My lack of problem solving skills - Mechanics

In summary, the problem asks for the force acting on a particle when x changes, not when t changes. In order to find the force, you need to find the derivative of v with respect to time.
  • #1
I am taking a senior level analytical Mechanics course, which is very math based. I am having major difficulty in bridging the gap between what a given problem is asking for and manipulating the problem to solve it. I have had all the necessary math courses and did respectable, but now I feel as though I have never been really taught on how to apply that knowledge to solve real physics problems. It is being assumed that I know exactly what to do and I don't. How do I know when to integrate or differentiate or both for any given problem? Is there a good reference out there for just this sort of dilema? I really want to understand what to do and not just skate by. The problem below is indicitive of what I am trying to solve. I am not asking anyone to solve it as it is merely a reference. Any help would be very grateful.

Given: F(x)=Fo+ct, Fo is independent of v
Find x dot, and x.
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  • #2
"Given: F(x)=Fo+ct, Fo is independent of v
Find x dot, and x."

If the problems are phrased like that, it's no wonder you have problems! There is no "x" or "x dot" in the problem. Also you have "F(x)" but Fo+ ct doesn't depend on x!

I assume that you mean that F(t)= Fo+ ct is the force function for some object, that "x dot" is the speed function, and that "x" is its position. The problem ought to say those things!

One very important "problem solving skill" is learning basic definitions and formulas. If you are taking a mechanics class then surely someone has mentioned F= ma! If your object has mass m, then ma= F= F0+ ct so [itex]a= \frac{F_0+ ct}{m}[/itex]. a ("x dot dot") is the derivative of x dot (that's one of the definitions you should have learned)so x dot is the anti-derivative of [itex]\frac{F_0+ ct}{m}[/itex] which is [itex]\frac{F_0t+ \frac{1}{2}t^2}{m}+ v_0[/tex]. v0 is the initial speed. Force on gives acceleration: the rate of change of speed. You have to know what the initial speed was to tell what it changed to!
Now, speed (x dot) is the derivative of position (x) so to find x, you have to find the anti-derivative of that.
  • #3
You are right, I was going from memory and it should not have been F(x) but Fx which is really F. This makes it significantly easier. I still struggle a bit with understanding the role of integration and differentiation and deriving solutions to problems. Is there a good reference (book or link) that you know pertaining to this matter that would aid?
  • #4
Alright, I have a specific homework question with regard to attaining more skills with problem solving. I have been given this specific problem:

b is positive constant, find force acting on particle as function of x.

I am not sure where to even start. I know F = ma = m(xdot)*(d(xdot)/dx). I think I am getting tripped up on converting the derivative m(xdot)*(d(xdot)/dx) into something I can use on left side of my initial equation. Is this the correct first step?
  • #5
I'm not sure what you mean, but we have that
[tex]a = \frac{{d^2 x}}{{dt^2 }} = \ddot x = \frac{{d\dot x}}{{dt}}[/tex]

We know that [tex]\dot x = bx^{ - 3} [/tex]

[tex]a = \frac{{d\left( {bx^{ - 3} } \right)}}{{dt}}[/tex]

[tex]F = ma = m\frac{{d\left( {bx^{ - 3} } \right)}}{{dt}}[/tex]
  • #6
But shouldn't this be with respect to x instead of t as you have shown as I am looking for F(x).
  • #7
Well to get a, you have to find the derivative of v (so that x dot) with respect to time (t) and not position (x).
  • #8
Not if you are using stardard notation! In mechanics, the "dot" is used to mean differentiation with respect to the time, t, so that [itex]\dot x[/itex] is the velocity function and [itex]\ddot x[/itex] is the acceleration function.

If [itex]F(x)= m\ddot x[/itex], you will need to use the chain rule: [itex]\frac{dv}{dt}= \frac{dv}{dx}\frac{dx}{dt}[/itex]. But, of course, [itex]v= \frac{dx}{dt}[/itex] so [itex]\frac{dv}{dt}= v\frac{dv}{dx}[/itex]. With v= bx-3, that gives
F(x)= m(bx-3)(-3bx-4).
  • #9
Just wanted to say thanks for the help. Your pointers helped.

FAQ: My lack of problem solving skills - Mechanics

1. How can I improve my problem solving skills in mechanics?

There are several ways to improve your problem solving skills in mechanics. One way is to practice regularly by attempting different types of problems and seeking guidance from experts or peers. Additionally, you can also try breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts and then solving them one by one. It's also important to stay updated on the latest techniques and strategies in mechanics to enhance your problem solving abilities.

2. What are some common mistakes people make when trying to solve mechanics problems?

Some common mistakes people make when solving mechanics problems include not reading the problem carefully, not understanding the underlying concepts, and not using appropriate equations or formulas. It's also important to double check your work and ensure your calculations are accurate.

3. How can I approach a mechanics problem if I don't know where to start?

If you're having trouble knowing where to start with a mechanics problem, try to identify what type of problem it is and what concepts it involves. Then, review your notes or textbook to refresh your knowledge on those concepts. You can also try looking for similar examples or practice problems to gain a better understanding of how to approach the problem.

4. Is it important to understand the theory behind mechanics in order to solve problems?

Yes, understanding the theory behind mechanics is crucial for problem solving. Without a strong understanding of the underlying concepts and principles, it can be difficult to apply them to real-world problems. It's important to not only memorize equations and formulas, but also understand how and when to use them.

5. How can I stay motivated while working on mechanics problems?

Staying motivated while solving mechanics problems can be challenging, but it's important to remember the long-term benefits of developing strong problem solving skills. Try setting small goals for yourself, taking breaks when needed, and seeking support from others. Additionally, try to find the joy in the process of problem solving and celebrate your accomplishments as you go.

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