How Does Collision Affect Kinetic Energy in Fish?

In summary, a big fish with a velocity of 2.0m/s is moving towards a school of small fish with a velocity of 5m/s. The small fish enter the big fish's mouth at a rate of 20 per minute and the big fish becomes motionless after 13 minutes. The total collection time is 13 minutes, and the mass of the big fish is 195kg. To find the loss in kinetic energy due to the impact, we can use the formula Kinetic Energy = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2. Substituting the values, we get a loss of 1365J.
  • #1
1. A big fish with its mouth wide open is moving at 2.0m/s towards a school of small fish each of mass 300g. the small fish enter the wide mouth of the big one with a velocity of 5m/s to the opposite durection at the rate of 20fish per min. the big one is motionless after 13min : the big one is able to finish collecting all the available small ones. the total collection time is 13 mins. Find the loss in kinetic energy due to the impact

2. i found out the mass of big fish= 195kg
but how to find the loss in kinetic energy due to the impact?
the answer is 1365J
help me...please
thank you

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  • #2
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FAQ: How Does Collision Affect Kinetic Energy in Fish?

1. What is the definition of momentum?

Momentum is a property of a moving object that describes its quantity of motion. It is defined as the product of an object's mass and velocity.

2. How is momentum calculated?

Momentum can be calculated by multiplying an object's mass (m) by its velocity (v): p = m * v. The unit of momentum is kg * m/s.

3. What is the law of conservation of momentum?

The law of conservation of momentum states that in a closed system, the total momentum before a collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. This means that momentum is conserved in a collision, regardless of any external forces acting on the system.

4. What is an elastic collision?

An elastic collision is a collision in which kinetic energy is conserved. This means that the objects involved in the collision bounce off each other without any loss of energy.

5. How does the mass and velocity of objects affect collisions?

The mass and velocity of objects affect collisions because they determine the amount of momentum each object has. In a collision, the objects involved will transfer momentum to each other based on their masses and velocities. A heavier object will have more momentum than a lighter object, and an object with a higher velocity will have more momentum than an object with a lower velocity.
