Electrostatics Problem - Understanding Inertial Systems in Mechanics Discussions

In summary, the problem is that there are also dipole-forces exerted by one on the other---which I did not need to consider for the purpose of the problem.If one finds the torques due to both the factors---one arising from pxE and the other from (p.grad)E,the total torque on the system P1+P2 can be shown equal to zero.It is OK as the angular momentum of the system does not change.
  • #1
It is a mechanics discussion regarding a problem of electrostatics.

Couple of months ago I dealt with a problem:Given two electric dipoles, separated at a distance r and are perpendicular to each other.We are to find the torque exerted on each other.
I took p1 as vertical and p2,right to p1,at a distance r,facing towards right.
I used co-ordinate free form of E_dip which gave the torques...

The torques were in the same direction and were not cancelling one another.It resulted from the fact that there were also dipole-forces exerted by one on the other---which I did not need to consider for the purpose of the problem.If one finds the torques due to both the factors---one arising from pxE and the other from (p.grad)E,the total torque on the system P1+P2 can be shown equal to zero.It is OK as the angular momentum of the system does not change.

Everything is clear.What I want to know is that when I used co-ordinate free form,how can I be sure that I am working from an inertial system?

Is my qustion clear?I am not referring to any particular co-ordinate system...but the end result is consistent with that as viewed from an inertial system...
So,I think using a co-ordinate free form somehow makes it possible.

can you try out something to make it clear?
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  • #2
I did not use a frame to avoid two different frames involved in the same problem
  • #3
If you are doing electrostatics, both dipoles are at rest.
If either dipole is moving, the problem gets very complicated and needs special relativity. In either event, you are in an "inertial system" if the equations you used apply.
  • #4
Which inertial frame do the formula refer to?
I know it is an obvious answer that all frames are equivalent...Remember that we are to check that external torque (about the origin or any other point) should vanish...
But I do not find such a point.
  • #5
Oh! Sorry! I got such a point...When I did the explicit calculation I worked from the location of one charge.

What I got is that in STR the co-ordinate free forms have meaning only in inertial co-ordinate systems...
  • #6
neelakash said:
What I got is that in STR the co-ordinate free forms have meaning only in inertial co-ordinate systems...
"co-ordinate free" has nothing to do with it. Anything or any coordinate system is only valid in STR in an inertial system. The definition of "inertial system" is one in which the STR equatins hold.
  • #7
Then may we conclude:
whenever we encounter an application of co-ordinate free formula,we will get the dynamical result same as that obtained from an inertial frame?
  • #8
Yes, if you use the inertial frame equations.
For instance, if you use the Coriolis force, then you are not in an iinertial frame.
  • #9
I did not so far "co-ordinate free" equations for coriolis force.However,for the formulas like the dipole moment/dipole-dipole interaction, we may use co-ordinate free formulas meaning an inertial frame.
I was wondering why this can be done!Now I realize,the formulas can be as well derived from their corresponding co-ordinate based (inertial frame)formulas.

FAQ: Electrostatics Problem - Understanding Inertial Systems in Mechanics Discussions

1. What is electrostatics?

Electrostatics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of electric charges at rest. It involves the understanding of the behavior of stationary electric charges and the forces between them.

2. What is an inertial system in mechanics?

An inertial system in mechanics is a frame of reference in which Newton's laws of motion hold true. This means that an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. Inertial systems are important in understanding the behavior of objects in motion.

3. What are some common electrostatics problems?

Some common electrostatics problems include calculating the electric force between charged particles, determining the electric field at a given point, and finding the potential difference between two points in an electric field.

4. How do inertial systems play a role in solving electrostatics problems?

Inertial systems are important in solving electrostatics problems because they provide a reference frame in which the forces and motions of charged particles can be accurately described. Without an inertial system, the laws of motion may not hold true and the solutions to electrostatics problems may not be accurate.

5. What are some real-world applications of electrostatics and inertial systems?

Electrostatics and inertial systems have many practical applications. For example, they are used in the design of electrical circuits, in the functioning of electronic devices, and in the development of technologies such as ion engines and particle accelerators. Inertial systems are also crucial in the study of celestial mechanics and the motion of objects in space.
