootenanny] 11:55 am: That concludes round two
******[sylas] 11:55 am: knew the character,wild guess at film
*[sylas] 11:55 am: knew the character,wild guess at film
******[humanino] 11:55 am: Question Eleven :
"they closed my thread again !"
Cyrus, the movie of my life
*****[Evo] 11:56 am: lol
*[Hootenanny] 11:57 am: The current leaders are
****[Hootenanny] 11:57 am: [1st] cristo & sylas - 5 points
[2nd] turbo-1 - 4 points
[3rd] Jonathan Scott & Kurdt - 2 points

[General Chat]: mgb_phys has entered at 11:58 am
*****[Evo] 11:58 am: shall we take a minute break?
*[Kurdt] 11:58 am: depends how tiny it is
*****[turbo-1] 11:58 am: A break would be good. Need water
*****[Evo] 11:59 am: yeah, i need water
******[Kurdt] 11:59 am: see what I did there
****[Hootenanny] 11:59 am: I think a break would be an excellent idea
*****[turbo-1] 11:59 am: I have the wood stove and the AC fighting it

out to reduce RH
******[Kurdt] 11:59 am: minute - tiny
****[Hootenanny] 11:59 am: Five minutes people
****[Hootenanny] 11:59 am: LOL Kurdt
****[Hootenanny] 11:59 am: only just got that
*****[Evo] 11:59 am: thanks Hoot
*[Hootenanny] 12:05 pm: Are we all back?
*****[turbo-1] 12:05 pm: here
******[Jonathan Scott] 12:05 pm: I'm back
******[sylas] 12:05 pm: here
******[Kurdt] 12:05 pm: yes
*****[turbo-1] 12:06 pm: I answered first. One point for me
****[Hootenanny] 12:06 pm: God, I feel like a school teacher
Hootenanny] 12:06 pm: LOL turbo
*****[Evo] 12:06 pm: here
[Kurdt] 12:07 pm: turbo ate my crayons sir
******[humanino] 12:07 pm: if you are waiting for me, I'm here too !

Anyway, I do not score
******[Jonathan Scott] 12:07 pm: Quick, let's start again before cristo

gets back
*****[Evo] 12:07 pm: lol Kurdt
*****[turbo-1] 12:07 pm: did not! (urp!)
[cristo] 12:07 pm: I am here
[Hootenanny] 12:07 pm: Too late!
****[Hootenanny] 12:07 pm: ****
*****[Evo] 12:07 pm: pojts off on us tardy ones
[Hootenanny] 12:08 pm: Right here we go again. Final round
  • #14
[Hootenanny] 12:08 pm: ROUND THREE: Music
[Hootenanny] 12:08 pm: Question One
[Hootenanny] 12:08 pm: A tom-tom is a type of what?
[Kurdt] 12:08 pm: drum
[turbo-1] 12:08 pm: drum3
[cristo] 12:08 pm: drum
[Jonathan Scott] 12:08 pm: Drum
[sylas] 12:08 pm: drum
[Hootenanny] 12:09 pm: Kurdt correct
[humanino] 12:09 pm: keyboard
[Kurdt] 12:09 pm: sat nav
[Jonathan Scott] 12:09 pm: Satnav
[turbo-1] 12:09 pm: GPS device
[Hootenanny] 12:09 pm: lol
[Hootenanny] 12:09 pm: Question Two
[Kurdt] 12:09 pm: yey I'm getting quicker
[Hootenanny] 12:09 pm: Mozart's Twelve Variations on "Ah vous dirai-je,

Maman" is
better known as what?
[humanino] 12:10 pm: sonate
[cristo] 12:10 pm: twinkle twinkle lil star
[Hootenanny] 12:10 pm: cristo correct
[humanino] 12:10 pm: that's not fair
[cristo] 12:10 pm: why?
[Evo] 12:11 pm: cause you're winning
[General Chat]: Math Is Hard has entered at 12:11 pm
[humanino] 12:11 pm: that's not a sonate
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Math Is Hard has entered at 12:11 pm
[turbo-1] 12:11 pm: hey MIH! Music quiz
[Hootenanny] 12:11 pm: Indeed, that put's cristo in the lead and

Kurdt goes joint second
[Evo] 12:11 pm: MIH!
[Math Is Hard] 12:11 pm: hi. thx
[humanino] 12:11 pm: better known in the US
[Hootenanny] 12:11 pm: Hi MIH
[Hootenanny] 12:11 pm: Or in the UK humanino
[Math Is Hard] 12:12 pm: howdy hoot
[humanino] 12:12 pm: cristo's winning, I'm whining
[~christina~] 12:12 pm: hi MIH
[cristo] 12:12 pm: lol
[humanino] 12:12 pm: this is school right
[Jonathan Scott] 12:12 pm: MIH, nice shade of white?
[Math Is Hard] 12:12 pm: hi christina
[Math Is Hard] 12:12 pm: white, js?
[Jonathan Scott] 12:12 pm: quiz rules
Hootenanny wouldn't dare ban MIH
[Evo] 12:13 pm: players have to be white
[Math Is Hard] 12:13 pm: sorry, i am a n00b
[Math Is Hard] 12:13 pm: racists!
[Hootenanny] 12:13 pm: If we're ready to move on
[Evo] 12:14 pm: quiz racism
[~christina~] 12:14 pm: why do I have to be bleached as well if

I'm not playing?
[Evo] 12:14 pm: cause hot said so
[Hootenanny] 12:14 pm: Question Three
[Hootenanny] 12:14 pm: Who originally shot the sheriff, but did not

shoot the deputy?
[Jonathan Scott] 12:14 pm: I
[cristo] 12:14 pm: jr
[turbo-1] 12:14 pm: marley
[Kurdt] 12:15 pm: I shot the sheriff
[turbo-1] 12:15 pm: (bob)
[Hootenanny] 12:15 pm: turbo-1 correct
[sylas] 12:15 pm: I
[~christina~] 12:15 pm:
[Hootenanny] 12:15 pm: Question Four
[Hootenanny] 12:15 pm: "Nerd's gun room" is an anagram of which

popular musician?
[humanino] 12:16 pm: gordon sumner
[cristo] 12:16 pm: gordon sumner
[cristo] 12:16 pm: (who is he?)
[Hootenanny] 12:16 pm: humanio correct
[Math Is Hard] 12:16 pm: sting
[Jonathan Scott] 12:16 pm: Who he?
[Hootenanny] 12:16 pm: Sting
[cristo] 12:16 pm: ahh,, of course
[Kurdt] 12:17 pm: sheesh
[humanino] 12:17 pm: I googled it too
cristo] 12:17 pm: haha
[Hootenanny] 12:17 pm: lol
[Hootenanny] 12:17 pm: Question Five
[Hootenanny] 12:17 pm: William Walden received an Emmey Award for

which TV show's theme tune?
[Math Is Hard] 12:18 pm: My Three Sons?
[Math Is Hard] 12:18 pm: (random guess)
[Jonathan Scott] 12:18 pm: Never heard of him
[sylas] 12:18 pm: the wonder years
[turbo-1] 12:18 pm: West wing
[Hootenanny] 12:18 pm: turbo-1 correct
[Kurdt] 12:18 pm: nuts
[Hootenanny] 12:18 pm: via the power of Google I suspect
[turbo-1] 12:18 pm: yup
[Math Is Hard] 12:19 pm: is googling allowed?
[Evo] 12:19 pm: yes
[humanino] 12:19 pm: is W|A allowed ?
[cristo] 12:19 pm: can't really stop it!
[turbo-1] 12:19 pm: No it's banned. We don't do it
[Hootenanny] 12:19 pm: We have no way of stoppping it
[Hootenanny] 12:19 pm: Question Six
[Evo] 12:19 pm: you could limit the response time to 10 seconds
[Hootenanny] 12:20 pm: After the conductor, who is considered the

leader of an
[sylas] 12:20 pm: first violin
[humanino] 12:20 pm: the soloist ?
[turbo-1] 12:20 pm: first violin
[Jonathan Scott] 12:20 pm: Principal first violin
[Hootenanny] 12:20 pm: sylas correct
[sylas] 12:20 pm: woo hoo
[sylas] 12:20 pm: no google required
[Jonathan Scott] 12:20 pm: (There are LOTS of first violins)
[Jonathan Scott] 12:20 pm: (And I'm one of them)
[Hootenanny] 12:20 pm: JS: I know technically its the principle first,

but it was close
[sylas] 12:20 pm: um... rue
[Jonathan Scott] 12:21 pm: Also known as "concertmaster" is some

