Measurability of a function f which is discontinuous only on a set of measure 0.

In summary, the conversation discusses proving that a bounded function with a set of discontinuous points can be expressed as a countable union of closed sets, and that if this set has a Lebesgue measure of 0, then the function is measurable. The approach for proving this is discussed, including the use of upper bounds for the function and the fact that if D is a null set, then the function is also Riemann integrable and therefore measurable.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f:[a,b] -> R be a bounded function, and let D be the set of points at which f is not continuous.

(a) Prove that D is a countable union of closed sets.

(b) Prove that if m(D) = 0, then f is measurable.

Homework Equations

Of(x) = lim(ε->0)(sup f(y) - inf f(y) ) on {y:|y-x|< ε} [Called the "Oscillation at x"]

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that if m(D) = 0, then f is Reimann integrable. This probably leads to a fact about Lebesgue integrability, which leads to a fact about measurability...? I'm not sure how it all ties together, or what the formal argument would be.

Any help would be much appreciated : )
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  • #2
(a) Let M be the upper bound for f & consider the sets
O_n={x in D |2M/(n+1)<=Of(x)<=2M/n} n=1,2,..
Do you see why each O_n must be closed & their union is D?

(b)If D is a null set,f would be riemann integrable(& hence measurable) as it is bounded .

FAQ: Measurability of a function f which is discontinuous only on a set of measure 0.

What is measurability of a function f?

Measurability of a function f refers to the property of a function to be measurable, meaning that its output values can be assigned a numerical measure or size.

What does it mean for a function to be discontinuous on a set of measure 0?

A function is discontinuous on a set of measure 0 if it is continuous everywhere except for a set of points that have a measure of 0. This means that the function has a jump or gap at these points, but it does not significantly affect the overall behavior of the function.

Can a function be measurable if it is discontinuous on a set of measure 0?

Yes, a function can still be measurable even if it is discontinuous on a set of measure 0. This is because the discontinuity at these points does not significantly affect the overall measurability of the function.

Why is measurability important in mathematics?

Measurability is important in mathematics because it allows us to assign numerical values to functions and sets, which helps us analyze and understand their behavior. It also allows us to use various mathematical tools and techniques to study these functions and sets.

How can we determine the measurability of a function f that is discontinuous on a set of measure 0?

The measurability of a function f that is discontinuous on a set of measure 0 can be determined by using various mathematical techniques such as the Lebesgue measure or Borel measure. These measures can help us determine the size or extent of the discontinuity and how it affects the overall measurability of the function.
