Minimizing Chi^2, Singular Matrix problem

  • Thread starter Hepth
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In summary, Chi^2 is a statistical measure used in scientific research to determine the goodness of fit between observed and expected data. It is important because it helps evaluate the significance of differences between expected and observed data and supports hypothesis testing. The Singular Matrix problem can affect the accuracy of Chi^2 minimization results and can be avoided by using non-singular matrices. This problem can also impact the validity of research findings, along with other common issues like overfitting and multicollinearity.
  • #1
Gold Member
I want to construct a completely correlated chi^2.
I have a two-dimensional dataset, and its basically like:


So m1-m4, a1-a4 are all different, but each x0 is the same. This happens when I am fitting 2D data, but it is required that the function goes to zero (or some point) along the axis.

I have the entire correlation matrix, and covariance matrix. I just need to then calculate the chi^2. Normally one would take the inverse of the correlation matrix, and just do a sum over the differences between my model and the desired times the Inverse of the correlation matrix.

The problem is the the covariance matrix is not invertable because it is singular, there are n rows that are repetitive. (Basically the x0 by x0 block is all 1's, so theyre linearly dependent.)

Is there a simple way around this? It doesn't matter too much, as the error on the x0 measurements is large (60%), but the errors are the same for all x0.

The chi^2 is used for the training in a neural network.

I have included the cov matrix here :