[sylas] 12:21 pm: um true
[Hootenanny] 12:21 pm: (I also play occassionally)
[Evo] 12:21 pm: I didn't know that
[humanino] 12:21 pm: if there is a soloist however, de facto...
[Hootenanny] 12:21 pm: Question Seven
[Jonathan Scott] 12:21 pm: In the UK, the word "leader" means the

principal first violin
[Hootenanny] 12:22 pm: Name the person who currently holds the record

for the most
Oscar nominations for a living person.
[Kurdt] 12:22 pm: walt disney
[Kurdt] 12:22 pm: who is dead
[Evo] 12:22 pm: he's dead
[Kurdt] 12:22 pm: doh
[turbo-1] 12:22 pm: De niro
[cristo] 12:22 pm: peter o tolle
[sylas] 12:22 pm: glenn close
[Math Is Hard] 12:22 pm: meryl streep
[Jonathan Scott] 12:22 pm: Meryl Streep?
[Hootenanny] 12:22 pm: HINT: Music round
[Kurdt] 12:23 pm: john williams
[Jonathan Scott] 12:23 pm: JOhn Williams?
[Math Is Hard] 12:23 pm: maurice jarre
[Math Is Hard] 12:23 pm: oops - deas
[Math Is Hard] 12:23 pm: dead
[Hootenanny] 12:23 pm: Times up
[Hootenanny] 12:23 pm: Indeed it was John Williams, but I have to take

your first
[humanino] 12:23 pm: so nobody wins ?
[Evo] 12:23 pm: who is john Williams?
[Jonathan Scott] 12:24 pm: Curses. Was going to say that before

I saw list of actors.
[Kurdt] 12:24 pm: film composer
[Jonathan Scott] 12:24 pm: Composer, e.g. Star Wars, Harry Potter
[Hootenanny] 12:24 pm: *I* win humanino
[Hootenanny] 12:24 pm: Jaws
[Hootenanny] 12:24 pm: ET
[Hootenanny] 12:24 pm: etc
[Jonathan Scott] 12:24 pm: One of my favourite composers
[humanino] 12:24 pm: I did not see etc
[Hootenanny] 12:24 pm: LMAO humanino
[Kurdt] 12:24 pm: its rubbish it just goes on and on without any point
[Math Is Hard] 12:25 pm: rats Kurdt beat me
[Hootenanny] 12:25 pm: LMAO Kurdt
[Hootenanny] 12:25 pm: Question Eight
[Hootenanny] 12:25 pm: In which section of the orchestra would you

expect to find a
[humanino] 12:25 pm: string
[Jonathan Scott] 12:25 pm: Percussion
[cristo] 12:25 pm: brass
[turbo-1] 12:25 pm: keybosard
[Kurdt] 12:25 pm: percussion
[sylas] 12:25 pm: keyboards
[Math Is Hard] 12:25 pm: percusssion
[Hootenanny] 12:25 pm: Jonathan Scott - correct
[Jonathan Scott] 12:26 pm: (I've played Celeste in concert, on an

electronic one)
[Jonathan Scott] 12:26 pm: Malcolm Arnold Symphony No 5
[Hootenanny] 12:26 pm: Question Nine
[humanino] 12:26 pm: too close to "cello" for me
[Hootenanny] 12:27 pm: Where would you find a Grand Staff?
[Jonathan Scott] 12:27 pm: In a score
[turbo-1] 12:27 pm: front of parade
[Math Is Hard] 12:27 pm: music stand
[Kurdt] 12:27 pm: sheet music
[Hootenanny] 12:27 pm: Jonathan Scott correct
[Hootenanny] 12:27 pm: I didn't expect anyone to have played in an

[cristo] 12:27 pm: hmm
[cristo] 12:28 pm: I am thinking id do better at disney!
[Jonathan Scott] 12:28 pm: More like twenty orchestras, actually.
[Hootenanny] 12:28 pm: Silly really
[Hootenanny] 12:28 pm: And finally Question Ten
[Hootenanny] 12:28 pm: In music, timbre is a measure of what?
[sylas] 12:28 pm: time
[cristo] 12:28 pm: time
[turbo-1] 12:28 pm: pitch
[Kurdt] 12:28 pm: pitch
[humanino] 12:28 pm: pitch
[Jonathan Scott] 12:28 pm: tone
[sylas] 12:28 pm: argh
[Kurdt] 12:28 pm: nuts
[Math Is Hard] 12:28 pm: quality of tone
[Hootenanny] 12:28 pm: MIH correct
[Math Is Hard] 12:29 pm: woo!
[Evo] 12:29 pm: Go MIH!
[turbo-1] 12:29 pm: WTG, MIH
[Math Is Hard] 12:29 pm: can't believe i knew one
[Jonathan Scott] 12:29 pm: Can't believe "tone" wasn't good

[Hootenanny] 12:29 pm: It's actually a pretty difficult concept to

define, but you said the
magic word - 'quality'
[Jonathan Scott] 12:30 pm: It's not really a "measure" more a

[Math Is Hard] 12:30 pm: i learned it in my "sensation and

perception" class
[turbo-1] 12:30 pm: more like a wave-form
[humanino] 12:30 pm: Is there a "vocabulary impaired section" in

the results of the quizz ? I
could qualify for it !
[turbo-1] 12:30 pm: Hard to define
[Hootenanny] 12:30 pm: Yes JS, but as you know two instruments can

produce the
same tone, but will have different timbre
[Math Is Hard] 12:30 pm: shape of the wave form matters
[Kurdt] 12:30 pm: brb
[Hootenanny] 12:30 pm: And that concludes the quiz!
[Kurdt] 12:30 pm: Fun quiz, Thanks hoot
[Hootenanny] 12:31 pm: Leaderboard coming up soon
[humanino] 12:31 pm: Thanks indeed !
[Jonathan Scott] 12:31 pm: I don't know what you mean by "tone"

then, Hoot, but I don't mind
[Evo] 12:31 pm: Thank you Hoot!
[Math Is Hard] 12:31 pm: thanks, hoot! good questions
[humanino] 12:31 pm: I learn a lot here
[Evo] 12:31 pm: That was great
[Jonathan Scott] 12:31 pm: That was fun; thanks Hoot.
[sylas] 12:31 pm: ta muchly
[cristo] 12:31 pm: thanks hoot
Hootenanny] 12:32 pm: No problem guys, twas a pleasure
[Hootenanny] 12:33 pm: Provisional Leaderboard:
[1st] cristo, sylas & turbo-1 - 6 points
[2nd] Jonathan Scott - 4 points
[3rd] Kurdt - 3 points
[turbo-1] 12:34 pm: Yay! Tied for 1st!
[Hootenanny] 12:34 pm: I'll post the full scores later this evening
[turbo-1] 12:34 pm: much better than I expected by the end of the

first round
[Evo] 12:34 pm: Congrats to the winners!
[turbo-1] 12:34 pm: cristo was kicking butt
[Hootenanny] 12:34 pm: Congratulations to cristo, sylas & turbo!
[Evo] 12:34 pm: I will post the entire transcript later today
[cristo] 12:35 pm: mine was the other way around.. i know general

stuff, but know nothing about
classical music, and not much about films!
[sylas] 12:35 pm: I'd like to thank my mum, google, and christo

for giving me one of the
[Jonathan Scott] 12:35 pm: I got none of the Hooze line at all.
[Kurdt] 12:35 pm: I'm a general person too
[Evo] 12:35 pm: lol sylas
[turbo-1] 12:35 pm: If Groucho wasn't a favorite I would be alone

in 2nd probably
[Jonathan Scott] 12:35 pm: (I recognized almost all of them, but

had no idea who said them in
[Hootenanny] 12:36 pm: Bonus round has now been posted:

[cristo] 12:36 pm: next music round, I want early 90's dance music
Hootenanny] 12:36 pm: Only if you wear the leg warmers cristo!
[turbo-1] 12:36 pm: yuck!
[Math Is Hard] 12:36 pm: i had those
[Math Is Hard] 12:36 pm: pink ones
[cristo] 12:36 pm: i will!
[sylas] 12:37 pm: bye... back to the other rooms.
~christina~ throws cristo a pair of leg warmers
[Hootenanny] 12:37 pm: If you all enjoyed it, I'd be happy to run

another next week?
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  • #15
Quiz next Sunday 11:00am CST (17:00 BST)

Following last week's quiz, there will be another quiz this coming Sunday (02/08/09) at the same time and at the same place.


There will be three rounds, each with a different theme. No bonus round this week.

Round One: General Knowledge - pretty self explanatory.

Round Two: Whose line - each question will consist of a line from a film/book/TV show/song, one point will be awarded to the first user who correctly gives both the name of the person who said it (i.e. the character or singer) and the name of the film/book/TV show/song. Partial points will not be awarded.

Round Three: Everything Physics Forums - A round dedicated to everything about Physics Forums

Notice that the Whose line round now includes lines from songs. Look forward to seeing you all there on Sunday :smile:
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  • #16

Sounds good, Hoot. I'm intrigued by the everything PF round!
  • #17

Hootenanny said:
Quiz next Sunday 11:00am CST (17:00 BST)

Following last week's quiz, there will be another quiz this coming Sunday (02/07/09) at the same time and at the same place.


There will be three rounds, each with a different theme. No bonus round this week.

Round One: General Knowledge - pretty self explanatory.

Round Two: Whose line - each question will consist of a line from a film/book/TV show/song, one point will be awarded to the first user who correctly gives both the name of the person who said it (i.e. the character or singer) and the name of the film/book/TV show/song. Partial points will not be awarded.

