Numerical Evaluation of the Kirchhoff Integral (Flux Pattern) (Units?)

In summary, the conversation discusses vector equivalents of the Kirchhoff Integral and the Green's Function for Free Space. The result obtained is compared to the analytical approximation and it is found to be in virtual perfect agreement. However, the speaker realizes they made some mistakes in their calculations and will provide a summary of their mistakes later.
  • #1
Homework Statement
First I'd like to take the (known) analytic approximation of Kirchhoff Integral and plot it in the far field. I'd imagine the scalar quantity ##\psi## is most closely related to the Electric Field Vector ##\vec{E}## so that is what I'll focus on for the second part.

Then I'd like to evaluate the Kirchhoff Integral in a way that is completely numerical.

I would then like to compare the two approaches graphically. As it is right now they are orders of magnitude off from each other.

The set up I'd like to entertain is a plane wave normally incident on a circular aperture in the ##xy-plane## and graph the flux through a ##z = constant## plane.
Relevant Equations
The Kirchhoff Integral is most generally formulated as

##\psi \left( \vec{r} \right) = \int\limits_{Aperture} \left(G \frac{\partial{\psi \left(\vec{r}'\right)}}{\partial{z'}} - \psi \left(\vec{r}'\right) \frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{z'}}\right) \, \rho' d\rho' d\phi'##

##\psi \left( \vec{r}' \right) = \left. \psi_0 e^{ikz'} \right|_{z'=0} = \psi_0 \Rightarrow \left. \frac{\partial{\psi \left(\vec{r}'\right)}}{\partial{z'}}\right|_{z'=0} = ik \psi_0 ##
Naturally there are vector equivalents of the Kirchhoff Integral. Taken from Jackson (10.113)

##\vec{E} \left( \vec{r} \right) = \frac{ie^{ikr}}{r} a^2 E_0 \cos \alpha \left( \vec{k} \times \vec{\epsilon}_2 \right) \frac{J_1 \left( \sin \theta \right)}{\sin \theta}##Where I just let ##\alpha = 0## for normally incident.

The result I get is (Thumbnail)

PhysicsForumsFirstResult.jpgNow for the second approach and result

##\left| \vec{r} - \vec{r}' \right| = \sqrt{\rho^2 + \rho'^2 - 2\rho \rho' \cos \left(\phi - \phi' \right) + z^2 - 2 z z' + z'^2}##

So The Green's Function for Free Space becomes

##G\left(\vec{r} , \vec{r}' \right) = \frac{e^{ik \sqrt{\rho^2 + \rho'^2 - 2\rho \rho' \cos \left(\phi - \phi' \right) + z^2 - 2 z z' + z'^2}}}{\sqrt{\rho^2 + \rho'^2 - 2\rho \rho' \cos \left(\phi - \phi' \right) + z^2 - 2 z z' + z'^2}}##

After analytically taking the derivatives the integral reduces to (broken up in 3 parts for simplicity) (and evaluated at ##z' = 0##)

##\psi_1 = ik \psi_0 \int\limits_{Aperture} \frac{e^{ik \sqrt{\rho^2 + \rho'^2 - 2\rho \rho' \cos \left(\phi - \phi' \right) + z^2}}}{\sqrt{\rho^2 + \rho'^2 - 2\rho \rho' \cos \left(\phi - \phi' \right) + z^2}}\, \rho' d\rho' d\phi'##

##\psi_2 = ik \psi_0 \int\limits_{Aperture} \frac{ze^{ik \sqrt{\rho^2 + \rho'^2 - 2\rho \rho' \cos \left(\phi - \phi' \right) + z^2}}}{\rho^2 + \rho'^2 - 2\rho \rho' \cos \left(\phi - \phi' \right) + z^2}\, \rho' d\rho' d\phi'##

## \psi_3 = - \psi_0 \int\limits_{Aperture} \frac{z e^{ik \sqrt{\rho^2 + \rho'^2 - 2\rho \rho' \cos \left(\phi - \phi' \right) + z^2}}}{\left(\rho^2 + \rho'^2 - 2\rho \rho' \cos \left(\phi - \phi' \right) + z^2\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}}\, \rho' d\rho' d\phi'##

When I plot it against xy (like in the last picture I get) (Thumbnail)


I assume I didn't do anything stupid like make the wavelengths different, distances different, etc I think my I'm off by a constant of some sort but I don't know which one makes sense my units are right as far as i can tell.

In the first picture and second picture respectively we have a peak of

##2.8 \times 10^{-15}##

##5.2 \times 10^{-13}##Off by two orders of magnitude.

Can anyone point out where I messed up on my units If that is indeed the case.

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  • #2
@etotheipi I figured it out. I forgot some factors. I'll do a summary of my mistakes later.

Here are the results. Virtual perfect agreement to the point that if you overlayed the graphs you would only see one graph.

The left is the analytical approximation. The right is the result of brute numerical integration.

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FAQ: Numerical Evaluation of the Kirchhoff Integral (Flux Pattern) (Units?)

What is the Kirchhoff Integral?

The Kirchhoff Integral, also known as the Kirchhoff Flux Pattern, is a mathematical method used to calculate the electric potential at any point in space due to a distribution of electric charges. It takes into account both the magnitude and location of the charges, as well as the distance from the point of interest.

How is the Kirchhoff Integral evaluated numerically?

The Kirchhoff Integral can be evaluated numerically using various techniques, such as the Gauss-Legendre quadrature method or the Monte Carlo method. These methods involve breaking down the integral into smaller, simpler calculations and using numerical approximations to find the final result.

What units are used in the Kirchhoff Integral?

The Kirchhoff Integral uses the standard SI units of meters for distance, Coulombs for charge, and volts for electric potential. However, it is important to ensure that all units are consistent throughout the calculation to obtain accurate results.

What is the significance of the Kirchhoff Integral in electromagnetism?

The Kirchhoff Integral is a fundamental tool in electromagnetism, as it allows for the calculation of electric potential in complex systems. It is used in various applications, such as designing electrical circuits, analyzing antenna patterns, and understanding the behavior of charged particles in electric fields.

Are there any limitations to using the Kirchhoff Integral?

While the Kirchhoff Integral is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations. It assumes that the charges are stationary and that the electric field is static. It also does not take into account the effects of magnetic fields. In addition, the accuracy of the results may be affected by the complexity of the charge distribution and the numerical method used for evaluation.

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