Solving a Laplace Transform Problem: Where Am I Going Wrong?

In summary, the conversation involves a person who is out of college and reviewing Laplace Transforms. They have a problem with their solution and are seeking help. The person provides their solution, which includes taking the Laplace Transform and rearranging equations. They also mention using the convolution theorem, but realize their solution is incorrect due to not satisfying the initial conditions and incorrect use of trigonometric functions. The conversation ends with someone providing helpful tips for solving the problem.
  • #1
I'm out of college and am brushing up on Laplace Transforms. I have a problem I've solved, but I believe the solution I got is wrong and can't find my error.

The problem is 2x''-x'=t*sin(t) x(0)=5,x'(0)=3

My solution...

Take the Laplace Transform


Rearranging, I get

Solve for x

Then, doing a PFD on the first term, I get -1/s+8/(2s-1)

Doing an inverse Laplace Transform, I get x(t)=-1+8e^(t/2)+Integral((sin(y)-ycos(y)(e^(1/2)((t-y))dy,0,y)

I used the convolution theorem on the second term on the RHS. That doesn't look right because the initial conditions aren't satisfied. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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  • #2
To get inverse laplace of 1/(2s-1) I would rewrite as (1/2)/(s-1/2) which becomes (1/2)e^(1/2t). It appears you did not include the 1/2 factor for two of you terms.
  • #3
Two things jump out
1)in 8/(2s-1) the 8 should be 332/25
2)The convolution should involve trigonometric functions not exponents
This rule is also useful here
$$\mathcal{L}^{-1} \{ \mathrm{F}(s) \} = t \, \mathcal{L}^{-1} \left\{ \int_s^\infty \! \mathrm{F}(u) \, \mathrm{d}u \right\}$$
  • #4
Thanks for the help!
  • #5

As a scientist, it is important to carefully analyze and review your work to identify any potential errors. In this case, it seems that your initial Laplace Transform may have been incorrect. When solving for x, you should have used the initial conditions to solve for the constants, rather than rearranging the equation to isolate x. Additionally, it appears that your PFD may also be incorrect, which could explain why the initial conditions are not satisfied. I recommend double-checking your work and possibly seeking guidance from a professor or colleague to help identify any errors. It is important to remember that mistakes happen and seeking help is a valuable part of the learning process. Keep practicing and I am sure you will master Laplace Transforms in no time.

FAQ: Solving a Laplace Transform Problem: Where Am I Going Wrong?

1. What is a Laplace Transform?

A Laplace Transform is a mathematical tool used to solve differential equations. It transforms a function from the time domain to the frequency domain, making it easier to solve complex problems involving differential equations.

2. How do I solve a Laplace Transform problem?

To solve a Laplace Transform problem, you need to follow a series of steps. First, you need to take the Laplace Transform of the given function. Then, you need to apply any necessary algebraic manipulations, such as partial fractions, to simplify the transformed function. Finally, you need to use a Laplace Transform table or calculator to find the inverse Laplace Transform and obtain the solution in the time domain.

3. What are common mistakes when solving a Laplace Transform problem?

Some common mistakes when solving a Laplace Transform problem include forgetting to take the initial conditions into account, making errors in algebraic manipulations, and using the wrong Laplace Transform table or formula. It is also important to pay attention to the domain of the function and make sure it matches the domain of the Laplace Transform being used.

4. How do I know if I am going wrong in solving a Laplace Transform problem?

If you are unsure if you are going wrong in solving a Laplace Transform problem, you can check your work by taking the inverse Laplace Transform of the solution you obtained. If it does not match the original function, then you have made a mistake in your calculations or approach.

5. What resources can I use to help me solve Laplace Transform problems?

There are many resources available to help you solve Laplace Transform problems. You can use online calculators, textbooks, or video tutorials to understand the concept and learn the necessary steps. Additionally, there are many forums and communities where you can ask for help or clarification on specific problems.

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