Round Three: Everything Physics Forums - A round dedicated to everything about Physics Forums

Notice that the Whose line round now includes lines from songs. Look forward to seeing you all there on Sunday :smile:

Do you mean 02/08/09, or is that a metric date :-p?
  • #18

cristo said:
Sounds good, Hoot. I'm intrigued by the everything PF round!
It's meant to be more of a fun run, or at least it will be when I've written the questions ...
lisab said:
Do you mean 02/08/09, or is that a metric date :-p?
Indeed, I did - duly corrected. One of these days I'm going to make a post without a mistake in it! :rolleyes:
  • #19

Just a quick reminder about tomorrow's quiz, which will take place at 11:00am CST (5:00pm BST) in the dedicated chat room.

There is a small change to the rules: The time limit will be reduced to 30 seconds in an effort to combat 'googling'.


1. The quiz is purely for fun, anyone taking it too seriously will be banned :-p

2. The FIRST member to answer the question correctly as determined by what is displayed on the chat screen will receive 1 point. The quiz moderator will acknowledge the answer by saying "{PFmember} correct", where PFmember is the member's PF username.

3. The moderator's decision and point allocation is final.

4. Members in the chat room are asked to not carry any conversation other than answering the question, or seeking clarification during each round. There will be a break between each round where members may seek clarification on any answer that was given during the previous round. However, points will not be reallocated.

5. There will be a time limit of approximately 30 seconds after the question is asked. If no correct answer is given, the answer will be revealed and the next question will be asked.

6. If a member gives multiple answers to a question, only the first answer will be taken into account.

7. Members should use white font only, with no decorations (such as bold, italics or underlining).


There will be three rounds, each with a different theme. No bonus round this week.

Round One: General Knowledge - pretty self explanatory.

Round Two: Whose line - each question will consist of a line from a film/book/TV show/song, one point will be awarded to the first user who correctly gives both the name of the person who said it (i.e. the character or singer) and the name of the film/book/TV show/song. Partial points will not be awarded.

Round Three: Everything Physics Forums - A round dedicated to everything about Physics Forums

If there is a tie for first place at the end of this weeks quiz, there will be tie-break question at the end of the quiz.
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  • #20

Hootenanny said:
Just a quick reminder about tomorrow's quiz, which will take place at 11:00am CST (5:00pm BST) in the dedicated chat room.

There is a small change to the rules: The time limit will be reduced to 30 seconds in an effort to combat 'googling'.

If you're going to increase the time pressure, it might be more fair to allow each person to submit multiple answers, as there's always a balance between the pressure to answer quickly and the knowledge that you only get one shot, and this works differently for different people, distorting the results. (Also, in the last quiz I accidentally caught the enter key when going for the backspace key and entered something that wasn't even a word).

Alternatively, you could run each question in two 30-second stages, where each person gets one shot in the first stage, then if no-one has got it you send a brief message after which people can try again repeatedly in the second stage (having had time to do further research in the mean time). Getting the answer in the first stage would count for more points.

Personally, I think that being able to find things rapidly via "googling" and similar is also a valuable skill, nearly as good as knowing them in the first place. I don't think people are likely to "google" the answer quickly enough to beat anyone who knows the answer already. Obviously, there are cases where the googling process is trivial in which case the speed is mainly a measure of cut and paste skills, but as some of us know from the "Landmarks" thread, it can involve a lot of ingenuity. For many questions, the quiz already tests typing speed, so testing googling speed doesn't seem very different to me.

(I don't yet know whether I'll be able to make it for this quiz anyway; if there are traffic problems on the way to Cornwall I'll still be on the road).
  • #21

Thanks for your input Jonathan, you make some valid points. I would like to keep the rule that only member's first answer will be taken into account as this prevents contestants simply submitting several possible answers in the hope that they get the correct one before anyone else. However, your idea of a 'two tiered' system is interesting, I don't know how well it would work in practise, but it's definitely worth looking into.
  • #22
Quiz starting at 11am CST

Chat now open:
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  • #23
Next week, the quiz will feature questions in General Kowledge, Music, Sciences, and Whose Line...
  • #24
Transcript of today's quiz. Thanks Hoot!

[Hootenanny] 11:09 am: ROUND ONE: General Knowledge
****[Hootenanny] 11:09 am: This round is about everything and anything! Good luck.
[Hootenanny] 11:09 am: QUESTION ONE
****[Hootenanny] 11:09 am: How many days could one person live off the oxygen produced by one acre of fir
trees in a single day?
[cristo] 11:09 am: 3
****[turbo-1] 11:10 am: a year
*****[Kurdt] 11:10 am: 1
*****[Hurkyl] 11:10 am: 1
****[OmCheeto] 11:10 am: 42
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:10 am: 7
****[Hootenanny] 11:10 am: Times up
[Hootenanny] 11:10 am: JS was the closest, the answer was 18
[cristo] 11:10 am: lol, very random!
****[Hootenanny] 11:11 am: Keep you on your toes ****
[Hootenanny] 11:11 am: QUESTION TWO
****[Hootenanny] 11:11 am: According to the Bible, how many sheep were on Noah's arc?
****[OmCheeto] 11:11 am: 2
[cristo] 11:11 am: 0
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:11 am: None
*****[Kurdt] 11:11 am: 7
*****[Hurkyl] 11:11 am: 7
****[Hootenanny] 11:11 am: Kurdt correct
[Hootenanny] 11:11 am: The bible states that seven of each clean animal shall be taken into the ark and
sheep are classified as clean.
*****[Hurkyl] 11:12 am: I must really be tired. Kurdt's copied my answer before I could write it twice. ****
[cristo] 11:12 am: pff
****[Hootenanny] 11:12 am: QUESTION THREE
****[Hootenanny] 11:12 am: Ulysses S. Grant was once fined for which offense?
[OmCheeto] 11:12 am: fighting
****[turbo-1] 11:12 am: drunkenness
*****[Hurkyl] 11:12 am: Swearing
[cristo] 11:12 am: speeding
****[Hootenanny] 11:13 am: cristo correct
[Hootenanny] 11:13 am: QUESTION FOUR
****[Hootenanny] 11:13 am: In ancient Rome, how did the emperor order a Gladiator to be put to death?
*****[Hurkyl] 11:13 am: thumbs down
****[turbo-1] 11:14 am: thumbs up
[cristo] 11:14 am: thumbs down
*****[Kurdt] 11:14 am: thumbs up
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:14 am: Thumb up
****[Hootenanny] 11:14 am: turbo-1 correct
[Hootenanny] 11:14 am: contrary to popular belief A gladiator is saved by placing the thumb inside the fist.
[Hootenanny] 11:15 am: QUESTION FIVE
****[Hootenanny] 11:15 am: Where is the driest place on Earth?
*****[Hurkyl] 11:15 am: antartica
[cristo] 11:15 am: gobi desert
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:16 am: Antarctica
****[turbo-1] 11:16 am: death valley
****[Hootenanny] 11:16 am: Hurkyl correct
****[OmCheeto] 11:16 am: core
*****[Kurdt] 11:16 am: antarctica
*****[Kurdt] 11:16 am: nuts
[Hootenanny] 11:16 am: The Dry Valleys in Antarctica, which is technically a desert. These valleys have not
seen rainfall in over two million years.
****[Hootenanny] 11:16 am: Unlucky Kurdt
[Hootenanny] 11:16 am: QUESTION SIX
****[Hootenanny] 11:17 am: How does the Huntsman Spider differ from all other spiders?
[cristo] 11:17 am: fewer legs
*****[Hurkyl] 11:17 am: No web
****[OmCheeto] 11:17 am: bow and arrow
****[Hootenanny] 11:17 am: Time
[Hootenanny] 11:17 am: The correct answer was, it is the only spider with lungs
*****[Kurdt] 11:17 am: oh yes
[Hootenanny] 11:18 am: Was that sarcasm Kurdt? ****
[cristo] 11:18 am: bow and arrow? lol
*****[Kurdt] 11:18 am: no i knew
*****[Kurdt] 11:18 am: but couldn't remember
****[Hootenanny] 11:18 am: lol
****[Hootenanny] 11:18 am: QUESTION SEVEN
****[Hootenanny] 11:18 am: What is the common name for the "Puffinus puffinus"
*****[Hurkyl] 11:19 am: blowfish
[cristo] 11:19 am: puffin
****[turbo-1] 11:19 am: puffin
*****[Kurdt] 11:19 am: puffin
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:19 am: pelican
[OmCheeto] 11:19 am: H.R.
****[Hootenanny] 11:19 am: Time
****[Hootenanny] 11:19 am: The correct answer was the Manx Shearwater
[turbo-1] 11:20 am: should have googled
[Evo] 11:20 am: these are hard
[Hootenanny] 11:20 am: Perhaps a little too hard
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:20 am: Remembered it was a bird which wasn't a puffin!
****[Hootenanny] 11:20 am: QUESTION EIGHT
Hootenanny] 11:20 am: According to Da Vinci, how many people attended The Last Supper?
*****[Hurkyl] 11:20 am: 13
[cristo] 11:20 am: 11
*****[Kurdt] 11:21 am: 13
****[turbo-1] 11:21 am: 13
****[Hootenanny] 11:21 am: Hurkyl correct
[cristo] 11:21 am: I am on the phone btw
[cristo] 11:21 am: to explain my stupid answers
[Evo] 11:21 am: lol
[Kurdt] 11:21 am: uhuh
*****[Hurkyl] 11:21 am: No fair, why do you get an excuse and not me?
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Redbelly98 has entered at 11:21 am
****[Hootenanny] 11:22 am: The next question is one for all you librarians ****
[Evo] 11:22 am: YEY RB!
****[Hootenanny] 11:22 am: Welcome RB
****[Redbelly98] 11:22 am: Thomas Jefferson
[Hootenanny] 11:22 am: LOL!
Redbelly98 is guessing randomly
****[Redbelly98] 11:22 am: Hi everyone.
****[OmCheeto] 11:22 am: hi rb
****[turbo-1] 11:22 am: turn white and play, RB!
*****[Hurkyl] 11:22 am: I've played at least one game where that seemed the optimal strategy
[Redbelly98] 11:22 am: Why turn white? Is that a rule?
*****[Hurkyl] 11:23 am: It was like charades, but you knew the set of answers beforehand
****[turbo-1] 11:23 am: Yep
****[Hootenanny] 11:23 am: Yup
[Redbelly98] 11:23 am: Okay
*****[Hurkyl] 11:23 am: So I would just guess the hardest ones before our actor could act them out, just to spare 'em the
****[Hootenanny] 11:23 am: Right, here we go
[Hootenanny] 11:23 am: QUESTION NINE
****[Hootenanny] 11:23 am: What is the purpose of the final digit of an ISBN?
[cristo] 11:23 am: country
*****[Hurkyl] 11:23 am: Checksum
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:23 am: Check digit
****[Hootenanny] 11:23 am: Hurkyl correct
[cristo] 11:24 am: oh no.. its an error corrector.. i knew that!
[Hootenanny] 11:24 am: Didn't know that you were a closet librian Hurkyl & JS
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:24 am: My wife is a librarian
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:24 am: and is sitting behind me
*****[Hurkyl] 11:24 am: I know a
****[Hootenanny] 11:24 am: Cheat ****
*****[Hurkyl] 11:24 am: And I know ab it fo coding theory
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:24 am: but I knew anyway
[General Chat]: Doc Al has entered at 11:24 am
*****[Hurkyl] 11:24 am: which is probably where I learned it, if not just an absorbed random trivia
[Redbelly98] 11:25 am: Hello Doc!
[General Chat]: Doc Al has entered at 11:25 am
[Evo] 11:25 am: Yay doc!
*****[Kurdt] 11:25 am: can't see you ****
[OmCheeto] 11:25 am: one more try...
****[Hootenanny] 11:25 am: QUESTION TEN
[Hootenanny] 11:26 am: What was the earliest known cure of Syphilis?
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:26 am: arsenic
*****[Hurkyl] 11:26 am: Death
****[turbo-1] 11:26 am: mercury
****[OmCheeto] 11:26 am: death
[Kurdt] 11:26 am: some other disease that I can't remember
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Doc Al has entered at 11:26 am
****[Hootenanny] 11:27 am: Times up
[Evo] 11:27 am: Hola Doc!
****[Hootenanny] 11:27 am: Kurdt was the closest
****[Redbelly98] 11:27 am: Hi Doc!
[Doc Al] 11:27 am: Evo! **************
****[Hootenanny] 11:27 am: The correct answer was Malaria. The Syphilis bacterium could not survive the
resulting malarial fever.
****[Hootenanny] 11:27 am: Hey Doc!
****[OmCheeto] 11:27 am: hi five hurk. death cures all.
*****[Kurdt] 11:27 am: that's it
****[Doc Al] 11:27 am: hey RB!
****[Doc Al] 11:27 am: Hey Hoot, Gang
[Evo] 11:27 am: Doc**************
*****[Kurdt] 11:28 am: Hey Doc
Redbelly98 is not getting between Evo and Doc right now.
****[Doc Al] 11:28 am: Hey Kurdt
****[Doc Al] 11:28 am: stand back, RB
[Evo] 11:28 am: heh
Redbelly98 is afraid, he very afraid
****[Doc Al] 11:28 am: Is Hoot doing a quiz?
[Redbelly98] 11:28 am: Yes.
****[turbo-1] 11:28 am: Yes. Turn white and play Doc
****[Hootenanny] 11:28 am: That was a tough round. The current standings are as follows:
Hurkyl - 3 points
Kurdt, cristo & turbo-1 - 1 point

