Maclaurin Series: Find e^(3x) + e(-3x)

In summary: So if n is even then (2n+1)! will be odd and so that term will be cancelled out. So (2n)! will only be representative of the even numbers and so all odd numbers will cancel out. In summary, the maclaurin series for e^(3x) + e^(-3x) is 2*3^(2n)*x^(2n)/(2n)! where n is an even integer. The odd terms cancel out, leaving only the even terms in the final series.
  • #1

Homework Statement

find the maclaurin series of e^(3x) + e(-3x)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not sure about finding taylor and maclaurin series, I understand perfectly how to find the terms of the series...But how do I put it into a general term do I just have to recognize the pattern by looking at it? anyway...

to attempt this problem I was thinking you use the known maclaurin series for e^x which has a general term of x^n / n! it will be (3x)^n / n! for the first term and (-3x)^n / n! for the 2nd term I'm unsure of combining these The answer is 2*3^2n*x^2n/(2n)! What I do not understand is how they got (2n)! I thought it should be 2(n!) and also I thought there should be a negative in the numerator...can anyone explain to me these parts I do not textbook has one small paragraph on these series and it does not explain much...
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  • #2

what happens to the terms in your two sums with n even, what to the terms with n odd?
  • #3
the terms with odd 'n' cancel each other, so the sum is only over terms n=0,2,4,6,... etc

then you can rewrite that as a sum over m=0,1,2,3,... etc
then rename m->n

[edit: whoops sorry about stealing your thunder, Pere. You posted too quick for me.]
  • #4
ahh I see thank you, I'm wondering though this series looks a little strange if there was one like this that I didn't have a known series for I don't think I would have ever found the general term by just looking at it...and also why does the denominator become (2n)! i thought it would be 2(n!)
  • #5
I don't see how you could get a 2(n!) in the denominator. How did you get it?

As olgranpappy said, all the odd-n terms cancel. So the n=1 term of the first sum cancels with the n=1 term of the second sum and so on. What happens to the terms with n even..? Show some more work. :smile:
  • #6
well actually I don't think its 2(n!) anymore either I got the general term by adding the two modified E^x general terms together which would still have just a single n! in the denominator..the even terms get multiplied by 2 but that is why I thought it would be 2*(n!) instead of (2n)!
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  • #7
True, you get the general term by adding the general terms of the modified E^x sums, as you put it.

The result of this "adding" is however zero for odd n.. do you agree?

So in your final sum, all terms for n odd are zero practically you're only summing over even integers n you can just as well replace n by 2m and some over all integers m ... think about it, write down the first 20 terms or so, it's not hard :smile:
  • #8
I agree that the odd terms are zero because they cancel; I think I am thinking of this (2n)! in the wrong if it was say the 2nd term it would be (2!) correct? why wouldn't it be (4!) because (2*2)! = 4! ? that's where I'm confused...I understand that only the even terms have value so we're basically summing the even terms

EDIT: I think I am finally getting it because the odd terms drop out then what was once the 3rd term is basically now the 2nd term so then the bottom is (2*1)! which is why it works like this thanks a lot
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  • #9
I think I finally get it because the odd terms drop out what was once the 3rd term is now basically the 2nd term since so now the 2nd term will have (2*1)! and the third term will have (2*2)! because the third term will be the term where n=4
  • #10
I don't know if this clarifies anything for you but (2*n)! simple means the number is even and likewise (2n+1)! means its odd.

FAQ: Maclaurin Series: Find e^(3x) + e(-3x)

What is a Maclaurin series?

A Maclaurin series is a type of power series that represents a function as an infinite sum of terms. It is centered at x=0 and can be used to approximate the function within a certain range.

How do you find the Maclaurin series for a given function?

To find the Maclaurin series for a given function, you can use the formula: f(x) = f(0) + f'(0)x + (f''(0)/2!)x^2 + (f'''(0)/3!)x^3 + ... + (f^(n)(0)/n!)x^n. This formula involves taking the derivatives of the function at x=0.

What is e^(3x) + e^(-3x)?

e^(3x) + e^(-3x) is a mathematical expression involving the natural number e raised to the power of 3x, added to e raised to the power of -3x.

How do you find the Maclaurin series for e^(3x) + e^(-3x)?

To find the Maclaurin series for e^(3x) + e^(-3x), you can use the formula mentioned earlier, substituting e^(3x) + e^(-3x) for f(x). This will give you an infinite sum of terms involving the derivatives of e^(3x) + e^(-3x) evaluated at x=0.

Why is finding the Maclaurin series for a function useful?

Finding the Maclaurin series for a function is useful because it allows us to approximate the function within a certain range using a simpler polynomial expression. This can be helpful in solving mathematical problems and building mathematical models.

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