My Favorite Math Books: Analysis, Algebra & More

In summary, these are the recommended books: 1. Linear Algebra by Friedberg, Insel, and Spence.2. Principals of Mathematical Reasoning by Peter J. Eccles.3. Set Theory and Logic by Robert Stoll.4. Handbook of Mathematics by Bronshtien, Semendyayev, Musiol, and Muehlig (published by Springer).5. Real Analysis By Norman B. Haaser, Joseph A. Sullivan.6. Introduction to Analysis By Maxwell Rosenlicht.7. Introduction to Topology By Theodore W. Gamelin, Robert Everist Greene.8. Complex Analysis (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Serge Lang.9. Introduction
  • #1
My favorite math books:

1. Linear Algebra by Friedberg, Insel, and Spence.
2. Principals of Mathematical Reasoning by Peter J. Eccles. (if you need to learn proofs, this book is the way to go).
3. Set Theory and Logic by Robert Stoll.
4. Handbook of Mathematics by Bronshtien, Semendyayev, Musiol, and Muehlig (published by Springer).

I'm looking for books in the following topics:
1. Analysis
2. Abstract Algebra
3. Differential Equations
4. Nonlinear Systems/Dynamic Systems/Chaos
5. Anything else!

Any recommendations out there? The books I am recommending I truly back 110%. They are the books that changed my mathematical abilities the most.
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  • #2
Real Analysis By Norman B. Haaser, Joseph A. Sullivan -
This book did wonders for me. It was really tough, since I only had calculus and some early linear algebra when I started it, but it goes every step of the way from basic set theory, to the definition of the reals via cauchy sequences, to metric spaces, it has a short intro to topology, linear spaces, lesbegue integarls... I loved it, and I still keep it open in the magazine rack in my bathroom.Introduction to Analysis By Maxwell Rosenlicht
I bought this one earlier this year. After Haaser, this one was MUCH easier. It focuses more on a stable foundation for single-variable calculus, going from limits of sequences to limits of functions, then directly to derivatives and later Reimann integrals.Introduction to Topology By Theodore W. Gamelin, Robert Everist Greene
I like this book for topology because, unlike any other math text I've ever come across, it tries to give *motivation* for what you're doing at the start of every chapter. (I wish more authors did this). The introduction isn't as nice as the other two books above, but if you're read either one, that should compensate.
  • #3
Coments apply to above book

1. Analysis
Complex Analysis (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Serge Lang
assumes only calculus
Introduction to Analysis, by Maxwell Rosenlicht
Very easy
Elementary Real and Complex Analysis, by Georgi E. Shilov
Undergraduate Analysis (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) by Serge Lang
Real and Functional Analysis (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) (v. 142) by Serge Lang

2. Abstract Algebra
Linear Algebra by Georgi E. Shilov
Advanced Linear Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Steven Roman
3rd edition out, 2nd edition many error, uses modules
A First Course in Abstract Algebra, by John B. Fraleigh
very easy, too expensive
Undergraduate Algebra (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) by Serge Lang
Algebra (AMS/Chelsea Publication) by Saunders Mac Lane and Garret Birkhoff
Algebra by Serge Lang
3. Differential Equations
Ordinary Differential Equations by Morris Tenenbaum and Harry Pollard
easy, wordy
Ordinary Differential Equations by Edward L. Ince
Elementary Differential Equations by Earl D. Rainville
Avoid recent editions and brief version

4. Nonlinear Systems/Dynamic Systems/Chaos
5. Anything else!
Anything else by Serge Lang.
  • #4
I think I would really enjoy reading about mathematics. How advanced are the books you both recommended? I have had up to calc 3 and part of linear algebra. Are these books focused on teaching specific methods of using different maths, or is it more focused on building a mathematical foundation?

If the latter, I think I'll definitely enjoy reading some of those texts!


FAQ: My Favorite Math Books: Analysis, Algebra & More

What is the purpose of "My Favorite Math Books: Analysis, Algebra & More"?

The purpose of this book is to provide a curated list of math books that cover topics in analysis, algebra, and other areas of mathematics. It serves as a guide for those looking to expand their knowledge and understanding of these mathematical concepts.

Who is the target audience for this book?

This book is intended for anyone with an interest in mathematics, particularly those with a background in analysis and algebra. It can be useful for students, educators, or anyone looking to deepen their understanding of these subjects.

What criteria were used to select the books included in this list?

The books included in this list were chosen based on their relevance, quality of content, and their impact on the field of mathematics. They have also been personally recommended by the author, who has extensive experience in these areas of math.

Are the books in this list suitable for beginners?

While some of the books may be more advanced, there are also options included for beginners. The list covers a range of difficulty levels, so there should be something for everyone regardless of their level of mathematical knowledge.

Can I use this book as a textbook for a course?

This book is not intended to be used as a textbook for a specific course. However, it can serve as a helpful supplement to a course or as a reference for further reading. It is best used as a guide for self-study and exploration of various mathematical topics.

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