[General Chat]: Greg Bernhardt has entered at 11:29 am
*****[Kurdt] 11:29 am: if only I could type faster and remember things
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Greg Bernhardt has entered at 11:29 am
****[Hootenanny] 11:29 am: The next round should be a little more straightforward
*****[Kurdt] 11:29 am: ****
****[Doc Al] 11:29 am: I'm kinda dopey
[cristo] 11:29 am: ok.. I am back now
****[Hootenanny] 11:29 am: Let's take a break for five minutes
[cristo] 11:29 am: be afraid!
****[Hootenanny] 11:29 am: Time for a cup of tea
****[Redbelly98] 11:29 am: lol cristo
[Evo] 11:29 am: break
Redbelly98 is going to use the facilities
*****[Kurdt] 11:30 am: Hey greg
[Jonathan Scott] 11:30 am: Just finished my copy of tea
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:30 am: cup of tea
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:30 am: finger trouble
****[OmCheeto] 11:30 am: hi greg. hope your foot feels better. got to p. brb.
[Hurkyl] 11:30 am: Hrm. I should change which song is looping in the background
[Evo] 11:31 am: depends on the song hurkyl ****
*****[Hurkyl] 11:31 am: I can sing Mel C's part in Spice up your Life, but it's really at the top of my range and I'm going to
hurt my throat if it keeps playing in the background. ****
[cristo] 11:32 am: a closet spice girl fan!
[cristo] 11:32 am: well, not so closet now!
*****[Hurkyl] 11:32 am: I was wondering when you'd work that out.
[Hurkyl] 11:33 am: It's in my small pile of old songs that I never really listened to but were familiar with, and actually
sound all right
****[Redbelly98] 11:34 am: I'm back, with a full cup of coffee.
****[Hootenanny] 11:34 am: Just a quick announcement
*****[Hurkyl] 11:34 am: I did canvas their songs on youtube. Turns out that spice up your life is really the only one I can
generally stand. ****
[cristo] 11:34 am: beauty is in the ear of the beholder, i guess
****[Hootenanny] 11:34 am: turbo will be running next week's quiz!
[Hurkyl] 11:34 am: Stop! is okay, wannabe if I'm in the right mood.
****[turbo-1] 11:34 am: Yay!
[turbo-1] 11:35 am: Mine will be a little easier than this week's, with trivia to go along with the answers
[cristo] 11:35 am: can i put forward my suggestion for the early 90s dance music round again?
****[Redbelly98] 11:35 am: Hello Greg.
*****[Hurkyl] 11:35 am: Oh, I should track down Gangster's paradise
[Kurdt] 11:35 am: no cristo ****
****[Redbelly98] 11:36 am: I'd like to suggest Jackson Browne song lyrics as a category in the future.
[turbo-1] 11:36 am: There will be a music round next week
****[Hootenanny] 11:36 am: I'm more than happy to put together a 90's dance music round next time I host
****[Redbelly98] 11:36 am: Preferably pre-1985
*****[Hurkyl] 11:36 am: boo. boo!
[cristo] 11:36 am: spice girls remind me of school.. girls in my class used to dress up and "sing"
[Kurdt] 11:36 am: no Hoot ****
****[turbo-1] 11:36 am: really Boo!
[cristo] 11:36 am: awesome hoot! ****
****[Hootenanny] 11:36 am: Are we all back?
[Jonathan Scott] 11:36 am: I am
****[turbo-1] 11:36 am: Not doc
****[turbo-1] 11:37 am: he's BRB
*****[Hurkyl] 11:37 am: I bet they only "dressed" too. ****
****[Doc Al] 11:37 am: I'm back
****[Redbelly98] 11:37 am: Om and Doc are BRB
*****[Hurkyl] 11:37 am: Spice girls was The Thing To Make Fun Of when I was in school
Redbelly98] 11:37 am: Oops, not anymore. OK
****[Hootenanny] 11:37 am: Oke doke, I need to reset my chat window
****[Doc Al] 11:37 am: what's the quiz about? Just so my random answers will be in the right subject
[cristo] 11:37 am: lol, too true! .. oh the good ol' days
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Hootenanny has left at 11:37 am
Evo] 11:37 am: lol doc
[cristo] 11:37 am: this round is "whose line is it anyway"
****[turbo-1] 11:37 am: He'll give the subject just before the round, Doc.
[General Chat]: Hootenanny has entered at 11:37 am
****[Redbelly98] 11:38 am: WB Hoot
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Hootenanny has entered at 11:38 am
cristo] 11:38 am: so shout random movie titles and characters!@
****[Redbelly98] 11:38 am: WB Hoot
[Hootenanny] 11:38 am: Evo, you ready to rock n' roll?
****[Hootenanny] 11:38 am: Thnx RB
[Evo] 11:38 am: ready!
[Hootenanny] 11:39 am: Then if we're all sitting comfortably, I shall begin ****
  • #25
[Hootenanny] 11:39 am: ROUND TWO: Whose line?
****[Hootenanny] 11:39 am: In this round each question will consist of a line from a film/book/TV show/song, one
point will be awarded to the first user who correctly gives both the name of the person who said it (i.e. the
character or artist) and the name of the film/book/TV show/song. Partial points will not be awarded.
[Hurkyl] 11:40 am: You must name both to get one point?
*****[Hurkyl] 11:40 am: Or two points awarded per question?
****[Redbelly98] 11:40 am: Yes.
Redbelly98] 11:40 am: 1 pt.
****[Hootenanny] 11:40 am: Indeed you must Hurkyl
****[Hootenanny] 11:40 am: I'm a harsh man
[Hootenanny] 11:40 am: One point for BOTH
****[Hootenanny] 11:40 am: QUESTION ONE
[Hootenanny] 11:41 am: "What's next?"
[Hootenanny] 11:41 am: Time's up
****[Hootenanny] 11:41 am: Answer: President Bartlet, The West Wing
[cristo] 11:42 am: lol
*****[Kurdt] 11:42 am: That could have been anyone :eek:
[Hurkyl] 11:42 am: That's a good start
****[Hootenanny] 11:42 am: Lol
****[Hootenanny] 11:42 am: If you've watched the show, you would know ****
****[Doc Al] 11:42 am: you got to have more than two word quotes
[cristo] 11:42 am: i reckon hoot's a huge westwing fan!
****[Doc Al] 11:42 am: lol
****[OmCheeto] 11:42 am: no fair. I killed my tv...
[Doc Al] 11:42 am: next: What?
****[OmCheeto] 11:42 am: kidding!
****[Hootenanny] 11:42 am: QUESTION TWO
****[Hootenanny] 11:42 am: "There was a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than
a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile."
[Hurkyl] 11:43 am: Mark Antony, Antony and Cleopatra. *shrug*
[cristo] 11:43 am: aurecluis gladiator
****[OmCheeto] 11:43 am: casablanca/bergman
*****[Kurdt] 11:43 am: marcus aurelius gladiator
****[turbo-1] 11:43 am: Marcus Aurelius Gladiator
****[Doc Al] 11:43 am: lol
****[Hootenanny] 11:43 am: cristo correct
[Hootenanny] 11:43 am: I think Google was probably used extensively for that question ... ****
****[turbo-1] 11:44 am: No, just once
[cristo] 11:44 am: haha, ver ytrue
****[Doc Al] 11:44 am: that would be cheating
[Doc Al] 11:44 am: *****
****[Hootenanny] 11:44 am: QUESTION THREE
****[Doc Al] 11:44 am: ********
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:44 am: Oh, I thought the idea was NOT to google this week
[cristo] 11:44 am: *****
****[Hootenanny] 11:44 am: "That's me in the corner, That's me in the spotlight"
[OmCheeto] 11:44 am: rem/stipes
[cristo] 11:44 am: rem losing my religion
****[Hootenanny] 11:44 am: cristo correct
*****[Kurdt] 11:44 am: losing my religion REM
[Hootenanny] 11:45 am: Om, we need both the title and the artist
****[OmCheeto] 11:45 am: poop
****[Doc Al] 11:45 am: casablanca/bogart
****[Redbelly98] 11:45 am: Thomas Jefferson
****[Hootenanny] 11:45 am: Lol
Hurkyl waits for Hoot to skip to question 5 now
[Doc Al] 11:45 am: I got a feeling about 5
****[Hootenanny] 11:45 am: lol
[Hootenanny] 11:46 am: Zz would get the next one ...
****[OmCheeto] 11:46 am: rofl
****[Hootenanny] 11:46 am: QUESTION FOUR
[Hootenanny] 11:46 am: "This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is small, and broken, but still good.
Yeah, still good."
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:46 am: Hoot, in "Physics Forums quiz"
****[Doc Al] 11:46 am: d'oh!
****[Redbelly98] 11:46 am: lol js
*****[Hurkyl] 11:46 am: Wall-E, Wall-E
[cristo] 11:46 am: lilo and stitch, stich
****[Doc Al] 11:46 am: lisa, simpsons
****[Hootenanny] 11:46 am: cristo correct
Hootenanny wonders whether cristo has been peaking at the answers
[cristo] 11:47 am: haha
[Doc Al] 11:47 am: cristo's brain is filled with trivia