cov = {{1.0,0.98,0.94,0.89,0.83,0.77,0.71,-0.18,-0.16,-0.13,-0.10,-0.072,-0.042,-0.013,0.91,0.91,0.90,0.88,0.86,0.81,0.74,-0.22,-0.22,-0.22,-0.22,-0.22,-0.22,-0.22},{0.98,1.0,0.99,0.96,0.91,0.87,0.83,-0.0039,0.020,0.045,0.071,0.098,0.12,0.14,0.95,0.94,0.93,0.92,0.89,0.84,0.76,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24},{0.94,0.99,1.0,0.99,0.97,0.94,0.91,0.16,0.18,0.20,0.23,0.25,0.27,0.28,0.96,0.95,0.94,0.92,0.89,0.84,0.76,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24},{0.89,0.96,0.99,1.0,0.99,0.98,0.96,0.29,0.31,0.33,0.35,0.37,0.39,0.39,0.95,0.94,0.93,0.91,0.87,0.82,0.74,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24},{0.83,0.91,0.97,0.99,1.0,1.0,0.98,0.40,0.42,0.44,0.46,0.47,0.48,0.48,0.92,0.91,0.90,0.88,0.85,0.80,0.71,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24},{0.77,0.87,0.94,0.98,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.48,0.50,0.52,0.54,0.55,0.56,0.54,0.89,0.88,0.87,0.85,0.82,0.76,0.68,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23},{0.71,0.83,0.91,0.96,0.98,1.0,1.0,0.55,0.57,0.59,0.60,0.61,0.61,0.60,0.86,0.85,0.84,0.82,0.78,0.73,0.65,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23,-0.23},{-0.18,-0.0039,0.16,0.29,0.40,0.48,0.55,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.99,0.98,0.96,0.91,0.14,0.14,0.14,0.14,0.14,0.13,0.13,0.090,0.090,0.090,0.090,0.090,0.090,0.090},{-0.16,0.020,0.18,0.31,0.42,0.50,0.57,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.99,0.97,0.93,0.16,0.16,0.16,0.17,0.17,0.17,0.16,0.11,0.11,0.11,0.11,0.11,0.11,0.11},{-0.13,0.045,0.20,0.33,0.44,0.52,0.59,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.99,0.98,0.94,0.19,0.19,0.19,0.19,0.20,0.20,0.20,0.13,0.13,0.13,0.13,0.13,0.13,0.13},{-0.10,0.071,0.23,0.35,0.46,0.54,0.60,0.99,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.99,0.96,0.21,0.22,0.22,0.23,0.23,0.24,0.24,0.17,0.17,0.17,0.17,0.17,0.17,0.17},{-0.072,0.098,0.25,0.37,0.47,0.55,0.61,0.98,0.99,0.99,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.97,0.23,0.24,0.25,0.26,0.27,0.28,0.29,0.22,0.22,0.22,0.22,0.22,0.22,0.22},{-0.042,0.12,0.27,0.39,0.48,0.56,0.61,0.96,0.97,0.98,0.99,1.0,1.0,0.99,0.25,0.26,0.28,0.29,0.31,0.33,0.35,0.30,0.30,0.30,0.30,0.30,0.30,0.30},{-0.013,0.14,0.28,0.39,0.48,0.54,0.60,0.91,0.93,0.94,0.96,0.97,0.99,1.0,0.26,0.28,0.30,0.32,0.35,0.38,0.41,0.40,0.40,0.40,0.40,0.40,0.40,0.40},{0.91,0.95,0.96,0.95,0.92,0.89,0.86,0.14,0.16,0.19,0.21,0.23,0.25,0.26,1.0,1.0,0.99,0.98,0.96,0.92,0.85,-0.15,-0.15,-0.15,-0.15,-0.15,-0.15,-0.15},{0.91,0.94,0.95,0.94,0.91,0.88,0.85,0.14,0.16,0.19,0.22,0.24,0.26,0.28,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.99,0.97,0.94,0.87,-0.10,-0.10,-0.10,-0.10,-0.10,-0.10,-0.10},{0.90,0.93,0.94,0.93,0.90,0.87,0.84,0.14,0.16,0.19,0.22,0.25,0.28,0.30,0.99,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.99,0.96,0.90,-0.043,-0.043,-0.043,-0.043,-0.043,-0.043,-0.043},{0.88,0.92,0.92,0.91,0.88,0.85,0.82,0.14,0.17,0.19,0.23,0.26,0.29,0.32,0.98,0.99,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.98,0.93,0.031,0.031,0.031,0.031,0.031,0.031,0.031},{0.86,0.89,0.89,0.87,0.85,0.82,0.78,0.14,0.17,0.20,0.23,0.27,0.31,0.35,0.96,0.97,0.99,1.0,1.,0.99,0.96,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12},{0.81,0.84,0.84,0.82,0.80,0.76,0.73,0.13,0.17,0.20,0.24,0.28,0.33,0.38,0.92,0.94,0.96,0.98,0.99,1.0,0.99,0.24,0.24,0.24,0.24,0.24,0.24,0.24},{0.74,0.76,0.76,0.74,0.71,0.68,0.65,0.13,0.16,0.20,0.24,0.29,0.35,0.41,0.85,0.87,0.90,0.93,0.96,0.99,1.0,0.39,0.39,0.39,0.39,0.39,0.39,0.39},{-0.22,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.23,-0.23,0.090,0.11,0.13,0.17,0.22,0.30,0.40,-0.15,-0.10,-0.043,0.031,0.12,0.24,0.39,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0},{-0.22,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.23,-0.23,0.090,0.11,0.13,0.17,0.22,0.30,0.40,-0.15,-0.10,-0.043,0.031,0.12,0.24,0.39,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0},{-0.22,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.23,-0.23,0.090,0.11,0.13,0.17,0.22,0.30,0.40,-0.15,-0.10,-0.043,0.031,0.12,0.24,0.39,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0},{-0.22,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.23,-0.23,0.090,0.11,0.13,0.17,0.22,0.30,0.40,-0.15,-0.10,-0.043,0.031,0.12,0.24,0.39,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0},{-0.22,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.23,-0.23,0.090,0.11,0.13,0.17,0.22,0.30,0.40,-0.15,-0.10,-0.043,0.031,0.12,0.24,0.39,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0},{-0.22,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.23,-0.23,0.090,0.11,0.13,0.17,0.22,0.30,0.40,-0.15,-0.10,-0.043,0.031,0.12,0.24,0.39,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0},{-0.22,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.24,-0.23,-0.23,0.090,0.11,0.13,0.17,0.22,0.30,0.40,-0.15,-0.10,-0.043,0.031,0.12,0.24,0.39,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0}}

Thanks for any possible help.
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  • #2
What do you fit to what? Are all the mi and ai different fit parameters? Then you have 9 fit parameters, and I don't understand why you write them in a 3x4 matrix, the covariance matrix would be 9x9.
  • #3
No, that was just an example of the structure. There are no real "fit parameters" other than the weights of the neural network.

I will be extremely clear in this case.

