Is There a One-to-One Barrier with Motors and Generators?

  • Thread starter karae12
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a "one to one barrier" with motors and generators, and whether it is possible for a machine to produce more energy than is put into it. The concept is questioned and it is stated that transformers, like all machines, have inefficiencies that result in less energy output than input. The conversation also mentions the possibility of unity being referenced and driving a generator with the motor that it's powering.
  • #1
a concept came up that that there is a one to one barrier with motors and generators. Is there such a thing? the only i am aware of would be relative to Newtons law (egual and oppisite reaction) if you put a number in is that the only number you have out? or can it be increase ( i thought that was what transformers do, produce more energy than you put in?

i am lost on this theory and would like to know if it does extist and if there is a law or person i can look up to help me.
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  • #2
I have no idea what you're talking about, but there is no such thing as a machine that produces more energy than is put into it, transformers included. :rolleyes:
  • #3
Never heard of a "one to one barrier", let alone with regard to motors and generators.

Transformers certainly do NOT produce more energy than is put in. Like all other machines, they contain inefficiencies which reduce the energy output to less than the input.
  • #4
I wonder if karae is referencing unity as being 1 to 1, and the impossibility of an over-unity machine.
It might be about trying to drive a generator with the motor that it's powering. :confused:

FAQ: Is There a One-to-One Barrier with Motors and Generators?

1. What is a one-to-one barrier with motors and generators?

A one-to-one barrier with motors and generators refers to the concept that for every motor, there is a corresponding generator with the same efficiency and power output. This means that the motors and generators can be used interchangeably in a system without any loss of energy.

2. Is there a difference in efficiency between motors and generators?

Yes, there is a slight difference in efficiency between motors and generators. Motors typically have higher efficiency, ranging from 80-95%, while generators have efficiencies ranging from 85-95%. This is due to the different roles they play in a system, with motors converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, and generators converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.

3. Can motors be used as generators and vice versa?

Yes, motors can be used as generators and vice versa. This is possible because the basic operating principle of both devices is the same - the conversion of energy between electrical and mechanical forms. However, the efficiency and power output may vary depending on the specific design and application.

4. How does the size of a motor or generator affect its performance?

The size of a motor or generator can affect its performance in terms of power output and efficiency. Generally, larger motors and generators have higher power output and efficiency, as they can accommodate more wires and magnets, allowing for greater energy conversion. However, the size and weight also have practical limitations in terms of portability and cost.

5. Are there any limitations to the one-to-one barrier with motors and generators?

Yes, there are some limitations to the one-to-one barrier with motors and generators. In some cases, mismatches in voltage, frequency, or load requirements can affect the efficiency and performance of the system. Additionally, the efficiency may also be affected by factors such as temperature, friction, and wear and tear over time.

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