[cristo] 11:47 am: and not much else!
[turbo-1] 11:47 am: and it's all leaking out
****[Hootenanny] 11:47 am: One for the oldies in the audience
****[Redbelly98] 11:47 am: Good, this will let some of it out and relieve the pressure
****[Doc Al] 11:47 am: at least you got something
****[Hootenanny] 11:48 am: QUESTION FIVE
****[Doc Al] 11:48 am: mine is like a dried out coconut
****[Hootenanny] 11:48 am: "Nel blu, dipinto di blu"
[Evo] 11:48 am: flaky?
****[Doc Al] 11:48 am: animal house, belushi
****[Redbelly98] 11:48 am: tatoo, fantasy island
[Doc Al] 11:48 am: animal house, belushi
****[Redbelly98] 11:48 am: tatoo, fantasy island
[cristo] 11:48 am: volare sinatra
****[turbo-1] 11:48 am: Domenico Modenugno Volare
*****[Hurkyl] 11:48 am: CAsablanca/Bogart
*****[Kurdt] 11:49 am: domenico mundingo volare
[Redbelly98] 11:49 am: clousea, pink panther
****[Hootenanny] 11:49 am: turbo-1 correct
[Hootenanny] 11:50 am: To my knowledge sinatra never sang volare, but I could be wrong
****[turbo-1] 11:50 am: misspelled name
****[OmCheeto] 11:50 am: i thought pf had an english only rule...
****[Doc Al] 11:50 am: I'll bet he sung it in the shower once
[Doc Al] 11:50 am: that's what I heard, anyways
****[Hootenanny] 11:50 am: LOL Doc
****[Hootenanny] 11:50 am: Anyway
[Hootenanny] 11:50 am: QUESTION SIX
[cristo] 11:50 am: think he did, but i googled it, so turbo deserves the points!
****[Doc Al] 11:50 am: cheap hotels, thin walls
*****[Kurdt] 11:51 am: but people still spell "colour" without the u
****[Hootenanny] 11:51 am: "I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none"
****[turbo-1] 11:51 am: I googled too.
[Kurdt] 11:51 am: macbeth macbeth
****[Doc Al] 11:51 am: lisa, simpsons
****[Hootenanny] 11:51 am: Kurdt correct
*****[Kurdt] 11:51 am: or the other one
*****[Kurdt] 11:51 am: yey
[Hootenanny] 11:51 am: Do you watch a lot of Simpson's Doc/
****[Doc Al] 11:51 am: that would've been my second choise
****[Doc Al] 11:52 am: not enough, I suppose
****[Hootenanny] 11:52 am: Lol
****[Hootenanny] 11:52 am: QUESTION SEVEN
*****[Hurkyl] 11:52 am: Okay, maybe Safety Dance will help me get some of these.
****[Doc Al] 11:52 am: or secound choice, for the brits among us
Hootenanny] 11:52 am: "My love she throws me like a rubber ball"
[cristo] 11:52 am: u2 sweetest thing
****[Redbelly98] 11:52 am: mcartney, my love
*****[Kurdt] 11:52 am: u2 sweetest thing
****[Hootenanny] 11:52 am: cristo correct
*****[Hurkyl] 11:52 am: Daffy Duck, Looney Tunes
****[turbo-1] 11:53 am: Bono U@2
[Doc Al] 11:53 am: rocky, bullwinkle
[cristo] 11:53 am: lol Doc
[Doc Al] 11:53 am: now that was a great show
[General Chat]: jgens has entered at 11:53 am
****[Redbelly98] 11:53 am: nothin' up m'sleeve
****[Hootenanny] 11:53 am: QUESTION EIGHT
[Hootenanny] 11:53 am: "I will be the first to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to step off, and I will
leave no one behind. Dead or alive, we will all come home together. So help me, God."
****[Doc Al] 11:54 am: woody allen, bananas
[Hurkyl] 11:54 am: Mel Gipson, Bravehart
****[Hootenanny] 11:54 am: Lol Doc
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: jgens has entered at 11:54 am
*****[Kurdt] 11:54 am: hal w ere soldiers
[Kurdt] 11:54 am: hal w ere soldiers
****[Hootenanny] 11:54 am: Kurdt correct
*****[Kurdt] 11:54 am: argh we were soldiers
[Hootenanny] 11:55 am: Welcome jgen
*****[Kurdt] 11:55 am: typing might help
****[Doc Al] 11:55 am: what's Evo doing?
****[OmCheeto] 11:55 am: we saw the apostrophe.
*****[Kurdt] 11:55 am: doing the trancript
[Evo] 11:55 am: I'm transcripting
*****[Hurkyl] 11:55 am: Stenographing
*****[Kurdt] 11:55 am: I'm doing a back up copy
[Doc Al] 11:56 am: for the archives?
****[Hootenanny] 11:56 am: Playing as well Kurdt? Impressive
****[turbo-1] 11:56 am: I had my apostrophe removed when I was a kid
****[Redbelly98] 11:56 am: I'm doing an assistant to the back up copy.
****[Doc Al] 11:56 am: sweet
[cristo] 11:56 am: assistant back up copy?
****[Hootenanny] 11:56 am: QUESTION NINE
[Evo] 11:56 am: kurdt's better than me ****(
[Redbelly98] 11:56 am: shh!
****[Hootenanny] 11:56 am: "You can't handle the truth!"
****[Doc Al] 11:56 am: not for my purposes
****[Redbelly98] 11:56 am: nicholson, few good men
[Evo] 11:56 am: *****
[cristo] 11:57 am: jessep a few good men
*****[Hurkyl] 11:57 am: Sideshow Bob, Simpsons
****[turbo-1] 11:57 am: Jack Nicholson A few brave men
****[Hootenanny] 11:57 am: cristo correct
****[turbo-1] 11:57 am: good
****[turbo-1] 11:57 am: Ack!
*[Redbelly98] 11:57 am: damn, couldn't remember character's name
*****[Kurdt] 11:57 am: Its ok Evo, we're partners ****
*****[Hurkyl] 11:57 am: I couldn't remmeber the characeter or the movie. ****
****[Hootenanny] 11:57 am: Unlucky RB
[cristo] 11:57 am: nor could i.. google did though ****
*****[Hurkyl] 11:57 am: So I had to go with the second character/show that said it. ****
****[Redbelly98] 11:57 am: Nichoulsoun?
[Hootenanny] 11:58 am: How fast do you google?
*****[Kurdt] 11:58 am: copy and paste Hoot
****[Redbelly98] 11:58 am: That line has often been repeated.
[Hootenanny] 11:58 am: and finally ...
*****[Hurkyl] 11:58 am: Yes, but none as well as by Sideshow Bob. ****
****[Hootenanny] 11:58 am: QUESTION TEN
[Hootenanny] 11:59 am: "You are wrong. And always have been wrong. I'm a man, no worse than any man.
You are free, and there are no conditions. No bargains or petitions. There is nothing that I blame you for. You
have done your duty, nothing more."
[OmCheeto] 11:59 am: casablanca/bogart
*****[Hurkyl] 11:59 am: Fugitive, Harrison Ford
****[turbo-1] 11:59 am: Devil Paradise lost
[cristo] 11:59 am: lisa, simpsons
******[Jonathan Scott] 11:59 am: Javert les mis
[Kurdt] 11:59 am: valjean les miserable
****[Hootenanny] 11:59 am: Kurdt correct
****[Doc Al] 11:59 am: don quixote!
*****[Hurkyl] 11:59 am: !
[Hootenanny] 11:59 am: Lol cristo
****[Hootenanny] 12:00 pm: So close JS
[Hurkyl] 12:00 pm: I thought I would have remembered if Jean Valjean said that. *****
******[Jonathan Scott] 12:00 pm: Misgoogled
[Hurkyl] 12:00 pm: I deliberately did not go with Les Mis because of that. ****
****[Hootenanny] 12:00 pm: And that concludes the second round
[Evo] 12:01 pm: great round!
****[Doc Al] 12:01 pm: I'm exhausted
****[Hootenanny] 12:01 pm: Of course Hurkyl ****
****[Hootenanny] 12:01 pm: Time for another break
****[OmCheeto] 12:01 pm: must fold laundry...
****[Doc Al] 12:01 pm: so what do I win?
[Redbelly98] 12:01 pm: I'm going to bow out, have to get shopping done.
****[dlgoff] 12:01 pm: ******
****[Hootenanny] 12:01 pm: See you soon RB
Evo hands canned sardines to Doc
[Evo] 12:01 pm: bye RB
******[Jonathan Scott] 12:01 pm: Have to go now, to take family to get something to eat. Bye all.
****[Doc Al] 12:01 pm: I really don't have room for another trohpy
turbo-1 steals the sardines
[cristo] 12:01 pm: tuna for me, please
[Hurkyl] 12:02 pm: Sigh, safety dance has failed me, have to find another song now.
****[Hootenanny] 12:02 pm: Bye JS
****[Doc Al] 12:02 pm: mmmm... sardines!
*****[Kurdt] 12:02 pm: bye JS
****[Redbelly98] 12:02 pm: Bye everybody. Let me know if anything juicy happens between Doc and Evo.
*****[Kurdt] 12:02 pm: scores Hoot?
[cristo] 12:02 pm: cya js
****[Doc Al] 12:02 pm: read my memoirs
******[Jonathan Scott] 12:02 pm: Hope to see transcript later. Bye.
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Jonathan Scott has left at 12:02 pm
[cristo] 12:02 pm: and rb
[Evo] 12:02 pm: lol
****[turbo-1] 12:02 pm: bye JS
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Redbelly98 has left at 12:02 pm
****[Doc Al] 12:02 pm: I had a sardine omelette this morning, Evo
[Evo] 12:02 pm: mmmmm
*****[Hurkyl] 12:03 pm: Did Jean Valjean say it in the musical? Or in the book?
[Evo] 12:03 pm: i think of you every time i see sardines
****[Hootenanny] 12:03 pm: At the end of the round the scores are as follows:
cristo - 6 points
Kurdt - 4 points
Hurkyl - 3 points
turbo - 2 points

