New PF'r, Questions regarding Physics&Business Major

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In summary, T is a new member of the forum who is 17 and starting college at a small Catholic school in California. They initially wanted to major in Business Administration but realized it was too vague and decided to pursue astrophysics. However, after further contemplation, they have decided to major in general physics instead due to its potential for jobs in management and the corporate world. T is currently in a 4-year internship/scholarship program at a winery and has taken an interest in the business world. They are considering a double major or major/minor in physics and business and are seeking advice on which path to take. They are also concerned about financial stability but want to pursue something they are passionate about.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forum as you can see.
I'm 17, and going to be a freshman in college at a small Catholic school in California.
I've already had quite the debate with myself when trying to determine my major. I initially wanted to pursue Business Administration, with the hopes of "just making a bunch of money." I then realized that a business degree was too vague for me, and most of the things learned in those classrooms could be picked up outside of the degree. So I decided to look into astrophysics, Physics as a whole has always fascinated me and I've wanted to know more about the universe ever since I was a kid.
I've been doing a lot of thinking, and have decided not to go into astrophysics, I want to do general Physics instead.

I'm currently in a 4 year internship/scholarship program at one of the biggest wineries in the world, and have taken quite a liking to the business world. Each summer I work in different departments and learn about each different aspect of the business. I'm currently working in Customer Services/Logistics with projects involving data analysis and fixing system strategies. Lean Six Sigma and other management tools fascinate me and I believe that Physics would be a great major to pursue with jobs such as these available to me when I finish my undergraduate studies.
I will be gaining a sizable amount of work experience here, and have a chance to continue my career here after I graduate.

My question to PF is if I should, with my internship and work experience, major in Physics with a minor in Business, or vice versa and major in Business and minor in Physics.
Money is a huge factor to me, I've grown up poor and I don't want my kids to deal with that burden. But I want to pursue something I will be happy doing, and I believe Physics is that.
Do any of you know people with Physics degrees working in management or in a corporate setting? What advice could you give to me?

Thank you,
Physics news on
  • #2

Hello T, welcome to the forum! It's great to hear that you have a passion for both business and physics. I can understand the appeal of wanting to understand the universe and its workings.

In terms of your question about majoring in physics or business, I would suggest going for a double major or a major in one and a minor in the other. This will give you a well-rounded education and make you stand out in the job market. Additionally, having knowledge in both fields can open up more opportunities for you in the future.

I do know people with physics degrees who are working in management or in a corporate setting. In fact, many companies value the problem-solving and critical thinking skills that come with a physics degree. My advice would be to continue gaining work experience and exploring both fields to see what interests you the most. It's important to pursue something that you are passionate about and that will make you happy in the long run.

Also, don't let money be the sole factor in your decision. Pursuing a degree in something you are passionate about can lead to a fulfilling and successful career. And with hard work and dedication, you can still achieve financial stability.

Good luck with your decision and your studies!

FAQ: New PF'r, Questions regarding Physics&Business Major

What is the benefit of pursuing a physics and business major?

A physics and business major can provide a unique and well-rounded skill set that combines analytical and problem-solving abilities with business acumen. This can be beneficial in a variety of industries, including technology, finance, and consulting.

What career paths can I pursue with a physics and business major?

Some common career paths for individuals with a physics and business major include management consulting, data analysis, finance, and entrepreneurship. However, the skills learned in this major can also be applied to a wide range of other fields such as healthcare, renewable energy, and marketing.

What skills will I develop with a physics and business major?

A physics and business major will develop a strong foundation in both physics and business principles, as well as critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. Additionally, students will also gain proficiency in data analysis, financial modeling, and project management.

Is a physics and business major more challenging than a single major?

While a physics and business major may be more challenging due to the combination of multiple disciplines, it also offers a unique and rewarding learning experience. With time management and dedication, it is possible to excel in both areas of study and reap the benefits of a dual major.

How can I balance the workload of a physics and business major?

To balance the workload of a physics and business major, it is important to prioritize and manage your time effectively. This can include creating a study schedule, seeking help from professors or tutors when needed, and staying organized. It is also important to maintain a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout.

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