Can a Natural Number Indivisible by 3 Have a Square Divisible by 3?

  • Thread starter zoxee
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In summary, proofs are logical arguments used to validate mathematical statements and are crucial for understanding complex mathematical ideas. To ensure the correctness of a proof, one should carefully check each step and look for any potential counterexamples. Common proof techniques include direct proof, proof by contradiction, mathematical induction, and proof by contrapositive. To improve proof-writing skills, practice and study different examples and approaches, and seek feedback from others. Some common mistakes to avoid when writing proofs include assuming the statement is true without proving it, using circular reasoning, and being clear and precise in language and notation. It is also important to double-check calculations for accuracy.
  • #1
Let q be a natural number, show that if q is not divisible by 3, then neither is q^2


if q is not divisible by 3 then q = 3k + 2 for some integer k
q^2 = 4 + 3(3k^2 + 4k) = 4 + 3m for some integer m, hence q is not divisible by 3

another case, if q = 3k + 1 for some integer k, then q^2 = 1 + 3(3k^2+2k) = 1 + 3n for some integer n, hence q^2 is not divisible by 3

second part:

Assuming the statement that was to be proved above, deduce that there is no rational number x satisfying x^2 = 3


assume there is some ration number x satisfying x^2 = 3

we can then express x = p/q where p,q are coprime

x^2 = p^2/q^2 = 3
hence p^2 = 3q^2 hence p = 3m for some integer m, i.e. p is divisible by 3 ***(we proved this in the first part)***

therefore 9m^2 = 3q^2 => q^2 = 3m^2 hence q = 3n for some integer n, hence q is also divisible by 3

this is a condradiction as we assumed p and q were coprime, but have shown they have a factor of 3, hence there does not exist a rational number x such that x^2 = 3

ok, is this proof OK? the part I have labelled *** ("***(we proved this in the first part)***") is it true that we proved this in the first part, as we proved that if a natural number is not divisible by 3, then neither is it's square, but in this proof, I am saying if it's square is divisible by 3, then the number is divisible by 3 - is this the same thing (I think it is)
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  • #2
The proof looks fine... as a formatting thing instead of adding at the end of a line (we proved this in the first part), I would put at the start of the line "by part one,". For example

"hence p^2 = 3q^2 hence p = 3m for some integer m" becomes
"hence p^2 = 3q^2, so by part one p=3m for some integer m"
  • #3
thanks, so proving that q is not divisible by 3 then neither is q^2 is the same thing as proving if q^2 = 3m (i.e. divisible by 3) then so is q?
  • #4
Yes, that's called the contrapositive and is often useful. If you have two statements , A and B, then proving if A then B is the same as proving if not B, then not A.

In your case you have A is "q is not divisible by 3", and B is "q2 is not divisible by 3". You proved if A, then B, so you get for free if not B, then not A.

not B is (after cancelling a double negative)"q2 is divisible by 3" and not A is "q is divisible by 3"

FAQ: Can a Natural Number Indivisible by 3 Have a Square Divisible by 3?

1. What are proofs and why are they important?

Proofs are logical arguments that demonstrate the validity of a mathematical statement. They are important because they allow us to confidently assert that a statement is true, and they are essential for building and understanding more complex mathematical ideas.

2. How do I know if my proof is correct?

One way to check the validity of a proof is to read it carefully and make sure that each step follows logically from the previous one. You can also try to find counterexamples that would disprove your statement if it were incorrect. Finally, it's always a good idea to have someone else review your proof for any errors or gaps in logic.

3. What are some common proof techniques?

There are many different proof techniques, but some common ones include direct proof, proof by contradiction, mathematical induction, and proof by contrapositive. Each technique has its own advantages and is used for different types of mathematical statements.

4. How can I improve my proof-writing skills?

Practice is key to improving your proof-writing skills. Start by working through examples and exercises, and then move on to more challenging problems. Read and study different types of proofs to understand different approaches, and don't be afraid to ask for feedback and guidance from others.

5. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when writing proofs?

One common mistake is assuming the statement you are trying to prove is true without actually proving it. Another mistake is using circular reasoning, where you assume the statement you are trying to prove in one of your steps. It's also important to be clear and precise in your language and notation to avoid any ambiguity. Finally, make sure to double-check your calculations and make sure they are accurate.

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