Nudging an Asteroid. Conservation of Momentum

In summary, the conversation is discussing a conservation of momentum problem involving an asteroid and a rocket. The equations m1*v1 + m2*v2 = m1'*v1' + m2'*v2' and 0.5m1(v1)^2 + 0.5m2(v2)^2 = 0.5m1'(v1')^2 + 0.5m1'(v1')^2 are mentioned, with the ' denoting the velocity/mass after the event/whatever. The participants also mention using the equation m(dV/dt) = -vex(dm/dt) and vex being the exhaust velocity. They also discuss the change in momentum and velocity of the asteroid
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

1.) m1*v1 + m2*v2 = m1'*v1' + m2'*v2'

Where the ' denotes the velocity/mass after the event/whatever.

2.) 0.5m1(v1)^2 + 0.5m2(v2)^2 = 0.5m1'(v1')^2 + 0.5m1'(v1')^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I know its a conservation of momentum style of problem, but my professor does an awful job of teaching IMO.

Give me a nudge in the right direction, and I'll see what I can do from there.
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Physics news on
  • #2
I would think about it in terms of energy.

Apophis has kinetic energy. You would attach the rocket gently and fire the rocket to change its kinetic energy and hence its velocity.

Looks like they are asking how much the ΔKE of Apophis can be changed.
  • #3
Ok, so 1 will denote the asteroid and 2 the rocket.
m1= 2*10^10kg
v2= 2,500m/s

These would be the initial values, correct?

For the post whatever values, I'm not sure what to use. Should I assume that the rocket burns through all its fuel and has no mass?

I have to variables if I do it this way though. The asteroids initial velocity, and its velocity after the rocket.

edit: Browsing through my notes I see that I have v'=(v+[tex]\Delta[/tex]v)) and m'=(m+[tex]\Delta[/tex]m)

I'm guessing I should use this. But how would I find the derivative? should I sub this various stuff in and solve for [tex]\Delta[/tex]v and m and take the derivative?
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  • #4
You're right. I see no initial velocity, so you have to work a little harder.

What Δ(mv) can you achieve in the asteroid with the rocket burn?

Won't that be the mass and velocity of the solid fuel?

That will translate I think into a Δv of the asteroid.

Now then consider how long until Δv * t > 10,000 km
  • #5
I'm confused about what you're saying will translate into the change in mass and the change in velocity of the asteroid.

Burning the rocket fuel is how you change it. What equation do you use to go from the mass and velocity of the rocket fuel, to delta V of the asteroid?
  • #6
wobble said:
i'm confused about what you're saying will translate into the change in mass and the change in velocity of the asteroid.

Burning the rocket fuel is how you change it. What equation do you use to go from the mass and velocity of the rocket fuel, to delta v of the asteroid?

20*103 << 2*1010
  • #7
Those are the two different mass values.

What do you mean by "< <"
  • #8
<< means much less than

< means less than

What I meant was that you can ignore the burning time because you can consider that the burning of the fuel would all go to slowing the mass of the asteroid, even though some of that mass during the burn will also be the fuel on board.

Hence consider that all the burn was a change in momentum of the asteroid alone.
  • #9
So... multiplying the burn speed by the mass of Apophis results in 5*107

What good is this number?

edit: Do I set the initial side equal to this value to find the initial velocity of the asteroid?
  • #10
Wobble said:
So... multiplying the burn speed by the mass of Apophis results in 5*107

What good is this number?

edit: Do I set the initial side equal to this value to find the initial velocity of the asteroid?

What good is the number?

Plenty good.

In terms of the mass of Apophis what is the Δv?

Using that Δv how long will it take that Δv to make the position at Earth greater than 10,000 km.
  • #11
Wait, so is 50million the answer to question A?

I feel like I'm so close to understanding, but I have no idea how to get the change in velocity in terms of the mass.
  • #12
In my notes for this class, the only related thing I have is a rocket burning fuel.

m(dV/dt)= -vex(dm/dt)

where vex is the exhaust velocity. The problem i have with this though, is that the mass does change (rocket burning fuel), but you said that was negligible.

Then after that step, after deriving some stuff.

