Is there a deeper explanation for Newton's Third Law?

  • Thread starter cepheid
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In summary, the conservation of momentum requires both Newton's 2nd and 3rd laws. Without Newton's 3rd law, we could imagine a system where the internal forces do not cancel out, leading to a violation of the conservation of momentum. Therefore, it is necessary to include both laws in order to fully explain the conservation of momentum. Additionally, in certain cases where the Earth's motion cannot be ignored, a centre of mass frame must be used to accurately apply Newton's laws.
  • #1
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Hey, quick question. Is there any way that we can sort of "explain" Newton's Third Law as a corollary of Newton's 2nd (consv. of momentum)? I mean, if object A is interacting with object B, and initially the total momentum is p_A + p_B, then

change in p_A = -change in p_B

for momentum to be conserved. This means that the integral of F_AB over the period of interaction is the negative of the integral of F_BA. But can we go from saying that those two integrals are negatives of each other to saying that the two forces *themselves* are negatives of each other? Or does that not follow in general?

Also, is it sensible to try to "explain" Newton's Third Law, or is something best just explained as an experimental fact?

P.S. I am aware that in more advanced formulations of classical physics, fundamental laws such as the conservation laws for energy, angular momentum, and momentum follow from certain symmetries. And I seem to recall that using the Lagrangian formalism and the principle of least action, you can *arrive* at Newton's 2nd law (cons. of momentum) in terms of generalized coordinates. I need to go and brush up on that stuff, but *that's* why I'm wondering whether there is some sort of more underlying and fundamental theoretical explanation for Newton's Third, or whether I should just accept it as being true.
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  • #2
Conservation of momentum requires Newton's 2nd and 3rd, so you've answered your own question.
  • #3
atyy said:
Conservation of momentum requires Newton's 2nd and 3rd, so you've answered your own question.

I thought cons. of momentum followed only from Newton's 2nd. Can you explain?
  • #4
cepheid said:
I thought cons. of momentum followed only from Newton's 2nd. Can you explain?

Let's see, I understand it something like this.

F12=force exerted on object 1 by object 2
p1=momentum of object 1

F12=dp1/dt (Newton's 2nd law)
F21=dp2/dt (Newton's 2nd law)
F12=-F21 (Newton's 3rd)


Conservation of momentum is the equality of the first and last terms.
  • #5
what's stopping you from saying that:

ptotal = p1+p2 = (momentum of our system)

Fext = (force on our system due to anything that is not in it) = 0

==> dptotal / dt = 0 (by Newton's 2nd)

==> ptotal = const. (conservation of momentum).

...without referencing Newton's Third law?
  • #6
cepheid said:
what's stopping you from saying that:

ptotal = p1+p2 = (momentum of our system)

Fext = (force on our system due to anything that is not in it) = 0

==> dptotal / dt = 0 (by Newton's 2nd)

==> ptotal = const. (conservation of momentum).

...without referencing Newton's Third law?

You have to include the internal forces when you use Newton's 2nd law.
  • #7
Newton's law of gravitation is:

F12=-F21=-Gm1m2ro/r2, where ro is a unit vector.

But without Newton's 3rd law, you could imagine some funny force like:

(I never get my signs right, let's say F12 represents magnitude and is attractive.)

If that were the case, then object 2 would not accelerate. So a set of cartesian coordinates attached to object 2 would be inertial. Object 1 would be attracted to object 2 and gain momentum without any change in momentum of object 1. We often use this approximation when we model a ball bouncing off the ground, but actually bouncing a ball also bounces the Earth (though I don't know what experiment verifies this).
  • #8
Okay...I see what you're saying. What I should have done was, for a system of N particles with total momentum P,

[tex] P = \sum_i p_i [/tex]


[tex] \frac{dP}{dt} = \sum_i \frac{dp_i}{dt} [/tex]

which, by Newton's 2nd :

[tex] = \sum_i F_i [/tex]

where Fi is the force on the ith particle due to *anything*, not just due to the external potential it may or may not be in. In other words:

[tex] F_i = F_{ext,i} + \sum_{j \not= i} F_{ij} [/tex]

or something like that, where Fij is the internal force of the jth particle on the ith one. And if we didn't have Newton's third law for the pairwise interactions, then the sum on the right hand side could be non-zero even if Fext was zero on all particles. Momentum would not be conserved.

EDIT: this was in response to post 6.

EDIT 2: I forgot vector arrows on everything.

EDIT 3: So what I was trying to say with this post was that I realized that my post #5 was quite silly, what with me treating the whole system as though it were single particle that had some sort of single external force on it that entirely determined its rate of change of momentum.
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  • #9
Yes, I think that's right. The confusing that is that in bouncing a ball we often use a frame attached to the ground. Actually since the Earth is undergoing acceleration due to the attractive force of the ball etc, we should use a centre of mass frame (which according to the Newton's 2nd and 3rd laws will be an inertial frame if no external forces are present). We can write the equations in the centre of mass frame and then do a coordinate transformation to a frame attached to the earth. Then we will find a law that looks like Newton's 2nd law in standard form, but isn't since it involves a "reduced mass". Since the Earth is so much bigger than the ball, we don't usually have to bother with these things.
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FAQ: Is there a deeper explanation for Newton's Third Law?

1. What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?

Newton's Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object will exert an equal and opposite force back on the first object.

2. What is the significance of Newton's Third Law?

Newton's Third Law is significant because it explains the relationship between forces in nature. It helps us understand how objects interact with each other and why they move the way they do.

3. How did Newton come up with his Third Law?

Newton's Third Law was a result of his experiments and observations on the motion of objects. He noticed that whenever an object was pushed or pulled, it always seemed to push or pull back with an equal force.

4. Does Newton's Third Law apply to all types of forces?

Yes, Newton's Third Law applies to all types of forces, whether they are contact forces (such as pushing or pulling) or non-contact forces (such as gravity or magnetism). The law states that the forces between two objects are always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

5. How is Newton's Third Law relevant in everyday life?

Newton's Third Law is relevant in many aspects of everyday life. It explains why we can walk, run, and jump, as well as how cars move and planes fly. It also helps us understand the recoil of a gun, the movement of a rocket, and even the bouncing of a ball.

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