Minimum Work Needed to Push 1000kg Car 300m Up 17.5o Incline

In summary, the minimum work needed to push a 1000kg car 300m up a 17.5o incline, ignoring friction, is 2803927Joules. However, when taking into account an effective coefficient of friction of 0.25, the total force needed to push the car up the incline would be 12136.565N, and the work done would be negative but with a magnitude of 2803927Joules. It is also possible to find the work by splitting the m*g force into tangential and normal components and adding the work done against the tangential component and the friction force.
  • #1

Homework Statement

what is the minimum wirk neede to push a 1000kg car 300m up a 17.5o incline?

Part a. Ignore friction

Homework Equations

So we are allowed to use the general equation

W=FdCos [tex]\theta[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

So I thought you would just do:

W= (1000)(9.8)(300)(cos17.5)

However according to my teacher we should be getting
W= 8.8 x105 Joules

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
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  • #2
Draw a picture. Are you sure cos is the right trig function to be using? The force is aligned with the direction of the car's motion so W=F*d. How does the angle of the slope affect F? Split the force into components.
  • #3
Oh, so you would have to use sin instead of cos. That makes more sense. I didnt know that you could interchange the trig function in the equation.

Thanks so much for your help!
  • #4
Littlemin5 said:
Oh, so you would have to use sin instead of cos. That makes more sense. I didnt know that you could interchange the trig function in the equation.

Thanks so much for your help!

You can't interchange the trig functions in the equation! What happens when you are pushing the car up the incline is that the only force you have to overcome is the component of m*g that is tangent to the road. That's F_g=m*g*sin(incline angle). In the W=F*d*cos(theta) the theta is 0, since we are pushing in the same direction the car is moving. Those are two DIFFERENT angles. You aren't just substituting 'sin' for 'cos'. Try to be clear on this.
  • #5
But I do have one more question if I was told that in the next part there was an effective coefficent of friction of .25 , wuld I just multiple my answer for Part 1 by .25?
  • #6
No. Not at all. Now you have to figure out the normal force before you can compute the frictional force. Can you do that?
  • #7
Wouldn't you do 9800Cos17.5=9346.26N

so your answer there would be the Normal Force?
  • #8
Right. So now get the frictional force. The total force you have to push up the hill then the tangential force (as in the first problem) PLUS the frictional force.
  • #9
so frictional force is 2336.565 and then I add that to 9800 which equals


From there I would do

Right? And the answer I get would be my answer?
  • #10
No again. F_total=F_tangential+F_friction. Ok, F_friction is 2336N. The gravitational force component you are opposing is m*g*sin(17.5). Now take F_total*d
  • #11
Wait I don't really understand the last comment you made. Could you please explain it in a bit more detail?
  • #12
Here is another perspective. The displacement occurs at 17.5 degrees from the horizontal. The force, that is gravitational force, is acting down. We ignore the normal work because it has no component of force in the displacement (cos90=0). So, since mg is acting down, and the displacement is at 17.5 above horiztonal, we use the FDcosO. We know the force, mg; we know the displacement, 300m, and we know the angle between them, 17.5 + 90. So.. it should be 1000kg * 300m * 9.8 * cos (17.5 + 90). I think this is right. This is assuming no friction. Also, the work is negative but magnitude is positive.
  • #13
razored said:
Here is another perspective. The displacement occurs at 17.5 degrees from the horizontal. The force, that is gravitational force, is acting down. We ignore the normal work because it has no component of force in the displacement (cos90=0). So, since mg is acting down, and the displacement is at 17.5 above horiztonal, we use the FDcosO. We know the force, mg; we know the displacement, 300m, and we know the angle between them, 17.5 + 90. So.. it should be 1000kg * 300m * 9.8 * cos (17.5 + 90). I think this is right. This is assuming no friction. Also, the work is negative but magnitude is positive.

You could certainly do it that way. But it's pretty usual with inclined plane problems to split the m*g force into tangential and normal components. Going up the plane you only do work against the tangential component of m*g and the friction force. Add them and multiply by the distance.

FAQ: Minimum Work Needed to Push 1000kg Car 300m Up 17.5o Incline

1. What is the minimum work needed to push a 1000kg car up a 300m incline at a 17.5o angle?

The minimum work needed to push a 1000kg car up a 300m incline at a 17.5o angle can be calculated using the formula W = mgh, where W is work, m is mass, g is gravitational acceleration, and h is the height of the incline. Using this formula, the minimum work needed is approximately 519,050 joules.

2. How is the minimum work affected by the mass of the car?

The minimum work needed to push the car up the incline is directly proportional to the mass of the car. This means that the greater the mass of the car, the more work is needed to push it up the incline.

3. Does the angle of the incline affect the minimum work needed?

Yes, the angle of the incline does affect the minimum work needed. As the angle increases, the amount of work needed also increases. This is because a steeper incline requires the car to be pushed against a greater force of gravity.

4. How does the distance of the incline impact the minimum work needed?

The distance of the incline does not have a direct impact on the minimum work needed. However, the longer the incline, the more work is needed to push the car up it, as the car has to be pushed for a longer distance against the force of gravity.

5. Is there a way to decrease the minimum work needed to push the car up the incline?

Yes, there are a few ways to decrease the minimum work needed. One way is to decrease the mass of the car. Another way is to decrease the angle of the incline. Additionally, using a pulley system or enlisting the help of additional people can also decrease the minimum work needed to push the car up the incline.
