Debunking the Universe's Origin with Simple Math for Non-Experts

  • Thread starter Czarnian
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a person trying to use math to support their claim about the existence of the universe, but their argument is flawed and has no scientific basis. They use terms incorrectly and their equations do not make sense. Overall, their argument is not valid.
  • #1
First, I have no idea where to post something like this so I apologize if it's in the wrong forum.

Second, Hello.

Third, I was wondering if someone could give me a little guidance regarding what seems like a very dubious claim for the existence of the universe.

Basically the person is trying to overwhelm me with math. Math is not my strong suit, but the equations look dodgy.

His basic claim is that before the Big Bang the universe existed as an uncharged pion which spun off into two charged pions and then the universe was created. (I've already explained the orders of magnitude difference between a pion and the estimated mass of the universe. He's sticking by his proof.)

I guess the best way to explain what he's trying to explain is to post it.

the first particle, before the event of the Big Bang was a neutral pion of Plank density. It split into two opositely charged pions of half the Planck density. Each one of these created a universe, of net positive and negative matter respectively.

Let M = the mass of a universe.
Let m = the mass of a charged pion

One can determine M in simple relation to m, if we assume the Hubble Constant to be:
H = [G*m^3*c]*pi/h^2 = 2.2044E(-18)s^(-1) = 67.98 (km/s)/Mpc
This agrees with experimental results, to better than +/- 10%.

v = H*R --> v/H = R Hubble's Law

Using a simple substitution into Einstein's equation:

0 = (1/2)*H^2*r^2 -(G*M)/r -(1/6)*[-3/r^2]*c^2*r^2

0 = (1/2)*H^2*(c^2/H^2) -(G*M*H)/c +(1/2)*c^2

0 = c^2 -[G*M*H]/c

[G*M*H]/c = c^2

M*H = c^3/G

M = [c^3/G]*(1/H)

Recall that we are letting H = [G*m^3*c*pi]/h^2.

M = (c^3/G)*[h^2/(G*m^3*c*pi)]

M = (h^2*c^2)/(G^2*m^3*pi)


I can't make heads or tails of what he's trying to show and he's trying to use that as some sort of vindication of his hypothesis.

Again, I apologize if this is the improper forum. Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
This is "math salad." It contains absolutely no meaning to anyone -- probably not even the moron who wrote it.

First of all, pions are particles composed of two of the lightest quarks. They have a mass density somewhat similar to that of an atomic nucleus, if you can even meaningfully speak of their 'density' at all. Certainly they don't even approach the Planck density!

If this person is using the word 'pion' in its accepted scientific sense, his words make no sense. If he's using the word 'pion' in some new way that he has not defined, he's a moron for choosing an existing word, using it a new way, and not defining it.

Futhermore, pions don't decay into other pions, as this would violate a number of conservation laws, including the one which everyone knows about, the conservation of mass.

The mathematics portion of his "proof" is garbage. There's really no better way to describe it. I have no idea what he thinks Einstein's equation is, but that ain't it... at all. Einstein's equation is a tensorial equation, the basis of his theory of general relativity, and this is just... meaningless symbols strung together.

I also have no idea what some of his variables even mean (r is certainly not a scale factor, since he seems to be implying it's equal to c/H, with units of distance, whatever the hell that means).

From what I can tell, this person's highest intellectual achievement might be grade-school algebra.

- Warren
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  • #3
The short verson of warren's post is that you can't just take two equations and combine them because they both have the same letter in them. That's not how it works.
  • #4
Thanks, that's what I suspected.

FAQ: Debunking the Universe's Origin with Simple Math for Non-Experts

1. What is the main premise of "Debunking the Universe's Origin with Simple Math"?

The main premise of this guide is to use simple mathematical concepts to refute the idea that the universe's origin can be explained by a single, simple equation.

2. Who is the intended audience for this guide?

The intended audience for this guide is non-experts, specifically those who may be interested in the origins of the universe but do not have a strong background in mathematics or science.

3. What are some examples of the math used in this guide?

Some examples of the math used in this guide include basic algebra, geometry, and statistics. These concepts are used to demonstrate how oversimplifying the universe's origin can lead to inaccurate conclusions.

4. Is this guide meant to disprove any specific theories about the universe's origin?

No, this guide is not meant to disprove any specific theories. Rather, it aims to challenge the idea that the universe's origin can be explained by a single, simple equation, regardless of which theory it may support.

5. What are the potential implications of debunking the idea of a single equation explaining the universe's origin?

This guide aims to encourage critical thinking and skepticism towards oversimplification in science. It also highlights the importance of considering multiple factors and variables when trying to understand complex phenomena, such as the origins of the universe.
