Looking for Psychics to Teach Physics

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
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  • #1
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This is both funny and embarrassing for the institution at the same time.


I'm surprised no one from Kennedy-King college haven't double-check their job ads by now.

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Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
I guess they won't hire Niels Bohr, who is claimed to have said "It is difficult to predict, especially about the future."
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Likes nuuskur and berkeman
  • #3
I knew they were going to advertise this job!
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  • #4
A good guess is that some person, or the taleo system, MISSPELLED Physics, three times.
  • #5
How DARE you! Of course it is correct, it passed spellcheck and stylecheck.
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Likes atyy
  • #6
Tom.G said:
How DARE you! Of course it is correct, it passed spellcheck and stylecheck.
No, no; I do not believe those gave the correct results. The job name or title, and description said, "Psychic", but the educational requirements indicated Physics.
  • #7
symbolipoint said:
No, no; I do not believe those gave the correct results.

I don't have either here, can you please run it thru and report?
  • #8
I visited the page indicated in post #1, and read the job advertisement. The title and description discuss a desire to find a Psychic; and then the educational requirements part plainly states Master's degree in Physics or Engineering Physics. You too can visit the page and read, and make your own conclusions.
  • #9
Guess I need to insert more :DD. Humor doesn't seem to make it thru those tiny Internet wires.
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Likes TeethWhitener
  • #10
symbolipoint said:
A good guess is that some person, or the taleo system, MISSPELLED Physics, three times.

Tom.G said:
How DARE you! Of course it is correct, it passed spellcheck and stylecheck.

symbolipoint said:
I visited the page indicated in post #1, and read the job advertisement. The title and description discuss a desire to find a Psychic; and then the educational requirements part plainly states Master's degree in Physics or Engineering Physics. You too can visit the page and read, and make your own conclusions.

Indeed, there is no misspelling. It is to teach Physics to Psychics.
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  • #11
Tom.G said:
Guess I need to insert more :DD. Humor doesn't seem to make it thru those tiny Internet wires.

Maybe @symbolipoint is meeting sarcasm with sarcasm - ?

Maybe I'm being sarcastic by suggesting that.
  • #12
Stephen Tashi said:
Maybe @symbolipoint is meeting sarcasm with sarcasm - ?

Maybe I'm being sarcastic by suggesting that.
I bet nobody has these problems on PsychicsForums.com.
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Likes Tom.G and TeethWhitener
  • #13
Stephen Tashi said:
Maybe @symbolipoint is meeting sarcasm with sarcasm - ?

Maybe I'm being sarcastic by suggesting that.
No . I am looking at the question and the article as seriously as I can. The article (job advertisement) appears to be an attempt to attract a Physics faculty person (adjunt) but part of the job advertisment had misspelled Physics as Psychics.
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  • #14
How would a fortune teller be any good to teach physics? :wideeyed:
  • #15
I seem to recall an envelop taped to the office door of my undergraduate faculty office addressed to the "Department of Physics and Astrology." Perhaps some of their graduates would be well suited for this job. :oldbiggrin:
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Likes Tom.G, Charles Link and Ibix
  • #16
ZapperZ said:
I'm surprised no one from Kennedy-King college haven't double-check their job ads by now.
How were they supposed to know this would be so embarrassing? You'd have to be some kind of mind read--ohhhhhhh...
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Likes Charles Link and Ibix
  • #17
We see this type of "mistake" rather frequently on PF. For example:


etc... etc.

While they are amusing, this type of error is not surprising when it occurs here. However, we hold educational institutions to a higher standard, because they are supposed to educate the masses and so, should know better. So something like this done by an educational institution is rather embarrassing, especially when it has been left uncorrected for so long. Mistakes happen and we can overlook something small like this. However, mistakes left uncorrected is ignorant negligence.

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Likes Choppy, symbolipoint and Charles Link
  • #19
Should we recommend John Hagelin?
  • #20
nuuskur said:
How would a fortune teller be any good to teach physics?
Be able to determine the state of one entangled particle while leaving the other one undetermined?
Receive information from the other side of the globe, or Universe, without using any artefacts?
Be aware of the understanding each student has of the material presented?

(Hmm... it seems conjecture has no limits):wink:
  • #21
nuuskur said:
How would a fortune teller be any good to teach physics? :wideeyed:
Made me think of something I read in Scientific American a decade or so ago. Yakir Aharonov, "The future can only affect the present if there is room to write the influence off as a mistake.”
  • #22
Think they might be serious ?

Neuro-ontological interpretation of spiritual experiences.
Frecska E1, Luna LE.
Author information

The prevailing neuroscientific paradigm considers information processing within the central nervous system as occurring through hierarchically organized and interconnected neural networks. The hierarchy of neural networks doesn't end at the neuroaxonal level; it incorporates subcellular mechanisms as well. When the size of the hierarchical components reaches the nanometer range and the number of elements exceeds that of the neuroaxonal system, an interface emerges for a possible transition between neurochemical and quantum physical events. "Signal nonlocality", accessed by means of quantum entanglement is an essential feature of the quantum physical domain. The presented interface may imply that some manifestations of altered states of consciousness, unconscious/conscious shifts have quantum origin with significant psychosomatic implications.
  • #23
(do i need a 'i'm not serious' emoticon ?)

old jim
  • #24
jim hardy said:
(do i need a 'i'm not serious' emoticon ?)
  • #25
Y'all welcome Madame Zelda to the faculty.

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