Find the Roots of Your Order 4 Polynom - Get Instant Results!

  • Thread starter yetar
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In summary, the quartic formula, discovered in the 1500s, can be used to find the 4 roots of a quartic polynomial. However, the formula is complex and not practical for solving equations by hand, even with the help of a computer. Alternatively, a calculator such as the TI-86 can provide quick approximations of the roots.
  • #1
Is there a website that given the coefficients of a order 4 polynom, it will give me all 4 roots of this polynom?

Mathematics news on
  • #2
yetar said:
Is there a website that given the coefficients of a order 4 polynom, it will give me all 4 roots of this polynom?


Hope this helps:" .
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  • #3
you are looking for the quartic formula, discovered in the 1500s. surely it is out there, perhaps on wolfram.
  • #4
here you go:
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  • #5
Well, if you want to use a calculator, like the TI-86, it will find an approximation of the roots fast...Maybe that is what you mean.

As for the entry given on PlanetMath.Org, I note at the bottom of that page the "disclaimer": The formulas for the roots are much too unwieldy to be used for solving quartic equations by radicals, even with the help of a computer.

FAQ: Find the Roots of Your Order 4 Polynom - Get Instant Results!

1. What is a polynomial?

A polynomial is a mathematical expression that contains one or more variables and coefficients, combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations. The highest power of the variable in a polynomial is called the degree.

2. What is an order 4 polynomial?

An order 4 polynomial, also known as a quartic polynomial, is a polynomial of degree 4. This means that the highest power of the variable in the polynomial is 4.

3. How do I find the roots of an order 4 polynomial?

To find the roots of an order 4 polynomial, you can use the quadratic formula or factor the polynomial into two quadratics and solve for the roots. You can also use a graphing calculator to visually determine the roots of the polynomial.

4. Why is it important to find the roots of a polynomial?

The roots of a polynomial represent the values of the variable that make the polynomial equal to zero. These values can provide important information about the behavior and properties of the polynomial, such as its minimum and maximum values, and can be used to solve real-world problems.

5. What are the benefits of using "Find the Roots of Your Order 4 Polynomial - Get Instant Results!"?

Using this tool can save time and effort in manually calculating the roots of an order 4 polynomial. It provides instant results, making it a convenient and efficient way to solve polynomial equations. Additionally, it can handle complex polynomials and provide accurate solutions.
