How Is the First-Order Equation of Motion Derived in a Damped System?

  • Thread starter LagrangeEuler
  • Start date
In summary, according to the paper, to obtain an equation of motion for a system which is first order in time, you need to consider a drag force which is proportional to velocity.
  • #1
In the paper

how it is possible to obtain equation of motion which is first order in time

[tex]\dot{u}_{j}=u_{j+1}+u_{j-1}-2u_j-\frac{K}{2\pi}\sin(2\pi u_j)+F(t)[/tex]
How to obtain this equation of first order?
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  • #2
It is likely a typo.
  • #3
No it is not. You have this in many papers.
  • #4
If it is not, there must be additional underlying assumptions, such as a drag force proportional to velocity which is dominating over the acceleration term.
  • #5
Could you write this down as relation?
  • #6
They even state that the system is overdamped before the equation.
  • #7
Yes I know that. But I am trying to figure out what that means, or how them got this equation?
  • #8
Are you at all familiar what the term overdamped means?
  • #9
Not really.
  • #10
So what happens to Newton's second law for particle i if, in addition to the external forces acting on each particle, tell you that there is also a drag force proportional to (but with a negative coefficient) the velocity of the particle? What approximations can you then do if I tell you that this force is generally much larger than the term ##ma## on the right-hand side?
  • #11
If I understand you well there is equation with second ##\ddot{u}_j## and first derivative ##\dot{u_j}## such that term ##C\dot{u}_j## is dominant if it is compared with ##\ddot{u}_j##. But I am really not sure what is the form of equation before that approximation?
  • #12
LagrangeEuler said:
But I am really not sure what is the form of equation before that approximation?

What does Newton's second law for the ith particle look like?
  • #13
[tex]m_ia=\sum F[/tex]
where ##F_{el}## is elastic force between the particles. Right?
  • #14
You forgot the drag term which we just talked about.
  • #15
[tex]m_ia=\sum F[/tex]
where ##F_{el}## is elastic force between the particles. Right?
So why I have this drag term?
  • #16
LagrangeEuler said:
So why I have this drag term?
Uhmmm, because there is drag in the model? Generally drag results from a resistance to movement due to dissipation of energy to the environment. Think air resistance. The form of the drag will depend on the Reynold's number. The linear drag is usually valid for relatively small velocities. See
  • #17
Thanks a lot!
  • #18
Now just one thing. Equation should be
So if ##C\dot{u}>>m\ddot{u}## then
or equation in paper should be
Why ##C=1##?
  • #19
You will notice that the equation as it stands in the paper does not make sense dimensionally if t and x have dimensions. However, you can always introduce dimensionless parameters by scaling with a constant of the appropriate dimensions. This can be done in such a way that C becomes equal to one. (Take s = t/C. This gives d/ds = (dt/ds) d/dt = C d/dt.)

FAQ: How Is the First-Order Equation of Motion Derived in a Damped System?

1. What is the difference between overdamped and underdamped systems?

Overdamped and underdamped systems refer to the behavior of a damped harmonic oscillator. In an overdamped system, the damping force is strong enough to prevent the system from oscillating, resulting in a slow and smooth decrease in amplitude. In contrast, an underdamped system experiences oscillations with a gradual decrease in amplitude due to a weaker damping force.

2. How does the damping ratio affect the behavior of a system?

The damping ratio, represented by the Greek letter ζ (zeta), is a measure of the amount of damping in a system. A higher damping ratio results in a more overdamped system with slower oscillations, while a lower damping ratio leads to a more underdamped system with faster oscillations.

3. What are some real-world examples of overdamped and underdamped systems?

Overdamped systems can be seen in car suspensions, where the shock absorbers prevent the car from bouncing after hitting a bump. Underdamped systems can be observed in a pendulum, where the oscillations gradually decrease due to air resistance.

4. Can a system switch between being overdamped and underdamped?

Yes, a system can switch between being overdamped and underdamped depending on the amount of damping force acting on it. If the damping force is increased, the system may become more overdamped, while a decrease in damping force can lead to a more underdamped system.

5. How does the natural frequency of a system relate to overdamping and underdamping?

The natural frequency of a system, represented by the symbol ω (omega), is a measure of how quickly the system oscillates without any external forces. In an overdamped system, the natural frequency is close to 0, as the system does not exhibit oscillations. In an underdamped system, the natural frequency is greater than 0, as the system still experiences oscillations.