(v-v0) = vex(ln(m0/m)

but... I don't know how to apply any of this.
  • #13
Wobble said:
In my notes for this class, the only related thing I have is a rocket burning fuel.

m(dV/dt)= -vex(dm/dt)

where vex is the exhaust velocity. The problem i have with this though, is that the mass does change (rocket burning fuel), but you said that was negligible.

Then after that step, after deriving some stuff.

(v-v0) = vex(ln(m0/m)

but... I don't know how to apply any of this.

If you have a certain P = mv for the a-roid and you now have a -Δ(mv) that means then that your Δv is the Δ(mv)/m

Take your number 5*107 / 2*1010 = 2.5*10-3 m/s

How many seconds then will it take to change the Δx when it reaches the vicinity of earth?
  • #14
So a.) is 5*10^7, b.) is 2.5*10^-3

and c.) is the amount of time to get 10,000 km

well if the velocity is 2.5*10^-3

10,000 km = 10,000,000 m

10 million divided by the velocity is the amount of time to move that far.

So 10million/2.5*10^-3= 4*10^9 seconds.

Am I correct with which answers go where? And I have to give a good explanation on how I did the work, so my grade isn't solely based on what my answers are.

Thank you for your help, again. I'm definitely consider changing my major from engineering. This stuff is ridiculous.
  • #15
I have the same problem. I also got the time to be 4 x 10^9 seconds. This comes out to be 126.84 years. Could this be correct? That would mean our time is already up if the asteroid actually did head to us. It just feels like somewhere something is done wrong.
  • #16
Or it just means we don't have the technology yet to alter the course of something so massive.
  • #17
I found an error. The mass of the asteroid times rocket velocity is 5*10^13, NOT 5*10^7

5*10^7 is the mass of the rocket times the rocket velocity.And why would I divide 5*10^13 by 2*10^10, when 2*10^10 is what I multiplied the velocity by in the first place?

Or is the rocket mass times velocity what I actually need?
  • #18
Wobble said:
I found an error. The mass of the asteroid times rocket velocity is 5*10^13, NOT 5*10^7

5*10^7 is the mass of the rocket times the rocket velocity.

And why would I divide 5*10^13 by 2*10^10, when 2*10^10 is what I multiplied the velocity by in the first place?

Or is the rocket mass times velocity what I actually need?

Wait a minute. The rocket fuel - 20K kg of it is what is accelerated to 2500 m/s. The asteroid is a dumb piece of cold iron getting pushed against.

It's the 20K kg * 2500 m/s that constitutes the change.
  • #19
Ok cool. I said something different earlier, but you went with the correct numbers.

FAQ: Nudging an Asteroid. Conservation of Momentum

1. What is "nudging" an asteroid?

"Nudging" an asteroid refers to using a small spacecraft to alter the course of an asteroid by exerting a gentle but continuous force on it. This force can be provided by the spacecraft's thrusters or by deploying a solar sail to reflect sunlight.

2. Why is it important to conserve momentum when nudging an asteroid?

Conserving momentum is crucial when nudging an asteroid because it ensures that the asteroid's overall trajectory is not significantly altered. Since asteroids are relatively small and have low gravitational pull, even a small change in their momentum can cause them to deviate from their original path and potentially collide with Earth.

3. How is conservation of momentum achieved when nudging an asteroid?

Conservation of momentum is achieved through the use of Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. By exerting a force on the asteroid, the spacecraft experiences an equal and opposite force, resulting in a change in momentum for both objects. The spacecraft's momentum change is carefully calculated and adjusted to ensure that the asteroid's overall momentum remains unchanged.

4. What are some potential challenges when nudging an asteroid?

One potential challenge when nudging an asteroid is accurately predicting its trajectory and calculating the necessary momentum change. This requires a thorough understanding of the asteroid's composition, size, and shape, as well as any external forces that may be acting on it. Another challenge is ensuring that the spacecraft's instruments and thrusters are functioning properly, as any malfunctions could result in an incorrect nudge and potentially cause more harm than good.

5. Are there any ethical concerns when nudging an asteroid?

There are some ethical concerns when nudging an asteroid, particularly if the asteroid is potentially hazardous and could collide with Earth. Some argue that interfering with the natural trajectory of an asteroid could have unintended consequences and potentially cause more harm than good. There are also concerns about the potential use of this technology for military purposes. However, many scientists argue that the potential benefits of nudging an asteroid to prevent a catastrophic impact far outweigh any ethical concerns.

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