Number Theory Help: Proving Expression is Equal to Prime Number

In summary, the conversation discusses a mathematical expression a+bx where a and b are integers and gcd(a,b)=1. The participants wonder if there exists a value of x that will make the expression equal to a prime number. However, it is proven that this is not always possible. The conversation also mentions some references for further study in number theory.
  • #1
Little Gem
Hi guys, i m just a begineer in number theory.
While solving some questions ,i came across a doubt.

The expression: a+bx
here, gcd(a,b)=1
There always exists a value of x(where x is a integer) such that the above
expression is equal to a prime number.

Can anyone prove the above statement (if it is true).

Also,please suggest some good book on number theory for begineers.
Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
x(a/x +b)=p
a/x + b=p/x.

P is prime be definiton, so p/x can not be an integer.

a/x + b can not be an integer.
a/x can not be an integer.

Lets let this non integer equal t.
Since a has to be an integer, and t is not an integer, x can not be an integer either.

This theorem is false in the natural numbers, or the integers.
  • #3
Thanx for solution,
But I hav a doubt in :
Since a has to be an integer, and t is not an integer, x can not be an integer either.

Here ,how can we say that product of a rational number and integer is not a
integer. As,here x is not a prime(assume) may be factor of denominator of t.

p=a(mod b)

Here,just studying a special case,
a=1 and b=r(r is a prime)
1+rx=p (r,p are both primes)
p=1(mod r)
This equation has integra solutions.
Above is derived from a
Statement that for any prime p there exists a complete residue system modulo n,all whose members are primes.
So, a can be anything from 1,2,3,...r-1
and r,p are primes.
  • #4
Umm I may have gone onto this question intuitively rather than a solid proof.

The product of a rational integer and a non integer can only be another integers if the non integer contains a factor in its denominator. So we have to prove that t is of the form C/nx. But, if it is, the a=c/n. so T =a/x. Since that is true, it is of the form c/nx and that makes my proof wrong >.< but hopefully that leads you in a good direction. Sorry about the mistake
  • #5
Do you have any reason to believe that that is an 'easy' problem? There is a proof by Dirichlet that a series like you have defined contains an infinite number of primes. But the proof uses complex analysis and isn't elementary. One might hope that the job of proving the series contains at least one prime might be easier than showing it contains an infinite number. But I'm really not sure it is.
  • #6
Well Dick,you may be right that my question is not that easy,but as i told that
myself being just a begineer ,i may not have duly reconginsed the depth in the question.
But,my intution says that simple expressions like 1+px(p being a prime)
will definitely yield a prime.But,had no idea that even simple problem like that are not that simple at all.

Well,can you please tell from where can i find that proof by Dirichlet.
  • #7
Here's a pdf I found:

You might also try to find the alternative proof by Selberg cited in the paper - which doesn't use complex numbers but is "long and not particularly enlightening".
  • #8
Also the newsgroup sci.math is a great place to post questions like this. There are some smart people there.
  • #9
Gib Z said:
x(a/x +b)=p
a/x + b=p/x.

P is prime be definiton, so p/x can not be an integer.

That's the first mistake in your proof. p/x can be an integer, if x = 1.

Work through an example like 2 + 3.5 = 17 to find more mistakes.

FAQ: Number Theory Help: Proving Expression is Equal to Prime Number

1. How do I prove that an expression is equal to a prime number?

In order to prove that an expression is equal to a prime number, you will need to use the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. This theorem states that every positive integer can be represented as a unique product of prime numbers. Therefore, you can break down your expression into its prime factors and show that there are no other factors, proving that the expression is equal to a prime number.

2. What are some common techniques used in number theory to prove expressions are equal to prime numbers?

Some common techniques used in number theory to prove expressions are equal to prime numbers include induction, contradiction, and divisibility rules. These techniques can help you break down and analyze the expression to determine if it is equal to a prime number.

3. Can I use algebraic manipulation to prove an expression is equal to a prime number?

Yes, you can use algebraic manipulation to prove an expression is equal to a prime number. However, it is important to be careful and make sure that your manipulations do not change the value of the expression. Algebraic manipulation is often used in conjunction with other techniques in number theory to prove an expression is equal to a prime number.

4. What is the difference between a prime number and a composite number?

A prime number is a positive integer that can only be divided evenly by 1 and itself. On the other hand, a composite number is a positive integer that has more than two factors. In other words, a prime number can only be divided by 1 and itself, while a composite number can be divided by more than two numbers.

5. Can an expression be equal to both a prime number and a composite number?

No, an expression cannot be equal to both a prime number and a composite number. This is because a prime number can only be divided by 1 and itself, while a composite number has more than two factors. Therefore, an expression can only be equal to one or the other, but not both.