[cristo] 12:03 pm: i scored 5 in that round? awesome!
****[turbo-1] 12:03 pm: We need a round on Chicago blues to build my score
****[Hootenanny] 12:03 pm: @Hurkyl I haven't read the book, but he definitely said it in the musical
[cristo] 12:03 pm: see.. my phone excuse was valid!
*****[Hurkyl] 12:03 pm: Ok
Evo] 12:04 pm: ahaha
****[Hootenanny] 12:04 pm: The wooden spoon goes to Doc ****
[Evo] 12:04 pm: anchovies
turbo-1 thinks of Kurdt every time he sees tripe.
****[Doc Al] 12:04 pm: hey now... I'll take what I can get
[Evo] 12:04 pm: oh, kurdt and his tripe
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Greg Bernhardt has left at 12:04 pm
*****[Kurdt] 12:05 pm: she doesn't eat tripe now
*[Kurdt] 12:05 pm: thank god
[Evo] 12:05 pm: just socks and underwear?
****[Hootenanny] 12:05 pm: She just eats small children
****[turbo-1] 12:05 pm: I photographed friends at an agility dog competition yesterday. Happy dogs!
[Kurdt] 12:05 pm: yes
*****[Kurdt] 12:06 pm: I put a short vid of Freija dreaming up on youtube the other day
[Evo] 12:06 pm: need to pee, brb
*****[Kurdt] 12:06 pm:
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Kurdt has left at 12:07 pm
[General Chat]: Kurdt has entered at 12:07 pm
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Kurdt has entered at 12:07 pm
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Kurdt has left at 12:07 pm
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Kurdt has entered at 12:07 pm
[cristo] 12:07 pm: haha.. nice video
[cristo] 12:08 pm: she's quite large now
[Kurdt] 12:08 pm: its annoying when she gets on my bed at night
*****[Kurdt] 12:08 pm: I have to squeeze in
****[turbo-1] 12:08 pm: Kurdt is as stable as Zathras - phasing in and out
****[Hootenanny] 12:08 pm: She's very cute Kurdt
[cristo] 12:08 pm: yeag i bet
[Hurkyl] 12:09 pm: Okay, going to try MacArthur Park this time
****[turbo-1] 12:10 pm: Someone left the cake out in the Rain...
*****[Hurkyl] 12:10 pm: Like a striped pair of pants. ******
****[turbo-1] 12:10 pm: by Leonard Nimoy?
[Hurkyl] 12:10 pm: Nimoy did it?
****[turbo-1] 12:10 pm: Yes. Hideous version
[Hurkyl] 12:11 pm: Like Shatner did that song about the taxi driver and the girl who wanted to be an actress?
*****[Hurkyl] 12:11 pm: Or worse
****[turbo-1] 12:11 pm: Nimoy tried to sing a lot of stuff
*[Kurdt] 12:11 pm: PF trivia now hoot?
[Hurkyl] 12:12 pm: Hrm. I should du Jurassic Park instead of MacArthur park
****[Hootenanny] 12:12 pm: Are we all back?
[Evo] 12:12 pm: ready
[cristo] 12:12 pm: kurdt'll win this one.. he's written the book
*****[Kurdt] 12:12 pm: Don't know if Evo is back
*****[Hurkyl] 12:12 pm: Ready
[cristo] 12:12 pm: (well, not quite ****)
*****[Kurdt] 12:12 pm: yeah don't remind me
[cristo] 12:12 pm: haha
*****[Kurdt] 12:13 pm: must finish lifes work
[Evo] 12:13 pm: I said ready
[Hootenanny] 12:13 pm: Oke doke
****[Doc Al] 12:13 pm: Evo's ready
[cristo] 12:13 pm: gladiator: ready?
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  • #26
****[Hootenanny] 12:13 pm: ROUND THREE: Everything Physics Forums
*[Hootenanny] 12:13 pm: This is a 'fun' round about Physics Forums.
[OmCheeto] 12:14 pm: bernhardt
****[Hootenanny] 12:14 pm: QUESTION ONE
****[OmCheeto] 12:14 pm: greg
[cristo] 12:14 pm: lol
Hootenanny] 12:14 pm: In what year was Physics Forums founded?
[cristo] 12:14 pm: 2003
*****[Kurdt] 12:14 pm: 2003
[Evo] 12:14 pm: 2001
****[OmCheeto] 12:14 pm: 1998
*****[jgens] 12:14 pm: 2001?
*****[Hurkyl] 12:14 pm: 2000
*****[Kurdt] 12:14 pm: nuts
****[Doc Al] 12:14 pm: 1857
****[turbo-1] 12:14 pm: 1998
****[Hootenanny] 12:14 pm: jgens correct
[cristo] 12:14 pm: lol
*****[Hurkyl] 12:15 pm: Shame on Evo. ****
[Evo] 12:15 pm: I said it first
[Evo] 12:15 pm: i know, i'
[Evo] 12:15 pm: m not playing
[cristo] 12:15 pm: youre not white enough to be playing
****[Hootenanny] 12:15 pm: I thought you weren't playing?
****[Doc Al] 12:15 pm: cheater
[Evo] 12:15 pm: cheated
****[Hootenanny] 12:15 pm: booo
[Evo] 12:15 pm: I'll be quite now
****[Doc Al] 12:15 pm: quite
****[turbo-1] 12:15 pm: you don't smell very good
****[Hootenanny] 12:15 pm: naughty evo
*****[Hurkyl] 12:15 pm: Can you be quiet too? ****
****[OmCheeto] 12:15 pm: -1 sp
****[turbo-1] 12:15 pm: (p)
****[Doc Al] 12:16 pm: ooh
[Kurdt] 12:16 pm: she'll be spanked later
[cristo] 12:16 pm: threat or a promise?
****[Doc Al] 12:16 pm: I'll take care of that
*****[Hurkyl] 12:16 pm: Must resist urge to continue quote. ****
****[Hootenanny] 12:16 pm: Lol kurdt
[Hootenanny] 12:16 pm: QUESTION TWO
****[Hootenanny] 12:16 pm: Which member, who is not a mentor, has the highest post rate?
[cristo] 12:17 pm: gokul
*****[Hurkyl] 12:17 pm: Cyrus
*****[Kurdt] 12:17 pm: marcus
[Hootenanny] 12:17 pm: Kurdt correct
[Hootenanny] 12:17 pm: Maybe if we counted all of Cyrus' deleted posts...
****[Doc Al] 12:17 pm: lol
[cristo] 12:17 pm: haha
*****[Kurdt] 12:17 pm: lo
*****[Hurkyl] 12:17 pm: Oh right, GD and politics don't count
[Doc Al] 12:18 pm: why do we even have a politics forum?
****[OmCheeto] 12:18 pm: or interpolated his ban time
****[Doc Al] 12:18 pm: never mind
[Evo] 12:18 pm: beats me
[cristo] 12:18 pm: not now doc!
*****[Kurdt] 12:18 pm: to keep Evo busy
[Evo] 12:18 pm: my punishment
****[Doc Al] 12:18 pm: I'll keep her busy
[Evo] 12:18 pm: *********
****[Hootenanny] 12:18 pm: QUESTION THREE
[Hootenanny] 12:19 pm: Which member, besides Greg, has been at Physics Forums the longest?
*****[Hurkyl] 12:19 pm: Tom
[OmCheeto] 12:19 pm: warren
[cristo] 12:19 pm: integral
*****[Kurdt] 12:19 pm: sting
*****[jgens] 12:19 pm: Monique
****[turbo-1] 12:19 pm: chroot
****[Doc Al] 12:19 pm: Evo!
[cristo] 12:19 pm: no searching user numbers!
****[turbo-1] 12:19 pm: (oops)
****[Hootenanny] 12:20 pm: Times up
*****[Hurkyl] 12:20 pm: Oh really, it's not chroot?
****[Hootenanny] 12:20 pm: ahrkron
[Kurdt] 12:20 pm: no its sting
****[Hootenanny] 12:20 pm: ****
****[Doc Al] 12:20 pm: (I wouldn't even know where to search)
*****[Kurdt] 12:20 pm: ****
[Kurdt] 12:20 pm: ahrkron is 3rd
****[Hootenanny] 12:20 pm: Hang on, let me check
[cristo] 12:20 pm: you put
*****[Hurkyl] 12:21 pm: That's just PF 3.0, though
*****[Kurdt] 12:21 pm: oh no you could be right ahrkron is user number 2 and sting is 3 but sting comes up before ahrkron
*****[Hurkyl] 12:21 pm: or whatever revision we're on
*****[Kurdt] 12:21 pm: no worries
[Hootenanny] 12:22 pm: Hmm... I wonder why that is
****[Hootenanny] 12:22 pm: Anyway, moving swiftly on
*****[Kurdt] 12:22 pm: I'll defer to user number though
****[Hootenanny] 12:22 pm: QUESTION FOUR
[General Chat]: Math Is Hard has entered at 12:22 pm
****[Hootenanny] 12:22 pm: "Boar Noodle" is an anagram of which Physics Forums member?
*****[Kurdt] 12:22 pm: moonbear
[Hurkyl] 12:22 pm: Loren Booda
*****[Kurdt] 12:22 pm: no
*****[Kurdt] 12:22 pm: no m
****[Hootenanny] 12:22 pm: Hurkyl correct
****[Hootenanny] 12:23 pm: Impressi
****[Hootenanny] 12:23 pm: ve
****[Doc Al] 12:23 pm: we should change his name to that! where's Greg?
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Hurkyl has left at 12:23 pm
[General Chat]: Hurkyl has entered at 12:23 pm
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Hurkyl has entered at 12:23 pm
[Hootenanny] 12:23 pm: QUESTION FIVE
****[Doc Al] 12:23 pm: anything to make an entrance
[Hootenanny] 12:23 pm: Which wonderful Physics Forums member said that "PF is a beautiful example of
people coming together to create something with the purpose to help, to learn, and to create a sense of
community among people that share a love of science and not for monetary gain."
*****[Kurdt] 12:23 pm: Evo
[cristo] 12:23 pm: Evo
*****[Hurkyl] 12:24 pm: Greg
****[Hootenanny] 12:24 pm: Kurdt correct
****[OmCheeto] 12:24 pm: greg
[cristo] 12:24 pm: damn!
*[Doc Al] 12:24 pm: I'm starting to tear up... it's so beautiful
****[Hootenanny] 12:24 pm: That put's Kurdt joint 1st with cristo
[cristo] 12:24 pm: haha
[Evo] 12:24 pm: yep, i said that
****[OmCheeto] 12:24 pm: sounds communistic to me...
****[Doc Al] 12:24 pm: yeah, but you've said other things too. Right?
****[Hootenanny] 12:25 pm: QUESTION SIX
[Evo] 12:25 pm: we won't go into those
****[Doc Al] 12:25 pm: I'm getting confused
****[Hootenanny] 12:25 pm: In what year were the first 'Science Advisor' medals handed out?
*****[Kurdt] 12:25 pm: 2004
*****[Hurkyl] 12:25 pm: 2003
****[turbo-1] 12:25 pm: 2006
[cristo] 12:25 pm: 2006
****[Doc Al] 12:25 pm: 2002
****[OmCheeto] 12:25 pm: 2005
*[jgens] 12:25 pm: 2004
****[Doc Al] 12:25 pm: 1857
****[Hootenanny] 12:25 pm: Kurdt correct
****[Hootenanny] 12:25 pm: You like that year don;t you Doc?
cristo] 12:25 pm: its his birth year
****[Doc Al] 12:26 pm: I remember it well
*****[Hurkyl] 12:26 pm: It was a wonderful year for him.
****[Hootenanny] 12:26 pm: Kurdt streaks into the lead
[Doc Al] 12:26 pm: time for sabatoge
*****[Kurdt] 12:26 pm: He celebrated his 1000th birthday
[cristo] 12:26 pm: hey kurdt.. there's a roast dinner on the dining table downstairs
[Doc Al] 12:26 pm: time for sabatoge
*****[Kurdt] 12:26 pm: He celebrated his 1000th birthday
[cristo] 12:26 pm: hey kurdt.. there's a roast dinner on the dining table downstairs
[cristo] 12:26 pm: (quick ask the question)
*****[Kurdt] 12:26 pm: lol
****[Hootenanny] 12:26 pm: QUESTION SEVEN
*****[Kurdt] 12:26 pm: already had mine
****[Hootenanny] 12:27 pm: In what year was LaTeX first introduced at Physics Forums?
*****[Hurkyl] 12:27 pm: 2007
*****[Kurdt] 12:27 pm: 2005
*****[jgens] 12:27 pm: 2005?
[cristo] 12:27 pm: 2005
****[turbo-1] 12:27 pm: 2005
****[OmCheeto] 12:27 pm: 2008
****[Doc Al] 12:27 pm: next year!
*****[Kurdt] 12:27 pm: possibly 06 then
****[Doc Al] 12:27 pm: it's 10 years away... just like laser fusion
*****[Hurkyl] 12:27 pm: Doc wasted his chance to plug the hole!
****[Hootenanny] 12:27 pm: Time's up
****[Hootenanny] 12:28 pm: 2003
*****[Kurdt] 12:28 pm: wow
[cristo] 12:28 pm: no way!
[Doc Al] 12:28 pm: I've wasted my life, Hurk...
****[Hootenanny] 12:28 pm: Check the thread in the Learning materials forum
[OmCheeto] 12:28 pm: but it didn't really work until 2008.
[cristo] 12:28 pm: i believe you.. just surprised!
*****[Kurdt] 12:28 pm: nov 16th
[General Chat]: Math Is Hard has entered at 12:28 pm
*****[Hurkyl] 12:28 pm: Oh, where did you get the "PF was founded" date? From the current version of the forums?
cristo] 12:29 pm: its in the library i think
*****[Kurdt] 12:29 pm: no the current version was founded 2003
****[Hootenanny] 12:29 pm: From Greg's article in the Library
*****[Hurkyl] 12:29 pm: Oh bah
[Hootenanny] 12:29 pm: QUESTION EIGHT
****[OmCheeto] 12:29 pm: Mentor Fight!
****[Hootenanny] 12:29 pm: tiny-tim has created the most number of library entries, and Greg created the first
library entry, but who created the second?
****[Doc Al] 12:29 pm: get the pillows!
[cristo] 12:29 pm: janus
*****[Hurkyl] 12:29 pm: Hurkyl
[jgens] 12:30 pm: Hootenanny
****[Doc Al] 12:30 pm: who's deleted the most bogus library entries?
[Hootenanny] 12:30 pm: Times up
****[OmCheeto] 12:30 pm: malawi
****[Hootenanny] 12:30 pm: G01, electric field
[Doc Al] 12:30 pm: let's delete it!
****[OmCheeto] 12:31 pm: Goh!
[Evo] 12:31 pm: lol
****[Hootenanny] 12:31 pm: LOL Doc!
[cristo] 12:31 pm: i read that as who has the second most entries
****[Hootenanny] 12:31 pm: QUESTION NINE
[Hootenanny] 12:31 pm: I can see how you thought that cristo
****[Hootenanny] 12:31 pm: My bad
****[Hootenanny] 12:31 pm: Anyway
****[Hootenanny] 12:31 pm: QUESTION NINE
[Hootenanny] 12:32 pm: Which sever-side scripting language does Physics Forums primarily use?
[cristo] 12:32 pm: no worries.. was skim reading
*****[Hurkyl] 12:32 pm: php
[cristo] 12:32 pm: php
*****[Kurdt] 12:32 pm: vbulletin
*****[jgens] 12:32 pm: php
****[Doc Al] 12:32 pm: vbscript
[Kurdt] 12:32 pm: lol
Kurdt doesn't know what server scripting is
****[Hootenanny] 12:32 pm: Hurkyl correct
****[OmCheeto] 12:32 pm: unix
[Hurkyl] 12:33 pm: Hah. Only reason I know that is because of the chat link. ****
[Hootenanny] 12:33 pm: Before the final question, the current scores are as follows:
****[Hootenanny] 12:33 pm: Hurkyl = 5
cristo = 6
Kurdt = 7
turbo = 2
jgens = 1
****[Doc Al] 12:33 pm: hmmm...
Hurkyl] 12:34 pm: LAst question is worth 2.5 points, right?
[cristo] 12:34 pm: haha
****[Hootenanny] 12:34 pm: LMAO Hurkyl
[Hootenanny] 12:34 pm: QUESTION TEN
****[Hootenanny] 12:34 pm: The majority of PF visitors come from the USA. However, what is the next most
popular country?
*****[Kurdt] 12:34 pm: UK
[cristo] 12:34 pm: uk
****[turbo-1] 12:34 pm: India
*****[jgens] 12:34 pm: England
****[Doc Al] 12:34 pm: djbouti
[Hurkyl] 12:35 pm: Canada
****[Hootenanny] 12:35 pm: turbo-1 correct
[turbo-1] 12:35 pm: Yay!
[cristo] 12:35 pm: really?
****[Hootenanny] 12:35 pm: The USA accounts for 38.5% of visitors, India for 20.5%, followed by the UK with
5%. (According to
*****[Hurkyl] 12:35 pm: Bad guess Kurdt: UK was never popular.
****[Doc Al] 12:35 pm: UK slackers!
*****[Kurdt] 12:35 pm: we used to be ****
[cristo] 12:35 pm: wow.. us uk mentors are really disproportionate then!
****[turbo-1] 12:35 pm: I went with population density
*****[Kurdt] 12:35 pm: we're just so clever we don't need physics helkp ****
****[Hootenanny] 12:36 pm: Lol
****[turbo-1] 12:36 pm: Plus, I know a few Indian members from other forums
[Evo] 12:36 pm: but most of the members from India are spammers!
****[Doc Al] 12:36 pm: lol
[cristo] 12:36 pm: haha Evo
cristo] 12:36 pm: congratulations Kurdt
****[Hootenanny] 12:36 pm: But I didn't say members, I said visitors **** ****
****[turbo-1] 12:36 pm: Neutrino is not a spammer. He's been really busy lately though
*****[Kurdt] 12:36 pm: Thanks cristo
*****[Kurdt] 12:36 pm: Thanks again hoot
*****[Kurdt] 12:36 pm: good quiz
[cristo] 12:37 pm: yea, great quiz hoot
*****[Kurdt] 12:37 pm: *stretches
****[Hootenanny] 12:37 pm: So, the final scores are
Kurdt = 7
cristo = 6
Hurkyl = 5
turbo = 3
jgens = 1

