Should I do a BEng or MEng for Working Abroad?

  • Thread starter skaboy607
  • Start date
In summary: MEng in Mech eng.In summary, an MSc is a more specialised route to take, but it doesn't really matter which you take as a postgraduate degree.
  • #1

I live and study in the UK; currently about to finish second year of Mechanical Engineering before going to do a placement year in industry. I would like to do an MEng and was set to change providing my grades are ok when I was told that "if" I wanted to work abroad, than graduating with a BEng and then completing an MSc would be the better option. Through research, I was told that there not that different in content. I would like to be able to graduate with the highest grades possible as everyone does, I also would like the degree type that is preferred/most recognised and also would like to have the choice to not struggle getting work abroad if I chose to? Is this the informtion correct and what is most advisable?

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  • #2
Both are as as valid as one another as they are both acredited by the IMechE. Neither will increase nor decrease your chances of getting a job in the UK or abroad.

The BEng and MSc is a more traditional route, but the postgrad degree will cost you more as you don't get funded for it.

However as I suspect you started after top up fees then tuition will cost you the same, but you won't get the maintainence loan or grant.

Where are you study atm?
  • #3
Yea, my goal is to go on and become chartered. I am an affiliate member at the moment and will be completing the forms during my year out that will count towards chartered status. I study at Brunel in West London.
  • #4
Just do the MEng, mostly becuase its cheaper.

I think the MEng is marginally more suited to industry anyway, with only doing one research project and usually one group design project. With the BEng and MSc you end up doing two research projects and no group work.

In reality there is so little to choose between them.
  • #5
What about with respect to working abroad?

  • #6
Not too sure about that to be honest. I would suspect there is no difference between the two options, a good degree is a good degree at the end of the day.

If you want to work abroad its kind of required that you get a 2:1 or a 1st (obviosly the 1st is bettwe :D) and have experience. The year in industy will help you more than anything, as that's what'll swing a job offer your way.I wouldn't take my word as gospel though, your tutor will have a better idea about this.
  • #7
ok thanks for your help.
  • #8
Dear all,

An MSc would be the preferred route for most. An MEng is still an undergraduate qualification and it will only be a development of your BEng. But in an MSc, it is completely new and different course, and you can really get a chance input your undergraduate skills from you BEng into a proper Masters degree.

I finished with a B.Eng and then went on to do an MSc. And I have been told that employers prefer a postgraduate degree anyway.

Oh also, by the way, there is group project in MSc. I suppose this depends on which university and course you do.

Regards and Good Luck
  • #9
Employers really couldn't give a toss so long as you have a set level of qualification and can show that you can do the job.

Bottom line is either will allow you to become chartered, and either will get you in the door but won't nail you the job. Anyone saying someone who walks in with a postgrad masters vs an undergrad masters is prefererd for the job is talking utter tosh.

As a point I've heard several people say that MEng is better than a postgrad, in reality my friends that have taken the different routes (BEng, then MSC and MEng) have both had equal opportunities in employment. Which leads me to the conclusion that it makes bugger all difference.

Another point to the OP, if you want to get places learn to be good at interviews.

EDIT: MEng is also a 'proper' masters.
  • #10
xxChrisxx said:
EDIT: MEng is also a 'proper' masters.

It depends what you mean by 'proper.' An MEng is classed as a masters in the national qualifications framework (i.e. it is a grade 7 qualification), but it is an undergraduate degree.
  • #11
Your point being cristo?

As not to appear bised,

The MSc does have the advange of you being able to specialise more. Which admittedly will give you the edge is you choose to work in a given field.

So an MSc in say Motorsports from Cranfield will give you the edge over someone with a pure Mechanical MEng who applies to a motorsports team/company/etc.

On the other hand applying for a mech eng job designing washing machines or something equally mundane an MSc in Mech eng will give you no edge over an MEng.
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  • #12
xxChrisxx said:
Your point being cristo?

My point is that your comment means nothing until you define 'proper.'
  • #13
Define the word proper.

Proper as in "not Bull****". Both accredited by the IMechE to the same level of credence.

and you can really get a chance input your undergraduate skills from you BEng into a proper Masters degree.

The above by star707 makes it sound like the MEng is the equivilant to nothing more than advanced colouring in, and is utterly inferior and 'not proper' when compared to a BEng/MSc combo.

As you pointed out both are masters, both are level 7 qualifications.What I acutally meant by the above was, "its an undergraduate degree" my responce is "So what?"
  • #14
A proper Masters degree. What does that mean?

Proper means the following: -
marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness; "proper medical treatment"; "proper manners" etc.

I am not saying MEng isn't good, yes is very good. I am just saying that why do another academic year after your degree and still have only an undergraduate degree completed. Just spend the year doing an accredited MSc course which lasts a full year, afterwards one can be classified as a postgraduate degree holder. Do a single dissertation at a BEng level, and then apply all your knowledge and build on your skills onto a more professional level on a postgraduate course. Thats all I meant.

True say you can get charter quicker on an MEng degree. But there are advantages and disadvantages in both, but my personal opinion is for an MSc, as you get a whole years worth of study rather than just normally an academic year.
  • #15
why do another academic year after your degree and still have only an undergraduate degree completed

1. Because its much much cheaper to do a 4 year undergraduate degree.
2. In the eyes of the IMechE you are qualified to the same level.
3. From all the experience that I and my friends have, its makes no practical difference for getting a job in a random field. (The classification and interview matter much more)
4. In pretty much all the places I've looked (which isn't many i'll admit as I was on the MEng from he start) the MSc has exactly the same taught modules as the 4th year undergrad course.

Now admittedly the MSc does have the MEng beat in a extra research. You can specialise more in a given field.

But on cost benefit analysis, I just think the MEng offers almost the same, for much less.

FAQ: Should I do a BEng or MEng for Working Abroad?

1. Should I do a BEng or MEng for Working Abroad?

This is a common question among students and professionals considering working abroad. The answer depends on your career goals and the country you plan to work in.

2. What is the difference between BEng and MEng?

BEng stands for Bachelor of Engineering and MEng stands for Master of Engineering. BEng is an undergraduate degree, while MEng is a postgraduate degree. MEng programs typically require an additional year of study and focus on more advanced and specialized engineering topics.

3. Which degree is more recognized internationally?

Both BEng and MEng degrees are recognized internationally, but the level of recognition may vary depending on the country and industry. In general, MEng degrees are more recognized in countries where the engineering profession is highly regulated, such as Canada and the UK.

4. Will having an MEng make it easier to get a job abroad?

Having an MEng may give you an advantage in the job market abroad, as it demonstrates a higher level of knowledge and expertise in your field. However, it ultimately depends on the job requirements and your individual qualifications and experience.

5. Are there any specific countries where a BEng or MEng is preferred for working abroad?

Some countries, such as the United States, do not differentiate between BEng and MEng degrees and both are accepted for engineering jobs. Other countries, like Germany, may require a specific degree for certain engineering roles. It's important to research the job market and industry requirements in the specific country you plan to work in.

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