Basically my goal is to construct a goodness-of-fit for my neural network. I have 28 "desired values".

desired = {1.020,1.021,1.022,1.023,1.024,1.025,1.028,-0.08190,-0.08207,-0.08278,-0.08438,-0.08752,-0.09339,-0.1044,0.1504,0.1418,0.1319,0.1203,0.1067,0.09051,0.07098,-0.05653,-0.05653,-0.05653,-0.05653,-0.05653,-0.05653,-0.05653}

These came from some formula I have that depend on a lot of other parameters. Due to these parameters, and the uncertainty on them, I can analytically calculate the correlations between each of these measurements, and their uncertainties.

correlation = {{0.00001568, 0.00001760, 0.00001993, 0.00002282, 0.00002649, 0.00003134, 0.00003800, -0.00001675, -0.00001488, -0.00001278, -0.00001042, -7.782*10^-6, -4.850*10^-6, -1.679*10^-6, 0.0001327, 0.0001275, 0.0001214, 0.0001144, 0.0001061, 0.00009631, 0.00008447, -0.00001882, -0.00001882, -0.00001882, -0.00001882, -0.00001882, -0.00001882, -0.00001882}, {0.00001760, 0.00002040, 0.00002380, 0.00002802, 0.00003339, 0.00004046, 0.00005021, -4.180*10^-7, 2.142*10^-6, 5.039*10^-6, 8.332*10^-6, 0.00001209, 0.00001637, 0.00002120, 0.0001578, 0.0001514, 0.0001440, 0.0001354, 0.0001253, 0.0001134, 0.00009906, -0.00002274, -0.00002274, -0.00002274, -0.00002274, -0.00002274, -0.00002274, -0.00002274}, {0.00001993, 0.00002380, 0.00002850, 0.00003433, 0.00004177, 0.00005156, 0.00006505, 0.00001943, 0.00002283, 0.00002670, 0.00003113, 0.00003624, 0.00004216, 0.00004902, 0.0001882, 0.0001804, 0.0001714, 0.0001609, 0.0001487, 0.0001342, 0.0001168, -0.00002749, -0.00002749, -0.00002749, -0.00002749, -0.00002749, -0.00002749, -0.00002749}, {0.00002282, 0.00002802, 0.00003433, 0.00004218, 0.00005217, 0.00006533, 0.00008346, 0.00004408, 0.00004852, 0.00005360, 0.00005944, 0.00006623, 0.00007418, 0.00008356, 0.0002259, 0.0002164, 0.0002053, 0.0001926, 0.0001776, 0.0001599, 0.0001388, -0.00003338, -0.00003338, -0.00003338, -0.00003338, -0.00003338, -0.00003338, -0.00003338}, {0.00002649, 0.00003339, 0.00004177, 0.00005217, 0.00006542, 0.00008288, 0.0001069, 0.00007552, 0.00008128, 0.00008789, 0.00009554, 0.0001045, 0.0001150, 0.0001276, 0.0002740, 0.0002622, 0.0002486, 0.0002329, 0.0002145, 0.0001927, 0.0001668, -0.00004087, -0.00004087, -0.00004087, -0.00004087, -0.00004087, -0.00004087, -0.00004087}, {0.00003134, 0.00004046, 0.00005156, 0.00006533, 0.00008288, 0.0001060, 0.0001379, 0.0001170, 0.0001245, 0.0001331, 0.0001431, 0.0001549, 0.0001689, 0.0001857, 0.0003374, 0.0003226, 0.0003056, 0.0002860, 0.0002630, 0.0002359, 0.0002036, -0.00005073, -0.00005073, -0.00005073, -0.00005073, -0.00005073, -0.00005073, -0.00005073}, {0.00003800, 0.00005021, 0.00006505, 0.00008346, 0.0001069, 0.0001379, 0.0001805, 0.0001742, 0.0001841, 0.0001955, 0.0002088, 0.0002245, 0.0002431, 0.0002658, 0.0004246, 0.0004058, 0.0003841, 0.0003591, 0.0003299, 0.0002954, 0.0002544, -0.00006428, -0.00006428, -0.00006428, -0.00006428, -0.00006428, -0.00006428, -0.00006428}, {-0.00001675, -4.180*10^-7, 0.00001943, 0.00004408, 0.00007552, 0.0001170, 0.0001742, 0.0005510, 0.0005644, 0.0005807, 0.0006012, 0.0006276, 0.0006628, 0.0007124, 0.0001193, 0.0001154, 0.0001110, 0.0001061, 0.0001006, 0.00009478, 0.00008877, 0.00004468, 0.00004468, 0.00004468, 0.00004468, 0.00004468, 0.00004468, 0.00004468}, {-0.00001488, 2.142*10^-6, 0.00002283, 0.00004852, 