Particle Accelerators: Why Opposing Streams?

In summary, the use of two counter-rotating streams of particles, instead of a stationary target, in particle collisions allows for higher center-of-mass energies and avoids issues with detection of the resulting particles. This is necessary for specific scattering processes and allows for more efficient use of energy in particle accelerators compared to the use of a stationary target. Additionally, in relativity, the relative velocity between the two streams cannot exceed the speed of light.
  • #1
If you have two counter-rotating streams of particles traveling at near luminal velocity then is there effective relative velocity on impact not greater than c? Of course it can't be so why bother having the particles strike a pain-stakingly engineered opposing particle stream than say a brick wall?
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Physics news on
  • #2
No it's not greater than c, because the relative velocity in SR is not added in the same way as gallilean.
The reason you use 2 beams, instead of a stationary target, is mainly because you want to achieve greater cm energies... For example the beam of protons in LHC will be able to reach about 7TeV each... the cm energy then will be around 14TeV. You may not reach greater than c, but you'll reach higher relative velocities than by sending a 7TeV proton beam on a stationary target.

ps- i think this should go to High energy physics threads?
  • #3
Vacant said:
Of course it can't be so why bother having the particles strike a pain-stakingly engineered opposing particle stream than say a brick wall?

Because we are interested in specific scattering processes ##1 + 2 \rightarrow 3 + 4 + 5 + ...## where the numbers represent particle species. This means we very specifically want particle of species ##1## to scatter off of particle of species ##2## to produce the desired outgoing particles with some probability. It isn't enough to have particle of species ##1## aimed at a wall.
  • #4
Historically, there have been several beam-on-target experiments. The perhaps most famous of these being that of Rutherford scattering. However, in particle accelerators, energies are extreme and apart from the reasons already mentioned here, the CoM frame would be moving relative to the detector if you did a beam-on-target experiment at those energies. This would result in most of the resulting particles being collimated in the forward direction of the beam, which makes detection a problem. This is much less of an issue when the CoM system is the same as the lab one and the collision products spread in all directions.
  • #5
Vacant said:
If you have two counter-rotating streams of particles traveling at near luminal velocity then is there effective relative velocity on impact not greater than c?

In the laboratory, the "closing velocity" of the two beams (the rate at which the two beams approach each other in the laboratory) is indeed nearly 2c.

However, when we talk of "relative velocity" we specifically mean "the velocity of one stream as 'viewed' by an observer who is traveling along with the other stream". This is the velocity that cannot exceed c in relativity.

why bother having the particles strike a pain-stakingly engineered opposing particle stream than say a brick wall?

Because of the way relativistic kinematics work out, in a fixed-target setup you have to accelerate the beam to a much higher energy than the two beams in a colliding-beam setup, in order to get the same "bang" per collision (center-of-mass energy).

Note particularly the answer to the question at the end of that page.
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FAQ: Particle Accelerators: Why Opposing Streams?

1. What is a particle accelerator?

A particle accelerator is a scientific instrument that uses electromagnetic fields to accelerate charged particles to high speeds and energies. These accelerated particles are then used to study the fundamental properties of matter and the forces that govern the universe.

2. How do particle accelerators work?

Particle accelerators work by using a series of electrically charged plates or magnets to create a strong electric field that accelerates particles. The particles are then guided through a series of tubes, called accelerator cavities, where they are accelerated further by alternating electric fields. Finally, the particles are directed to collide with a target or another beam of particles.

3. Why do particle accelerators have opposing streams?

Particle accelerators have opposing streams because it allows for more precise control over the particles' paths. By using two beams traveling in opposite directions, scientists can precisely aim the particle beams to collide at a specific point, creating a higher energy collision and more accurate results.

4. What types of particles are accelerated in particle accelerators?

Particle accelerators can accelerate a wide range of particles, including protons, electrons, and heavy ions like gold or lead. The types of particles used depend on the specific research being conducted, as different particles have different properties and can provide different insights into the fundamental forces of the universe.

5. What are the benefits of using particle accelerators?

Particle accelerators have numerous benefits, including allowing scientists to study the fundamental properties of matter, creating new particles and states of matter, and providing insights into the origins of the universe. They also have practical applications, such as in medical treatments, where accelerated particles are used to target and destroy cancer cells.
