Calculating the Risk of Pilot Radiation from Nuclear Bombs

In summary: Countries like China, France, and the UK also have significant stockpiles of nukes. It's a scary reality, but unfortunately, it's true.In summary, during a nuclear bomb drop, the pilot of the bomber is at risk of being irradiated unless they can escape the blast radius in time. For larger fusion weapons, the bombs were deployed on parachutes to give the plane extra time. However, nowadays, using bombers as a delivery method for nuclear bombs is not a common practice as they are easily shot down. The best method of delivery is through missile silo or submarine launched ballistic missiles. Despite treaties aimed at limiting the number of warheads, both the USA and Russia have thousands of deployable nukes, with other countries
  • #1
when the nuclear bomb was droped(dosn't mater witch),has the pilot of the bombarder been iradiated? his only chance is to get out of the radius,witch is really huge,so you need the speed of the bombarder,the altitute at witch was released,and the mass of the bomb(not only the U,you need the cover and everything) and you need the radius of the bomb...witch I don't know...
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  • #2
If you are 30,000ft up when the bomb goes off at ground level the direct radiation from the bomb is spread over a hemisphere 6miles in radius so the proportion going through the pilot is very small. Any particles that strongly interact will be absorbed by the air before then and any that do not interact strongly won't interact in the pilots body.

You hope to get away far and fast enough before radioactive fallout is swept up into the atmosphere where it could be breathed in by the crew - you don't want your route to go back through the cloud!

For larger fussion weapons (H bombs) it's harder to get far enough away from the direct effects of the blast and so the bombs were deployed on parachutes giving th eplane a few extra minutes.
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  • #3
mgb_phys said:
For larger fussion weapons (H bombs) it's harder to get far enough away from the direct effects of the blast and so the bombs were deployed on parachutes giving th eplane a few extra minutes.

that dosn't seem a very smart solution,couse it will also give the enemy those few minutes...enought to finish his cofee,watch some TV,get a nap,meditate on the problem and send an anti-rocket rocket or something,so the bomb will not be that eficient...
the solution here should be a faster bombarder,or a bombarder that can lose that bulky form and transfom into a decent should be posible...or better yet,use an unmaned one use airplaine...
thanks for the answer
  • #4
Nowadays, the bomber with the nuke onboard will be shot down before it even has a chance to approach the target. That's why everyone uses missile silo launched (or, better yet, submarine launched) ballistic missiles. It's much harder to shoot down a lump of metal flying at you at 8 km/s than it is to shoot down a bomber.
  • #5
hamster143 said:
Nowadays, the bomber with the nuke onboard will be shot down before it even has a chance to approach the target. That's why everyone uses missile silo launched (or, better yet, submarine launched) ballistic missiles. It's much harder to shoot down a lump of metal flying at you at 8 km/s than it is to shoot down a bomber.

oh,yes,I forgot about that:)
also there has been something invented that can shoot down any misile,but I forgot it's name (seen it at future weapons,if you know the show)
  • #6
theallknower said:
oh,yes,I forgot about that:)
also there has been something invented that can shoot down any misile,but I forgot it's name (seen it at future weapons,if you know the show)

We can intercept a single missile if we see it on our radars in advance. We have nothing that works reliably enough and can be produced on a big enough scale to intercept everything thrown our way in the event of a nuclear war. Russia has thousands of deployable nukes, ready to launch in minutes, as do we; every nuke comes with multiple "decoys" that look like nukes on the radar.

Bottom line, if it comes to the nuclear war, we're all screwed.
  • #7
hamster143 said:
We can intercept a single missile if we see it on our radars in advance. We have nothing that works reliably enough and can be produced on a big enough scale to intercept everything thrown our way in the event of a nuclear war. Russia has thousands of deployable nukes, ready to launch in minutes, as do we; every nuke comes with multiple "decoys" that look like nukes on the radar.

Bottom line, if it comes to the nuclear war, we're all screwed.

if by "we" you refer to the USA,then I'll have to dissapoint you...there was a pact that said that if you want nukes,you can't build more then 6...Rusia didn't signed the pact,thow...but thousands seems like a SF film
  • #8
theallknower said:
if by "we" you refer to the USA,then I'll have to dissapoint you...there was a pact that said that if you want nukes,you can't build more then 6...Rusia didn't signed the pact,thow...but thousands seems like a SF film
Don't know where you got that from - both the USA and USSR have >10,000 warheads.

There were a number of treaties limiting various classes of weapons which in general both the (then)USSR and the USA stuck to, largely because it only got rid of obsolete systems that both sides wanted to scrap anyway - remember the treaty was agreed between them so wasn't going to do anything they didn't want. There was a later proposed limit on 6 warheads on each Trident SLBM but it wasn't agreed.

Generally there isn't much interest in treaties between superpowers with 1000s of warheads each - since a) who is going to force them to honor it and b) nobody is going to be around to see the effects of breaking it.
  • #9
There is a treaty between Russia and the United States and it states that both sides intend to reduce their deployed arsenals to 2200 warheads (each) by 2012.

Both sides also have thousands of nukes in storage.

FAQ: Calculating the Risk of Pilot Radiation from Nuclear Bombs

What is pilot radiation and how is it calculated?

Pilot radiation refers to the initial burst of radiation that is released immediately after a nuclear bomb is detonated. It is calculated by measuring the amount of energy released by the bomb, the distance from the explosion, and the type of environment the explosion occurred in.

What factors affect the risk of pilot radiation for pilots?

The risk of pilot radiation is affected by several factors, including altitude, distance from the explosion, and the type of aircraft. Higher altitudes and closer distances to the explosion increase the risk of exposure, while certain types of aircraft may have better shielding against radiation.

How is the risk of pilot radiation different for different types of nuclear bombs?

The risk of pilot radiation can vary depending on the type of nuclear bomb used. For example, a bomb with a higher yield will release more energy and therefore pose a greater risk of pilot radiation. Additionally, different types of bombs may release different types of radiation, which can affect the level of risk for pilots.

What measures can be taken to protect pilots from the risk of radiation?

To protect pilots from the risk of radiation, certain measures can be taken such as avoiding flying in the vicinity of a nuclear explosion, using shielding materials on aircraft, and monitoring radiation levels during flights. It is also important for pilots to follow safety protocols and receive training on how to respond in the event of a nuclear explosion.

How accurate are calculations of pilot radiation risk and what factors can affect their accuracy?

The accuracy of calculations for pilot radiation risk can vary depending on the availability and accuracy of data, as well as the type of calculation method used. Factors such as weather conditions, atmospheric conditions, and the size and type of nuclear bomb can also affect the accuracy of calculations. It is important for scientists to continually improve and refine these calculations to better understand and mitigate the risks for pilots.

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