Momentum Change in Perfectly Inelastic Collision: Comparing Cars and Trucks

In summary, the compact car and the large truck experience a perfectly inelastic collision where they stick together. The truck experiences a larger momentum change due to conservation of momentum and the fact that it has a larger mass. However, both vehicles experience the same acceleration during the collision because the forces and time are equal according to the equation I=Ft.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A compact car and a large truck collide head on and stick together (perfectly inelastic collison).

Which vehicle experiences the larger momentum change?

Which vehicle experiences the larger acceleration during the collision?

Explain your answers.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I think that the truck has a larger momentum change because, first of all, it is conserved, so p=pfinal-initial

Assuming the velocities are the same, only the mass should affect the momentum. So that's why I thought the truck has a larger momentum change.

But I'm not sure..I look at I=Ft and the forces are equal, and so is the time..So would they have equal change in momentum?

HELP! thanks!
Physics news on
  • #2
The truck will carry on in the same direction with modified velocty, whereas the unfortunate car will find itself going backwards. Now which one has suffered the largest change in momentum? acceleration?
  • #3

I would approach this problem by first examining the definition of momentum and the equations involved. Momentum is defined as the product of an object's mass and velocity, represented by the equation p=mv. In a perfectly inelastic collision, the two objects stick together and move with a common velocity after the collision. This means that the final velocity for both the car and the truck will be the same, and the only difference will be in their masses.

Therefore, the truck, which has a larger mass, will experience a larger change in momentum compared to the compact car. This can also be seen by looking at the equation p=mv, where the mass is directly proportional to the momentum. So, if the mass of the truck is larger, its momentum change will also be larger.

As for acceleration, we can use the equation I=Ft, where I represents the change in momentum, F represents the force, and t represents the time. Since the two vehicles are colliding head on and sticking together, they experience the same force and same time during the collision. This means that they will have equal acceleration during the collision.

To summarize, in a perfectly inelastic collision between a car and a truck, the truck will experience a larger change in momentum due to its larger mass. However, both vehicles will experience the same acceleration during the collision.

FAQ: Momentum Change in Perfectly Inelastic Collision: Comparing Cars and Trucks

1. What is a perfectly inelastic collision?

A perfectly inelastic collision is a type of collision in which two objects stick together after colliding and move together as one object. This is in contrast to an elastic collision, where the objects bounce off each other with no loss of kinetic energy.

2. How does momentum change in a perfectly inelastic collision?

In a perfectly inelastic collision, momentum is conserved, meaning that the total momentum of the objects before and after the collision remains the same. However, the distribution of momentum may change as the objects stick together and move with a new combined velocity.

3. What is the difference between cars and trucks in a perfectly inelastic collision?

In a perfectly inelastic collision between a car and a truck, the larger mass of the truck means it will have a greater momentum compared to the car. This can result in a larger change in momentum and a greater force exerted on the objects involved.

4. How does the speed of the objects affect momentum change in a perfectly inelastic collision?

The speed of the objects involved in a perfectly inelastic collision can affect the amount of momentum change. If the objects are traveling at higher speeds, the change in momentum will be greater compared to objects traveling at slower speeds.

5. What real-world applications involve perfectly inelastic collisions between cars and trucks?

Perfectly inelastic collisions between cars and trucks can occur in car accidents, where the cars collide with a larger, heavier truck. This can also be seen in sports, such as in a game of bumper cars or in a collision between a car and a football player during a tackle.
