Nonhomogeneous wave equation with vanishing initial conditions

In summary, you need to use the transformation t'' = t + \tau to transform the initial conditions for v to t=0 and also transform the initial conditions for u to t=\tau in order to use Kirchoff's formula and Duhamel's principle to solve the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let u(x,t) be the solution of the following initial value problem for the nonhomogeneous wave equation,


[tex]u(x,0)=0[/tex] and [tex]u_t(x,0)=0[/tex]

[tex]x\in\Re^3 , t>0[/tex]

Use Duhamel's Principle and Kirchoff's formula to show that




and [tex]\overline{B}(x,t)[/itex] is the ball in [itex]\Re^3[/itex] with center at x and radius t.

Homework Equations

Duhamel's Principle
Let [itex]v(x,t;\tau)[/itex] be the solution of the associated (to the above initial value problem) "pulse problem"


[tex]v(x,\tau;\tau)=0[/tex] and [tex]v_t(x,\tau;\tau)=-f(x,\tau)[/tex]
[tex]x\in\Re^3 , t>\tau[/tex]


Kirchoff's Formula

Suppose [itex]p\in C^k(\Re^3)[/itex] where k is any integer [itex]\geq[/itex]2 Then the solution of


[tex]u(x,0)=0[/tex] and [tex]u_t(x,0)=p(x)[/tex]

[tex]x\in\Re^3 , t>0[/tex]

is given by

[tex]\frac{1}{4\pi t}\int_{S(x,t)}p(x')d\sigma_t[/tex]

where S(x,t) is the surface of the sphere with radius t and centre at the point x. [itex]d\sigma_t[/itex] is the element of surface on S and x' is the variable point of integration.

The Attempt at a Solution

I should split this into two parts, one for each formula.
first I need to use Kirchoff's formula to find v and then Duhamel's principle to find u.

The problem with using Kirchoff is that the initial conditions are given at t=0 whereas our initial conditions for v are at [itex]t=\tau[/itex]

So a transformation into kirchhoffs formula to give the required initial conditions, [itex]t'=t-\tau[/itex]


[tex]v(x,\tau;\tau)=0[/tex] and [tex]v_t(x,\tau;\tau)=-f(x,\tau)[/tex]


[tex]v(x,0;\tau)=?[/tex] and [tex]v_t(x,0;\tau)=-f(x,?)[/tex]

which doesn't give me anything because of that parameter in v. The t value and the parameter must be equal to give a known value.

Can anyone give me a clue as to how to get Kirchoff's formula to work with this? Or am I going in completely the wrong direction?
I'm sure that this is only the first of many sticking points in this question but I thought I'd ask one question at a time...:)
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. It seems like you are on the right track in using Kirchoff's formula and Duhamel's principle to solve this problem. However, you are correct in noting that the initial conditions for v are not given at t=0, but rather at t=\tau. In order to use Kirchoff's formula, we need to transform the initial conditions to t=0.

One way to do this is by using the transformation t' = t - \tau, as you have mentioned. However, this transformation is not enough to get the desired initial conditions for v. We also need to consider the fact that the initial conditions for u are given at t=0, not t=\tau. So, in order to use Kirchoff's formula, we need to transform the initial conditions for v to t=0 and also transform the initial conditions for u to t=\tau.

To do this, we can use the transformation t'' = t + \tau. This transformation will give us the desired initial conditions for v at t=0, and also transform the initial conditions for u to t=\tau. So, we can rewrite the initial value problem for v as:


v(x,0;\tau)=f(x,\tau) and v_t(x,0;\tau)=0

x\in\Re^3 , t>0

Now, we can use Kirchoff's formula to find v, and then use Duhamel's principle to find u. I hope this helps and good luck with your solution!

FAQ: Nonhomogeneous wave equation with vanishing initial conditions

1. What is a nonhomogeneous wave equation?

A nonhomogeneous wave equation is a type of partial differential equation that describes the behavior of waves in a medium where the properties of the medium vary with position and time. It is represented by the equation ∂2u/∂t2 = c22u + g(x,t), where u represents the displacement of the wave, c is the wave speed, and g(x,t) is a function that represents any external forces acting on the medium.

2. What does it mean for initial conditions to vanish?

Vanishing initial conditions refer to the initial conditions of a nonhomogeneous wave equation being equal to zero. This means that at the starting time and position, the displacement and its derivative are both equal to zero. This condition is often found in physical systems where the wave has not yet been generated or has not yet reached the initial point.

3. How is the solution to a nonhomogeneous wave equation with vanishing initial conditions obtained?

The solution to a nonhomogeneous wave equation with vanishing initial conditions can be obtained by using the method of separation of variables. This involves expressing the solution as a product of two functions, one that depends only on time and the other that depends only on position. These functions can then be solved separately using techniques such as Fourier series or Laplace transforms.

4. What is the significance of vanishing initial conditions in a nonhomogeneous wave equation?

Vanishing initial conditions are often used to model physical situations where the wave has not yet been generated or has not yet reached the initial point. It allows for the solution to represent the behavior of the wave after it has been generated and has propagated through the medium. It also simplifies the solution process by eliminating the need to consider initial conditions in the equation.

5. Can a nonhomogeneous wave equation with vanishing initial conditions have multiple solutions?

Yes, a nonhomogeneous wave equation with vanishing initial conditions can have multiple solutions. This is because the equation is not uniquely defined by its boundary conditions, and there may be an infinite number of solutions that satisfy the equation. However, in physical systems, the specific solution that best represents the behavior of the wave is usually chosen based on experimental data or other constraints.

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