Proving the Sum of Consecutive Numbers Using Mathematical Induction

In summary, the person is trying to solve a problem but is stuck on the induction step. They need help with verifying the statement that 1*2+2*3+3*4+...+n(n+1) = n(n + 1)(n + 2) / 3 for n=k+1.
  • #1
Here's my problem: 1 * 2 + 2 * 3 + 3 * 4 + . . . + n( n+ 1) = n(n + 1)(n + 2) / 3

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that there is a Basis step and Induction step. For the Basis step I have the following but don't know if I'm on the right track: Basis Step 1 * 2 = 1 * 2 * 3 / 3 , which is true

I get lost at the Inductive step.

Any help would be appreciated
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  • #2
Welcome to PF,Bucs.

Which part of the induction step do you have a problem with?
  • #3
Your basis step is right. Where, specifically, do you have problems?

edit: neutrino beat me to it!
  • #4
Where I get stuck is what I should be inputing into the statement to verify it.

1*2*3 + n(n+1) = n(n + 1)(n + 2) / 3 +

I'm stuck on how to work the rest of the problem out.
  • #5
Bucs44 said:
Where I get stuck is what I should be inputing into the statement to verify it.

1*2*3 + n(n+1) = n(n + 1)(n + 2) / 3 +

I'm stuck on how to work the rest of the problem out.

You have to now prove that the above statement holds for n = k+1, assuming that is true for some positive k.

1.2+2.3+...k(k+1) + (k+1)((k+1)+1)

Now, you have to show it takes the form n(n + 1)(n + 2) / 3, for n = k+1.
  • #6
neutrino said:
You have to now prove that the above statement holds for n = k+1, assuming that is true for some positive k.

1.2+2.3+...k(k+1) + (k+1)((k+1)+1)

Now, you have to show it takes the form n(n + 1)(n + 2) / 3, for n = k+1.

I'm not sure that I'm following you - So it would look like this

n(n + 1)(n + 2) / 3 + k(k+1)

n(n + 1)(n + 2) / 3 + k(k+1)/3 / 3
  • #7
1.2+2.3+...k(k+1) + (k+1)((k+1)+1) ---> This is for k+1

Since we've assumed that it holds true for some arbitrary k greater than 1, we can write

1.2+2.3+...k(k+1) = k(k + 1)(k + 2) / 3 (1)

1.2+2.3+...k(k+1) + (k+1)((k+1)+1) = k(k + 1)(k + 2) / 3 + (k+1)((k+1)+1) (refer(1))

Simpligy the right-hand side to (k+1)(k+2)(k+3)/3, which is what you would get if you put n = K+1 in n(n + 1)(n + 2) / 3
  • #8
Thanks for all of your help neutrino - I think the whole Inductive step is what is really fowling me up - my algebra is poor at best.
  • #9
Can I ask you 1 more question though?

2n + 1 < 2n, n = 3, 4 …..
Basis Step (n = 3) - 2(3) = 6 + 1 = 7 < 23 = 8 so we Assume true for n

Am I on the right track?
  • #10
Bucs44 said:
2n + 1 < 2n, n = 3, 4 …..
Basis Step (n = 3) - 2(3) = 6 + 1 = 7 < 23 = 8 so we Assume true for n

Am I on the right track?


Are you sure that's the question?

and this whole part...

2(3) = 6 + 1 = 7 < 23 = 8

doesn't make sense.
  • #11
I thought by plugging in either 3 or 4 as n that it would be true. I have to verify the inequality
  • #12
Bucs44 said:
2n + 1 < 2n, n = 3, 4 …..

This cannot be the correct question, since 2n+1>2n for all n!
  • #13
14. 2n + 1 < 2n, n = 3, 4 …..

It should be less than or equal to - it just didn't come through when I pasted it.
  • #14
Bucs44 said:
14. 2n + 1 < 2n, n = 3, 4 …..

It should be less than or equal to - it just didn't come through when I pasted it.

Should it not read something like [itex]2n+1\leq 2^n[/itex] for n=3,4,...?
  • #15
See - I really am bad at this stuff - the way you have written it is correct.

From my above post I guess my Basis Step is wrong?
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  • #16
Well, your basis step: It is true for n=3 so assume true for n=k by the inductive hypothesis. So, we know that [itex]2n+1\leq 2^n[/itex], for n=3,...,k, and we want to show true for n=k+1. So, we have [itex]2(k+1)+1=2k+2+1[/itex]. Can you invoke the fact that we know is true (i.e. it holds for n=k) into this equation?
  • #17
If you think that 2n, when n= 3, equals 23, this may be hopeless. Do you know what "2n" means?
  • #18
cristo said:
Well, your basis step: It is true for n=3 so assume true for n=k by the inductive hypothesis. So, we know that [itex]2n+1\leq 2^n[/itex], for n=3,...,k, and we want to show true for n=k+1. So, we have [itex]2(k+1)+1=2k+2+1[/itex]. Can you invoke the fact that we know is true (i.e. it holds for n=k) into this equation?

I'm not sure what you mean by "it holds for n=k"
  • #19
You have proven by your inductive hypthesis that [itex]2k+1\leq 2^k[/itex]
  • #20
That's all that's to that problem? I thought it would be much more difficult than that.
  • #21
Well, if you've shown that [itex]2k+1\leq 2^k \Rightarrow 2(k+1)+1\leq 2^{k+1}[/itex], then yes, the problem is solved.

FAQ: Proving the Sum of Consecutive Numbers Using Mathematical Induction

What is mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is a proof technique used to prove statements about natural numbers or other well-ordered sets. It involves proving a base case and then showing that if the statement is true for a particular number, it is also true for the next number.

How does mathematical induction work?

Mathematical induction works by first proving that a statement is true for the base case (usually the smallest natural number or the number 0). Then, it is assumed that the statement is true for a particular number, and using this assumption, it is shown that the statement is also true for the next number. This process is repeated until it is shown that the statement is true for all natural numbers.

What is the difference between strong and weak induction?

The main difference between strong and weak induction is the way in which the induction step is carried out. In strong induction, the induction hypothesis assumes that the statement is true for all numbers less than or equal to the particular number being considered. In weak induction, the induction hypothesis only assumes that the statement is true for the immediate predecessor of the particular number.

What are the limitations of mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is only applicable to well-ordered sets, such as the natural numbers. It cannot be used to prove statements about real numbers or other continuous sets. Additionally, the base case must be explicitly proven, which can be difficult for complex statements.

What are some applications of mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is commonly used in number theory, combinatorics, and discrete mathematics to prove statements about sequences, series, and other mathematical objects. It is also used in computer science to prove the correctness of algorithms or programs that operate on discrete data.

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