0.00008128, 0.0001245, 0.0001841, 0.0005644, 0.0005787, 0.0005963, 0.0006184, 0.0006470, 0.0006854, 0.0007396, 0.0001432, 0.0001393, 0.0001350, 0.0001301, 0.0001247, 0.0001189, 0.0001129, 0.00005493, 0.00005493, 0.00005493, 0.00005493, 0.00005493, 0.00005493, 0.00005493}, {-0.00001278, 5.039*10^-6, 0.00002670, 0.00005360, 0.00008789, 0.0001331, 0.0001955, 0.0005807, 0.0005963, 0.0006155, 0.0006398, 0.0006713, 0.0007138, 0.0007743, 0.0001702, 0.0001666, 0.0001627, 0.0001582, 0.0001534, 0.0001482, 0.0001429, 0.00007025, 0.00007025, 0.00007025, 0.00007025, 0.00007025, 0.00007025, 0.00007025}, {-0.00001042, 8.332*10^-6, 0.00003113, 0.00005944, 0.00009554, 0.0001431, 0.0002088, 0.0006012, 0.0006184, 0.0006398, 0.0006669, 0.0007023, 0.0007506, 0.0008199, 0.0002007, 0.0001980, 0.0001950, 0.0001917, 0.0001881, 0.0001844, 0.0001808, 0.00009336, 0.00009336, 0.00009336, 0.00009336, 0.00009336, 0.00009336, 0.00009336}, {-7.782*10^-6, 0.00001209, 0.00003624, 0.00006623, 0.0001045, 0.0001549, 0.0002245, 0.0006276, 0.0006470, 0.0006713, 0.0007023, 0.0007434, 0.0007999, 0.0008818, 0.0002353, 0.0002343, 0.0002333, 0.0002322, 0.0002313, 0.0002306, 0.0002306, 0.0001290, 0.0001290, 0.0001290, 0.0001290, 0.0001290, 0.0001290, 0.0001290}, {-4.850*10^-6, 0.00001637, 0.00004216, 0.00007418, 0.0001150, 0.0001689, 0.0002431, 0.0006628, 0.0006854, 0.0007138, 0.0007506, 0.0007999, 0.0008685, 0.0009696, 0.0002743, 0.0002766, 0.0002793, 0.0002825, 0.0002865, 0.0002916, 0.0002984, 0.0001856, 0.0001856, 0.0001856, 0.0001856, 0.0001856, 0.0001856, 0.0001856}, {-1.679*10^-6, 0.00002120, 0.00004902, 0.00008356, 0.0001276, 0.0001857, 0.0002658, 0.0007124, 0.0007396, 0.0007743, 0.0008199, 0.0008818, 0.0009696, 0.001101, 0.0003177, 0.0003261, 0.0003357, 0.0003470, 0.0003603, 0.0003763, 0.0003960, 0.0002796, 0.0002796, 0.0002796, 0.0002796, 0.0002796, 0.0002796, 0.0002796}, {0.0001327, 0.0001578, 0.0001882, 0.0002259, 0.0002740, 0.0003374, 0.0004246, 0.0001193, 0.0001432, 0.0001702, 0.0002007, 0.0002353, 0.0002743, 0.0003177, 0.001355, 0.001306, 0.001249, 0.001184, 0.001107, 0.001016, 0.0009057, -0.0001167, -0.0001167, -0.0001167, -0.0001167, -0.0001167, -0.0001167, -0.0001167}, {0.0001275, 0.0001514, 0.0001804, 0.0002164, 0.0002622, 0.0003226, 0.0004058, 0.0001154, 0.0001393, 0.0001666, 0.0001980, 0.0002343, 0.0002766, 0.0003261, 0.001306, 0.001262, 0.001211, 0.001151, 0.001082, 0.0009990, 0.0008992, -0.00007686, -0.00007686, -0.00007686, -0.00007686, -0.00007686, -0.00007686, -0.00007686}, {0.0001214, 0.0001440, 0.0001714, 0.0002053, 0.0002486, 0.0003056, 0.0003841, 0.0001110, 0.0001350, 0.0001627, 0.0001950, 0.0002333, 0.0002793, 0.0003357, 0.001249, 0.001211, 0.001166, 0.001114, 0.001053, 0.0009797, 0.0008916, -0.00003127, -0.00003127, -0.00003127, -0.00003127, -0.00003127, -0.00003127, -0.00003127}, {0.0001144, 0.0001354, 0.0001609, 0.0001926, 0.0002329, 0.0002860, 0.0003591, 0.0001061, 0.0001301, 0.0001582, 0.0001917, 0.0002322, 0.0002825, 0.0003470, 0.001184, 0.001151, 0.001114, 0.001070, 0.001019, 0.0009570, 0.0008824, 0.00002131, 0.00002131, 0.00002131, 0.00002131, 0.00002131, 0.00002131, 0.00002131}, {0.0001061, 0.0001253, 0.0001487, 0.0001776, 0.0002145, 0.0002630, 0.0003299, 0.0001006, 0.0001247, 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The errors would be the diagonal of that.

