Need advice applying a logistic regression to model school data

In summary, the speaker is trying to determine if schools are increasing the number of students meeting or exceeding standards by analyzing data from the MEAP database for grades 3-5 from 2005-2009. They are using a graph to represent the data and are trying to determine if there is a pattern or trend over time. They suggest using a non-linear model, specifically logistic regression, but are unsure how to apply it to their data. They are seeking advice on how to approach this problem.
  • #1
To determine whether schools are increasing the amount of students meeting or
exceeding standards, I obtained a MEAP database reporting the amount of students that
scored in the met or exceed standards range during years 2005-2009, for grades 3-5. I then
graphed the data for using numbers 1 through 5 representing the years since the data
started in the x-axis and and the number of students that met or exceeded standards in the y axis.

I am trying to look at progress over time not just as a linear increase, but as something that might speed up then slow down. In particular, any measurement like % at-or-above-basic-proficiency is limited to between 0% and 100% seems to apply here. A simple model for how it might grow in time would be

f(t) = 1 / (1 + b*e^(-a*t) )

-I tried graphing this for simple values like b=1, a=1 on the range t=-2 to t=+2)
Notice it starts out concave-up on the left, and then turns to be concave-down for larger values of t.

I am trying to ask are schools on the concave-up portion of the curve, or the concave-down portion?

I think I could get a partial answer by including a t^2 term in a regression model, then look at the sign of its coefficient--though there are some dangers, like if the coefficient is positive we might be on the downslope of the parabola, with scores decreasing in time! By the way, I am using t=5 meaning the year 2005.
Overall, I am trying to use logistic regression but I am lost on how to try to apply a non linear program of some sort to find a good model.

any advice?
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  • #2
If you drop the linearity requirement, then something must replace it. You could e.g. develop a hypothesis, i.e. a curve which you suspect to be a good model, then test it with some standard test, or simply analyse the mean distances of your data. Student's t-distribution might be a good point to start with.

FAQ: Need advice applying a logistic regression to model school data

1. What is logistic regression?

Logistic regression is a statistical method used to model the relationship between a categorical dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It is commonly used in research and data analysis to predict the probability of an event occurring based on the values of the independent variables.

2. How is logistic regression applied to model school data?

In the context of school data, logistic regression can be used to predict the likelihood of a student passing or failing a test based on factors such as their attendance, previous grades, and demographic information. It can also be used to identify the most influential factors on student performance and make recommendations for improving academic outcomes.

3. What are the assumptions of logistic regression?

The main assumptions of logistic regression include the linearity of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, absence of multicollinearity (high correlation between independent variables), and the independence of observations. Additionally, the dependent variable should be binary (only two possible outcomes) and the data should be free of outliers.

4. How do you interpret the results of a logistic regression?

The coefficients in a logistic regression model represent the change in log odds of the dependent variable for a one unit increase in the independent variable. The sign of the coefficient (positive or negative) indicates the direction of the relationship, while the magnitude represents the strength of the relationship. The odds ratio, which is the exponentiated coefficient, can also be used to interpret the results.

5. What are some common challenges when applying logistic regression to school data?

Some common challenges when applying logistic regression to school data include missing data, imbalanced classes, and overfitting. It is important to carefully select and preprocess the variables to avoid these issues. Additionally, the interpretation of results can be complex and may require advanced statistical knowledge.

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