What are the limitations of using quadrance and spread in trigonometry?

In summary, the conversation is discussing a new technique in mathematics that is being compared to classical trigonometry. The new technique uses quadrances and spreads instead of lengths and angles. However, there are concerns about its practicality and whether it is actually a new concept or just a rehashing of existing mathematical principles. It also has limitations, such as not being able to specify a unique point in the plane and not allowing for angles greater than 90 degrees. Overall, the usefulness and novelty of this technique is being questioned.
  • #1
does anyone know what they include?

here is a prefrence.

Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I just saw that. Here is a pdf explaining the technique:

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  • #3
Is this actually going to be taken seriously? I mean, will it be taught instead of "classical" trigonometry?
  • #4
While it's interesting, I find it hard to take it seriously.

First off, classical trigonometry (and length) has the huge advantages of being coordinate-free and additive. You can solve problems directly from the diagrams, whereas it could take a good amount of time to simply set up a problem in a coordinate-based approach.

Secondly, it touts as a "feature" that it treats corresponding angles identically. However, now the student is faced with multiple putative solutions (possibly a great many) from which 'e must distill the desired solution.

Finally, we already have well-understood tools for doing coordinate geometry: the dot and cross products. They do at least the same thing, but have the huge, giant, overwhelming advantage of being linear -- we can use much of our algebraic intuition when working with them.
  • #5
Meh. All he's done is mearly replaced [itex] \theta [/itex] with [itex] \cos \theta [/itex]. He's using (normalized) scalar (inner) products, without referring to them by name. I searched the pdf for "inner" and "scalar" - is the author unaware that he's rediscovered well-known math and is claiming it as his own? Is he that stupid?

Just skimming the pdf, his "quadrance" is in no way different from "length"; and his "spread" is the 'ratio of quadrances' - i.e., the cosine, or the normalized scalar product. And there are many basic algebraic errors throughout!

"quadrance" = length;
"spread" = cosine
  • #6
Besides, saying that the "quadrance" concept is more basic or natural than the distance concept because it doesn't involve square roots, is just plain silly.
Has he never heard of an unmarked ruler??

Just because analytic geometry will use square roots in order to express distances in terms of Cartesian coordinates, does not in any way change the fact that "length" or "distance" arguably remains (one of) the most fundamental concepts in geometry.
  • #7
"Forty-five degrees becomes a spread of 1/2, while thirty and sixty degrees become respectively spreads of 1/4 and 3/4. What could be simpler than that?"



I don't see why this is new.
  • #8
The "quadrance" is just the length squared and the "spread" is defined as the ratio of the quadrance of the opposite leg of a triangle to the quadrance of its hypatenous. In other words it is [itex]sin^2{\theta}[/itex]. I see a number of disadvantages to this system. First, you can not specify a unique point in the plane by giving its quadrance from the origin and spread from an axis. This will give four possible points. Second, it seems kind of unweildly for physical situations. If you have a partilcle moving at constant velocity, its "speed" defined as [itex]\frac{dQ}{dt}[/itex] depends on where you place the origin and changes as the particle moves. If you have an object rotating without the influence of external torques, then [itex]\frac{dS}{dt}[/itex] is constantly changing, while [itex]\frac{d\theta}{dt}[/itex] is constant. Third, the "spread" of two lines can not be greater than 1. In other words, no angles of greater than 90° are allowed. Triangles containing these angles must be split into two triangles to be dealt with. The "simple formula" he gives for the spread of two lines is nothing more than the magnitude of the cross-product of two vectors along these lines divided by their magnitudes and squared.

FAQ: What are the limitations of using quadrance and spread in trigonometry?

1. What are the new arcane rules of trig?

The new arcane rules of trigonometry refer to a set of mathematical principles and formulas that have been recently discovered or developed in the study of trigonometry. These rules may differ from the traditional rules that are commonly taught in schools.

2. How do these new rules differ from the traditional rules of trigonometry?

The new arcane rules of trigonometry may differ in terms of their complexity, application, or limitations compared to the traditional rules. They may also involve new concepts or methods of solving trigonometric problems.

3. How were these new arcane rules of trigonometry discovered?

The new arcane rules of trigonometry are often the result of extensive research and experimentation by mathematicians and scientists. They may also have been developed through the use of advanced technology and mathematical tools.

4. Are these new rules applicable in real-life situations?

Yes, the new arcane rules of trigonometry can be applied in various real-life scenarios, such as engineering, physics, and astronomy. They may provide more accurate and precise solutions to complex trigonometric problems.

5. Do I need to learn these new rules if I already know the traditional rules of trigonometry?

It is not necessary to learn the new arcane rules of trigonometry if you are already comfortable with the traditional rules. However, having knowledge of these new rules can broaden your understanding of trigonometry and potentially help you solve more complex problems.
