Nuclear explosion and black holes

In summary: The same is true for GR. It is a very good description for many situations, but it is probably incomplete for black holes. In particular, it does not say anything about the matter on the Planck scale (10^-35 m) which is relevant for black holes. The same is true for other theories, including strings and quantum gravity theories.In summary, the conversation discusses the process of a nuclear explosion, where the nucleus of an atom is split into two pieces by neutrons, resulting in a chain reaction and release of energy. It then explores the possibility of triggering a nuclear explosion by pushing an object, such as Uranium, into a black hole. However, it is unlikely that this would result in a nuclear explosion due to the dominant
  • #1
The nuclear explosion occurs when the nucleus of atom of Uranium (of Plutonium) are split in two pieces by neutrons. These two pieces are repelled from each other due to (the same) positive charge; these pieces are moving quickly between other Uranium atoms, colliding with them. These collisions results in extremely increasing the temperature and eventually-explosion, right?

Now, when some certain object is falling in the black hole the latter’s tidal forces will destroy this object. First the chemical bonds (covalent, ionic, hydrogen) will be broken between atoms, then the electrons will be separated from nucleus. Afterwards the nucleus will be broken into protons and neutrons. But these protons will also repel from each other because of the same reason as it was in case of nuclear fission.

So, can the black hole’s tidal forces trigger the nuclear explosion if we push the Uranium object (sphere, cylinder and etc.) into the black hole? :rolleyes:
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  • #2
Your description of the nuclear explosion is incorrect. The main point is that the fission products include neutrons which induce fission in other atoms (chain reaction). Also high energy photons (gamma rays) are produced during the fission. The explosion is a combination of chain reaction plus energy.
  • #3
To split nuclei, you would need extremely strong tidal forces. Assuming black holes are as described in general relativity, forces so strong that you don't reach them before the nucleus is less than 1 atom diameter away from the center. Long before you reach this point the matter got split into individual atoms, and you don't get a chain reaction any more. In addition, gravitational force is completely dominating at that point - the nuclear energy gets negligible.
  • #4
Eagle9 said:
The nuclear explosion occurs when the nucleus of atom of Uranium (of Plutonium) are split in two pieces by neutrons. These two pieces are repelled from each other due to (the same) positive charge; these pieces are moving quickly between other Uranium atoms, colliding with them. These collisions results in extremely increasing the temperature and eventually-explosion, right?

Now, when some certain object is falling in the black hole the latter’s tidal forces will destroy this object. First the chemical bonds (covalent, ionic, hydrogen) will be broken between atoms, then the electrons will be separated from nucleus. Afterwards the nucleus will be broken into protons and neutrons. But these protons will also repel from each other because of the same reason as it was in case of nuclear fission.

So, can the black hole’s tidal forces trigger the nuclear explosion if we push the Uranium object (sphere, cylinder and etc.) into the black hole? :rolleyes:
If the gravitational field in the vicinity of a black hole would cause the density of a critical mass to exceed the critical density, then a nuclear explosion or at least an excursion (increase in power without explosion) could occur. However, that effect would pale in comparison to the effects of a black hole. If the critical mass is distorted such that prompt criticality is unachieveable, there would be no explosion. If the mass is distorted from it's critical form, then it would go subcritical and no excursion would occur.
  • #5
Assuming black holes are as described in general relativity
Why “assuming”? Don’t you believe in their existence? :rolleyes:

Thanks :smile:
  • #6
Eagle9 said:

Why “assuming”? Don’t you believe in their existence? :rolleyes:
It is certain that black holes exist. It is unclear how they look at the event horizon and "inside", and it is questionable if a description with GR alone (no quantum mechanics) is right.
  • #7
mfb said:
It is certain that black holes exist. It is unclear how they look at the event horizon and "inside", and it is questionable if a description with GR alone (no quantum mechanics) is right.
But cannot the general relativity describe black hole’s event horizon and inner part? :rolleyes:
  • #8
I can describe the sun as big block of glass, and I'm sure it is possible to do that in a self-consistent way. That does not make the description right.

FAQ: Nuclear explosion and black holes

1. What is a nuclear explosion?

A nuclear explosion is a powerful release of energy that occurs when the nucleus of an atom splits, or when two nuclei combine. This process is known as nuclear fission or fusion, and it is the basis for nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.

2. How does a nuclear explosion compare to a black hole?

A nuclear explosion is a sudden release of energy, while a black hole is a region of space with such a strong gravitational pull that nothing, including light, can escape from it. The two are vastly different in terms of energy and scale.

3. Can a black hole be created from a nuclear explosion?

No, a black hole cannot be created from a nuclear explosion. Black holes are formed from the collapse of massive stars, while nuclear explosions are man-made events.

4. How are nuclear explosions and black holes related?

Nuclear explosions and black holes are both examples of extreme events that involve a release of energy. However, they are fundamentally different phenomena and have no direct connection.

5. What are the dangers of a nuclear explosion compared to a black hole?

Nuclear explosions can cause significant damage and destruction to the surrounding environment, while a black hole is typically located in the vastness of space and does not pose a direct threat to Earth. However, the gravitational effects of a black hole can be dangerous to objects that come too close to it.
