Proof of Mathematical Induction: Explained

In summary, if a prime number divides the product of multiple integers, then that prime number also divides at least one of those integers.
  • #1
I was told that the following can be proven by induction. Can someone explain to me how this can be done?

I also have the following fact: If p|(ab) then either p|a, p|b or both.

Let p be a prime number and let a_i, i = 1,2,3,...,n be integers. If p|(a_1)(a_2)...(a_n) then p divides at least one of the a_i.

I'm not too sure how to state the the induction proposition/statement. Perhaps P_n is the statement that if p|(a_1)(a_2)...(a_n), p is prime and the a_i are integers then p divides at least one of the a_i. But what about the base case? I guess the base case just follows from the fact which I included earlier in this post. So how would I prove that p_k is true => p_(k+1) is true.

The induction hyhpothesis would be if p|(a_1)(a_2)...(a_k) where p is prime and the a_i are integers, then p divides at least one of the a_i. Would I then write p_(k+1) is also true because:

a_1 a_2 ...a_k a_{k + 1} = a_{k + 1} \left( {a_1 a_2 ...a_k } \right)

[tex]p|a_1 a_2 ...a_k[/tex] by hypothesis so that:

p|a_{k + 1} \left( {a_1 a_2 ...a_k } \right)

Any help would be good.
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  • #2
1. You have not shown that if some prime divides [itex]\Pi_{i=1}^{k+1} a_i [/itex] then it also divides some a_i from that list. What you have shown is that if some prime divides [itex]\Pi_{i=1}^{k} a_i [/itex], then it also divides [itex]\Pi_{i=1}^{k+1} a_i [/itex]. This is not what is asked for.

2. Note that it does not have to be the same prime that divides the product of the k+1 integers as that which divides the product of the k integers.
  • #3
if p divides a_1a_2..a_k then either p divides a_1 and we are done, or p divides a_2a_3..a_k and hence by induction divides one of the a_j for j is one of 2,..,k
  • #4
i think that using the second form of mathematical induction will work better.

you assume that the statement is true for any integral statement less than the number of the statement you are trying to prove.

and then you show that if all of those statements are true that it must follow that the statement in question is true.

kinda difficult to get a hang of at first, but in my class we used it to prove the fundamental theorem of arithmetic and so forth.
  • #5
matt, you gave away the solution !
  • #6
i don't think the solution is the important thing here since it is easy to write a solution invoking the magical 'by induction it follows that...', i think that the OP ought to look at what i wrote and realize that they don't understand how i magicked the 'by induction' from nowhere and that they ought to think about that. knowing the words for the answer and understanding the answer are different. of course if they simply wanted the solution for marks then more fool them.

FAQ: Proof of Mathematical Induction: Explained

1. What is mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is a mathematical proof technique used to prove statements about natural numbers. It involves proving a base case, usually n = 1, and then showing that if the statement holds for some arbitrary value n, it also holds for n+1. This process is repeated until the desired statement is proven for all natural numbers.

2. How does mathematical induction work?

Mathematical induction works by using the principle of strong induction, which states that if a statement is true for all natural numbers less than or equal to n, then it is also true for n+1. This principle is used to prove the base case, and then the inductive hypothesis is used to show that the statement holds for n+1 by assuming it holds for n.

3. What is the difference between weak and strong induction?

Weak induction, also known as simple induction, only uses the previous value n to prove the statement for n+1. This method is often used when the statement only depends on the previous value. Strong induction, on the other hand, uses all previous values up to n to prove the statement for n+1. It is used when the statement depends on more than just the previous value.

4. What are the steps to using mathematical induction?

The steps to using mathematical induction are:1. Prove the base case, usually n = 1.2. Assume the inductive hypothesis, which states that the statement holds for n.3. Use the inductive hypothesis to show that the statement holds for n+1.4. Repeat the process until the desired statement is proven for all natural numbers.

5. What types of statements can be proven using mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is commonly used to prove statements about natural numbers, such as properties of sequences, sums of series, and divisibility. It can also be used to prove statements in other areas of mathematics, such as graph theory and combinatorics. However, it cannot be used for statements that are not true for all natural numbers, such as statements about real numbers or negative numbers.

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