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Homework Statement
I'm struggling to figure out what vectors I use for my phasor diagram for an RLC series circuit.
Homework Equations
VC = 1/j[tex]\omega[/tex]C
VL = j[tex]\omega[/tex]L
The Attempt at a Solution
I know how to add vectors, so that's not a problem, transfer my circuit from the time domain to frequency domain. I understand that VC leads the current and VL lags the current by [tex]pi/2[/tex] radians.
If I have say, r[tex]\angle[/tex][tex]\theta[/tex] as my input voltage, then I can draw that on my phasor diagram because it is given to me as a vector (easy). In contrast, VC, VL and VR are not vectors because after transferring them to the frequency domain, their unit is [tex]\Omega[/tex] which I think is a scalar quantity.
My question is, how do I get a vector out of VC, VL and VR in the frequency domain to plot onto my phasor diagram?