[Evo] 12:37 pm: WOT, YAY Kurdt! *********
[Hootenanny] 12:37 pm: Congratulations Kurdt!
[cristo] 12:37 pm: i liek the PF trivia round
Kurdt ********* Evo
[Evo] 12:37 pm: Excellent and fun Hoot!
[Evo] 12:37 pm: Thank you
****[dlgoff] 12:37 pm: nice quiz Hoot. ******
****[Hootenanny] 12:37 pm: a pleasure
****[turbo-1] 12:37 pm: MIH is not here today, so he can be "best Kurdt" too!
****[Hootenanny] 12:37 pm: thanks for playing everyone
[Hootenanny] 12:38 pm: Be gentle ****
****[OmCheeto] 12:38 pm: thank you hoot.
[cristo] 12:38 pm: I am gonan come last next week
****[turbo-1] 12:38 pm: Thanks Hoot. How did you keep track of the 30-second rule?
****[dlgoff] 12:38 pm: Even if it's not raining?
****[turbo-1] 12:38 pm: What do you mean, Don?
[Hootenanny] 12:38 pm: My desktop clock has seconds (linux) ****
****[turbo-1] 12:38 pm: It's always raining
****[dlgoff] 12:38 pm: lol
[Quiz and Trivia (no chat)]: Kurdt has left at 12:38 pm
****[Hootenanny] 12:38 pm: Feel free to change it though turbo-1
  • #27
Congrats Kurdt!

