Me not falling through the ground and Pauli's Exclusion Principle

In summary: It depends on the context. In some contexts, such as when describing the behavior of liquids, the exclusion principle is relevant. In other contexts, such as when discussing the stability of matter, the exclusion principle is not relevant.
  • #1
I explained to myself that I don't fall through the ground due to electrons repelling. Using classical electrostatic repulsion.
Once in a while I hear it explained through Pauli's exclusion principle (PEP).

  • Do we need PEP to explain this, or is classical electrostatics enough?
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  • #2
Classical electrostatics accounts for almost every feature of the interactions between macroscopic bodies. Occasionally, the interaction can be modeled with Van der Waals forces,

In order for the exclusion principle to be relevant, the object must be at an huge density. One such example is the neutron star, There the intense gravitational interaction is balanced by an effective repulsion between nucleons that serves to prevent further collapse of the stellar core. For larger bodies of mass, even the PEP effect cannot prevent further collapse to a black hole.
  • #3
Hi Swimmingly!
It depends on how far you want to go
electrostatic repulsion is a good answer, but eventually if you want to work out the details of how did molecules even get to setup into this kind of mesh, so as to get the full picture, then Pauli's exlusion principle would kick in.
  • #4
fzero said:
In order for the exclusion principle to be relevant, the object must be at an huge density.
That is not true. In typical molecules, the energetic effect of the "exchange interaction" is only one order of magnitude less, and sometimes not even that much less, than the direct Coulomb repulsion. That can be seen from Hartree-Fock or Kohn-Sham calculations, where you get a direct number for this "exchange energy". While "one order of magnitude less" might sound small, those energy scales are *astronomical* on chemical scales, easily being 10000 times as large as typical energy differences you get in molecular reactions (and let's not even talk about conformations or intermolecular, or weak interactions, which are much smaller but still account for a great deal of everyday physics).

In short: Without taking the antisymmetry of the wave function properly into account (and thus accounting for exchange interactions), there is no way you would even get something remotely describing real matter in any sensible way.

So to OP: It's both, electrostatics and exchange. The latter is, however, not a real force, but a kind of fake interaction which can be used to describe the effects arising from combining the regular Coulomb interaction with antisymmetry constraints of Fermionic wave functions.
  • #5
yes, in order for the electrostatic repulsion to be effective the ground must be a stable solid, and a major reason for that is the Pauli Exclusion Principle as deduced by Dyson and Lenard in 1967:

FJ Dyson and A Lenard: Stability of Matter, Parts I and II, J. Math. Phys., 8, 423-434 (1967)

the argument was subsequently improved, eg by Lieb in 1976, see section IV of

and an updated paper available at Project Euclid:

The stability of Matter: from Atoms to Stars - Elliot Lieb 1990
  • #6
Thank you all for the answer.

unusualname said:
yes, in order for the electrostatic repulsion to be effective the ground must be a stable solid, and a major reason for that is the Pauli Exclusion Principle as deduced by Dyson and Lenard in 1967:

Why must it be solid, I don't understand what context you're referring too?
My question applies to for example liquids too. Water doesn't run through my hand.
  • #7
yeah, the reason water doesn't run through your hand is because it's a liquid, try running your hand through ice.

FAQ: Me not falling through the ground and Pauli's Exclusion Principle

1. How does Pauli's Exclusion Principle prevent me from falling through the ground?

Pauli's Exclusion Principle states that no two particles can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously. This means that the electrons in the atoms that make up the ground cannot occupy the same space as the electrons in your body, preventing you from passing through it.

2. What is the relationship between Pauli's Exclusion Principle and the solidity of matter?

Pauli's Exclusion Principle is one of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, which governs the behavior of particles on a very small scale. It is responsible for the solidity of matter, as it prevents particles from occupying the same space and allows for the formation of stable structures.

3. Can Pauli's Exclusion Principle be violated?

No, Pauli's Exclusion Principle is a fundamental law of nature and has been rigorously tested and proven to hold true. Violating this principle would require a drastic overhaul of our understanding of the universe.

4. How does Pauli's Exclusion Principle relate to the stability of atoms?

Pauli's Exclusion Principle plays a crucial role in the stability of atoms. It dictates the arrangement of electrons in an atom's energy levels, ensuring that they do not all collapse into the nucleus. This principle also allows for the formation of chemical bonds, which are essential for the stability of molecules.

5. Does Pauli's Exclusion Principle apply to all particles or just electrons?

Pauli's Exclusion Principle applies to all particles, including protons, neutrons, and electrons. However, it is most commonly associated with electrons as they are the most numerous and have the most significant impact on the properties of matter.

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