Negative T for a spin 1 system in the canonical ensemble

In summary, the conversation discusses an apparent inconsistency with the results for negative temperatures in a spin 1 system of N particles. The partition function and average energy of the system are given, and an equation is derived in terms of a dimensionless energy. The condition for a real temperature to exist is discussed, and the question of how the average temperature can be larger than the maximum possible energy is raised.
  • #1
Gabriel Maia
I'm interested in an apparent inconsistency with the result for negative temperatures for a spin 1 system of N particles.

The partition function of such a system is

Z=(1+2\cosh(\beta \,\epsilon))^{N}
where each particle can be in one of three energy states: [itex]E=-\epsilon,\,0,\,\epsilon.[/itex]

The average energy of the system is

\langle E \rangle=-\frac{2N\epsilon\,\sinh(\beta\,\epsilon)}{1+2\cosh(\beta\epsilon)}.

Let me define [itex]\mathcal{E}=\langle E \rangle/N\epsilon[/itex]. If I'm to write [itex]\beta=1/k_{_{B}}T[/itex] in terms of this dimensionless energy [itex]\mathcal{E}[/itex], I'll arrive at the equation

\mathcal{E}+(\mathcal{E}+1)e^{\beta B}+(\mathcal{E}-1)e^{-\beta B}=0.

I tried to solve this as a quadractic equation, obtaining

\beta = \frac{1}{B}\ln\left[\frac{-\mathcal{E}+\sqrt{4-3\mathcal{E}^{2}}}{2}\right].

The first thing to observe is that we must have


for a real temperature to exist. Now, for a solution with negative temperature to exist, we have to have that


If [itex]\mathcal{E}>0[/itex] this relation is always satisfied. If [itex]\mathcal{E}=-|\mathcal{E}|[/itex], then the condition reads [itex]|\mathcal{E}|<1[/itex]. This is the part I don't get. If [itex]|\mathcal{E}|>1[/itex] then we have positive temperatures. But this means that

|\langle E \rangle| > N\epsilon

and [itex]N\epsilon[/itex] is the energy the system has if all N particles are in identical alignment with respect to the external magnetic field. It's the maximum energy possible. How can the average temperature be larger than the maximum possible?Thank you very much.
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  • #2
Your equation (3) is not quadratic. The average energy depends on the temperature, so the coefficients in equ 3 are not constants.

FAQ: Negative T for a spin 1 system in the canonical ensemble

What is the significance of a negative T for a spin 1 system in the canonical ensemble?

A negative T for a spin 1 system in the canonical ensemble indicates that the system is in an inverted state, meaning that the majority of its particles are in higher energy states rather than lower energy states. This is a rare and highly unstable state for a system to be in.

How does a negative T affect the energy of a spin 1 system in the canonical ensemble?

In a spin 1 system, the energy is directly proportional to the temperature. Therefore, a negative T would result in a negative energy, indicating that the system has a net energy release rather than an energy gain.

Can a spin 1 system in the canonical ensemble have a negative T at equilibrium?

No, at equilibrium, the temperature of a spin 1 system in the canonical ensemble must be positive. This is because a negative T would result in a negative energy, which violates the principles of thermodynamics.

How does a negative T affect the entropy of a spin 1 system in the canonical ensemble?

A negative T would result in a negative entropy, indicating that the system has a lower level of disorder. This is because a negative T indicates that the system is in a highly ordered and stable state, rather than a disordered and unstable state.

What are the implications of a negative T for the behavior of a spin 1 system in the canonical ensemble?

A negative T indicates that the system is in a highly unusual and unstable state, and therefore its behavior may be unpredictable. In general, negative temperatures are considered to be counterintuitive and are not commonly observed in natural systems.