The Everything Physics Forums category looks fun.
  • #28

Sorry for the delay in getting the results out this week. Here's Sunday's results as well as the overall scores for the past two weeks:

Sunday's Results

1st: Kurdt - 7 points
2nd: cristo - 6 points
3rd: Hurkyl - 5 points
4th: turbo-1 - 3 points
5th: jgens - 1 point

Congratulations Kurdt and thanks to everyone for taking part.

Overall Results

1st: cristo - 12 points
2nd: Kurdt - 10 points
3rd: turbo-1 - 9 points
4th: Hurkyl - 5 points
5th: Jonathan Scott - 4 points
6th: humanino, jgens & Math Is Hard - 1 point

Congratulations cristo!

For those who don't know, turbo-1 will be running the quiz next Sunday.
  • #29
There will be a quiz in PF chat tomorrow, August 9th, at 11AM Central, 12PM eastern. I'll leave it for our European cousins to sort out the DST offset, GMT and all that. Be there or be square. I hope people find it fun and informative. There will be trivia and interesting (to me anyway) background info to illuminate the answers. I'm going to use a cut and paste method of sticking the posts into chat, in hopes of keeping things lively and fast-moving.

Evo has graciously agreed to provide her transcription services. Thanks.
  • #30
Eastern time is GMT-4:00. UK time is GMT+1:00, European time is GMT+2:00. Hence 12pm Eastern time is 6 PM European time, also known as dinner time, which is a social obligation which cannot be skipped. That's why I can't make any quiz at 12pm ET. :frown:
  • #31
Andre said:
Eastern time is GMT-4:00. UK time is GMT+1:00, European time is GMT+2:00. Hence 12pm Eastern time is 6 PM European time, also known as dinner time, which is a social obligation which cannot be skipped. That's why I can't make any quiz at 12pm ET. :frown:
Sorry about the timing issues, Andre. I think you would like at least parts of the quiz. I just checked chat and the only person there is Hurkyl, who is (Away). Hope we get a good crowd.
  • #32
BTW, here is the link to PF Chat.
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FAQ: Live Quiz Today - Join Now for Fun General Knowledge Quiz!

1. What is "Live Quiz Today"?

"Live Quiz Today" is an online platform that hosts daily general knowledge quizzes for people to participate in and test their knowledge.

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3. Is there a fee to participate in the quiz?

No, there is no fee to participate in the quiz. It is completely free for anyone to join and play.

4. What kind of questions are asked in the quiz?

The quiz consists of general knowledge questions from various categories such as history, science, geography, sports, and pop culture. The questions are designed to be challenging and educational.

5. Are there any prizes for winning the quiz?

Yes, there are prizes for the top performers in the quiz. The prizes may vary, but they can include cash rewards, gift cards, or other exciting prizes.

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