How to Calculate Capacitance for Capacitors with Oxide on Side Walls?

In summary: CapacitorThe capacitor in this conversation is a mechanically variable capacitor. The capacitance is dependent on the deposition of oxide on the side walls. The equation for capacitance assumes that the side walls are much less separation than the plate area. The capacitance would be C = eA/d and C = 2NeA/d. The only issue is that the geometry is that of a standard parallel plate capacitor and comb capacitor. The capacitance would be C = eA/d and C = 2NeA/d if the dielectric material was much thicker than air. If the dielectric material was very thin, the capacitance would be effectively zero.
  • #1

Hopefully this is going to be pretty basic stuff for someone. I have a mechanically variable capacitor and to prevent electrode shorting, I have deposited a small amount of oxide on the side walls. For my Matlab model I need the equation for capacitance which takes this oxide into account. I can't seem to find a generic formula for capacitance of a parallel plate or comb capacitor with oxide on the side walls (not filling entire gap between electrodes). I need formulas for both geometries.

Thanks in advance!

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  • #2
Closed form expressions for capacitance only exist for specific geometries, parallel plate being the simplest. The parallel plate formula assumes that plates separation is much less than plate area, and that the plates are the same shape and not offset from each other. It would be easy to incorporate various layers of DK stacked between the plates into this formula. Sounds like your difficulty is your geometry, not your DK. Maybe you need to describe your geometry more. If it is like the variable capacitor found in old tube radios, you will only have a closed form expression if the geometry was specifically designed to provide it.
  • #3
Sorry if I was unclear. Perhaps it would be best to ignore the variable capacitor part as the geometry is exactly that of a standard parallel plate capacitor and comb capacitor. Typically the capacitance would be C = eA/d and C = 2NeA/d The only issue is I have deposited a thin layer of dielectric material onto the electrodes and need a modified equation for the capacitance now.
  • #4
Hmmm interesting

so you need to figure an effective Dielectric Constant for the space between the plates?

dielectric constant for Al2O3 is 9 to 11 per wikipedia

so it seems to me this would be analogous to conductances in series, sum of (DC-1 X thickness) ? for first approximation anyway?

and if the film is very thin in comparison to air gap it effectively disappears ?

is my thinking straight ? More energy per cc is stored in the film, but it's very thin.

old jim
  • #5

Thank you for reaching out for assistance with your Matlab model. Capacitance is a fundamental concept in electrical engineering and is defined as the ability of a system to store an electric charge. The formula for capacitance is C = Q/V, where C is capacitance, Q is the amount of charge stored, and V is the voltage applied.

For a parallel plate capacitor with oxide on the side walls, the formula for capacitance can be modified to include the dielectric constant (ε) of the oxide material and the area of the capacitor (A). The modified formula is C = εA/d, where d is the distance between the plates. This formula takes into account the effect of the oxide layer on the capacitance of the system.

For a comb capacitor with oxide on the side walls, the formula for capacitance can be derived by considering the capacitance as a series of parallel plate capacitors. The formula is C = εA/d + εA/d + εA/d... (n times), where n is the number of comb fingers and d is the distance between the fingers.

I hope this helps with your Matlab model. It is always important to consider the effects of materials and geometry on the capacitance of a system. Best of luck with your research!


FAQ: How to Calculate Capacitance for Capacitors with Oxide on Side Walls?

1. What is capacitance and why is it important?

Capacitance is a measure of an object's ability to store electric charge. It is important because it is a fundamental property of electrical circuits and is used in a variety of applications, such as in electronic devices and power transmission.

2. What is the formula for calculating capacitance?

The formula for capacitance is C = Q/V, where C is capacitance in farads (F), Q is the charge in coulombs (C), and V is the voltage in volts (V).

3. How do I calculate the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor?

The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is given by the formula C = εA/d, where ε is the permittivity of the material between the plates, A is the area of the plates, and d is the distance between the plates.

4. Can the capacitance of a capacitor change?

Yes, the capacitance of a capacitor can change depending on factors such as the material between the plates, the distance between the plates, and the shape of the plates. It can also change if the voltage or charge on the capacitor changes.

5. How is capacitance related to frequency?

Capacitance is inversely proportional to frequency. This means that as the frequency of an alternating current increases, the capacitance decreases. This is because at higher frequencies, the capacitor has less time to charge and discharge, resulting in a smaller capacitance value.