Now, I would normally say :

$$\chi^2 = (NN - desired).C^{-1}.(NN - desired)$$

And I adjust the parameters that give me the vector "NN" until the chi^2/dof is 1.

The problem I run into now is that there are measurements that are 100% correlated with the same error. ( the last 7 entries are all the same algebraic equation, with the same error, even though they are calculated differently).

This can be imagined as having a sampling of a 2D function, but in one of the dimensions, say at x=0 for all y, the function must go to zero. (Like f[x,y]*Sin[x]).
So when you take some (7) samples along the x-axis at this point, your desired is "0" for each of these, with the same error. This causes the correlation matrix to be singular and non-invertable.

Does that help?

The goal in the end is to both construct a good chi^2, but also I will need to generate random vectors of "desired" with the proper correlations. I would have done this with the Cholesky Decomposition method. But now that the correlation matrix isn't positive-definite, I don't know what to do.

I know there is a PseudoInverse, but I don't know how statistically sound that is, and if it would reproduce the proper correlations.
  • #4
I think it might work to just take the error of each of the offending entries and add a random number to it (say its 30% error do +- 0.1%*Random[]), because at this point the error of the error doesn't matter. This makes it so each entry is linearly independent, and also I checked and it doesn't seem to change the correlations much.

I wonder if that is ok.

So basically the error of them would have been D[f[x],x]*deltax, but now I use D[f[x],x]*deltax*(1.0 + 0.01*Random[])
  • #5
I'm not sure if the 100% correlation is well justified (see below), but reducing it to 99% could work. It certainly makes the cholesky decomposition possible. You can cross-check that with values like 98% and 99.9% to verify that the calculation is stable.
Don't use more than 100% correlation, in general that leads to ill-defined things.

There is a mathematical issue with the 100% correlation, if the neural net does not have uncertainties: it means you are absolutely sure that the last 7 entries have to be exactly the same. If they are different in the NN output even by the tiniest amount, your chi^2 is "infinity" - there is no possible way your prediction could be wrong in that way.

FAQ: Minimizing Chi^2, Singular Matrix problem

1. What is Chi^2 and why is it important in scientific research?

Chi^2 (pronounced as "kai squared") is a statistical measure used to determine the goodness of fit between observed and expected data. It is important in scientific research because it allows for the evaluation of the significance of differences between expected and observed data, and can help determine if a hypothesis is supported or rejected.

2. What is the Singular Matrix problem and how does it affect Chi^2 minimization?

The Singular Matrix problem occurs when the matrix used in Chi^2 minimization has a determinant of zero. This means that the matrix is not invertible and the Chi^2 minimization algorithm cannot be solved. This can affect the accuracy of the results obtained from Chi^2 minimization.

3. How can the Singular Matrix problem be avoided when minimizing Chi^2?

The Singular Matrix problem can be avoided by ensuring that the matrix used in Chi^2 minimization is non-singular. This can be achieved by including more independent variables or using a different optimization method, such as a regularization technique.

4. Can the Singular Matrix problem affect the validity of research findings?

Yes, the Singular Matrix problem can affect the validity of research findings. If the Chi^2 minimization results are inaccurate due to the Singular Matrix problem, the conclusions drawn from the research may also be inaccurate. It is important to address this issue in order to ensure the validity of research findings.

5. Are there any other common issues that may arise when minimizing Chi^2?

Yes, there are other common issues that may arise when minimizing Chi^2. These include overfitting, which occurs when the model fits the data too closely and may not generalize well to new data, and multicollinearity, which occurs when the independent variables in the Chi^2 minimization are highly correlated with each other.

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