Penetration Depth of General Complex Conductivity

In summary, the conversation discusses the skin-depth expression for a general complex conductivity in Michael Tinkham's book on superconductivity. The speaker is trying to derive the expression but is having trouble with some steps. They discuss assumptions made and the meaning of "general" in this context. The conversation ends with a clarification that "general" refers to both real and imaginary parts of the conductivity being included, but within the context of good conductors.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm working through chapter 2 of Michael Tinkham's Introduction to Superconductivity. On page 40, he asserts that the skin-depth for a general complex conductivity is (In Gaussian units)
$$\delta = \frac{c}{\sqrt{2\pi\omega\left(|\sigma| + \sigma_2\right)}}$$
where $$\sigma = \sigma_1 - i\sigma_2$$

I am trying to derive this skin-depth expression, but can't seem to get it. My process is as follows. I have bolded the two places where potential issues could be. Start with combining Faraday's law and Ampere's law:
$$\vec{\nabla}\times\vec{E} = -\frac{1}{c}\frac{\partial\vec{B}}{\partial t}$$
$$ \vec{\nabla}\times\vec{\nabla}\times\vec{E} = -\frac{1}{c}\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left(\frac{4\pi}{c}\vec{J} + \frac{1}{c}\frac{\partial\vec{E}}{\partial t}\right)$$
Now use J = \sigma E and assume E = exp(i\omega t),
$$ \vec{\nabla}(\vec{\nabla}\cdot\vec{E}) - \nabla^2\vec{E} = -\frac{1}{c}\left(\frac{i4\pi\sigma\omega}{c}\vec{E} - \frac{\omega^2}{c}\vec{E}\right) $$

Now a potentially sketchy step, I assume the displacement current term is very small (I'm dealing with a superconductor here, so it makes sense), and I also assume the charge density is spatially uniform. This results in eliminating the first and fourth terms. I think this may be where I'm losing it, but I'm not sure how else to do it. The result is

$$\nabla^2\vec{E} = \frac{i4\pi\sigma\omega}{c^2}\vec{E}$$

Solving this,

$$\vec{E} = \vec{E}_0\exp{\left(-\sqrt{\frac{i4\pi\sigma\omega}{c^2}}z\right)} $$

$$= \vec{E}_0 \exp{\left(-\sqrt{\frac{4\pi\omega(\sigma_2 + i\sigma_1)}{c^2}}z\right)}$$

I'm having trouble now. I try to separate this into real and imaginary parts, but the real part does not seem to be what Tinkham has. I think the way I'm taking the squareroot of a complex number is the problem.

$$= \vec{E}_0 \exp{\left(-\sqrt{\frac{4\pi\omega|\sigma|}{c^2}}\left(\cos{\theta/2} + i\sin{\theta/2}\right)\right)}$$
Where $$\theta = \arctan{\frac{\sigma_1}{\sigma_2}}$$

The resulting skin depth is
$$\delta = \frac{c}{\sqrt{4\pi\omega |\sigma |}}\frac{1}{\cos{\theta/2}}$$
This makes sense to me, is close to the given value, and reduces to the skin depth of a real conductivity for \sigma_2 = 0, as it should. My expression does reduce to Tinkham's if I assume \sigma_1 << \sigma_2, which is a very reasonable approximation. But the assertion in the book that this is a "genera" solution is what troubles me.

Does anyone have ideas on what I'm missing? I would really appreciate your help!
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  • #2
I assume \sigma_1 << \sigma_2, . . . the assertion in the book that this is a "genera" solution is what troubles me

Given the title of the book, does "general" solution simply mean it's true all superconductors (or even all reasonably good conductors)?
  • #3
John Park said:
Given the title of the book, does "general" solution simply mean it's true all superconductors (or even all reasonably good conductors)?

I assume so. That's the justification for removing the displacement current term at least. He says a "General complex conductivity" though... Which contradicts that.
  • #4
"General complex conductivity"

I still suspect it's semantic. As far as I can tell a real, frequency-dependent skin-depth implies a good conductor. How does Tinkham set up the problem?
  • #5
I just looked at Tinkham's page 40 on the web; he says he's "solving the skin depth problem", as though it's an understood procedure, presumably with standard assumptions and approximations. And he's talking about good conductors the whole time; so I think "general" here simply means both real and imaginary parts of σ are included, but they're still limited to a good conductor.

FAQ: Penetration Depth of General Complex Conductivity

What is the "Penetration Depth of General Complex Conductivity"?

The "Penetration Depth of General Complex Conductivity" refers to the distance that an electromagnetic wave can travel into a material before its intensity is reduced by a factor of 1/e. It is a measure of how well a material can conduct electricity, and is influenced by the material's electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, and the frequency of the electromagnetic wave.

How is the Penetration Depth calculated?

The Penetration Depth is calculated using the formula δ = (2/ωμσ)^1/2, where δ is the penetration depth, ω is the angular frequency of the electromagnetic wave, μ is the magnetic permeability of the material, and σ is the electrical conductivity of the material. This formula takes into account the properties of the material and the frequency of the electromagnetic wave.

What factors affect the Penetration Depth?

The Penetration Depth is affected by the material's electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, and the frequency of the electromagnetic wave. Materials with higher electrical conductivity and lower magnetic permeability tend to have smaller penetration depths. Additionally, higher frequencies of electromagnetic waves lead to smaller penetration depths.

Why is the Penetration Depth important in scientific research?

The Penetration Depth is important in scientific research as it allows scientists to understand how electromagnetic waves interact with different materials. It is particularly useful in the study of electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability of materials, which have applications in various fields such as material science, geophysics, and medical imaging.

How do scientists measure the Penetration Depth?

Scientists can measure the Penetration Depth using various techniques, such as microwave or radio frequency spectroscopy, where the intensity of the electromagnetic wave is measured as it travels through a material. They can also use simulations and mathematical models to predict the Penetration Depth based on the properties of the material and the frequency of the electromagnetic wave.

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