Photon Divergence: Questions & Answers

In summary, the conversation discussed the concept of divergence in laser beams and its relation to photons. The first question posed was whether a perfectly parallel laser beam would still exhibit divergence, to which it was suggested that the uncertainty principle would still cause divergence due to the unknown position and momentum of the photons. The second question asked if a single photon exhibits divergence, to which it was agreed that it does not in the sense that it hits a single point, but it can hit a point away from the beam's axis. The third question considered two coherent photons emitted at the same time along the same axis and whether they exhibit divergence, with some disagreement on the interpretation of Maxwell's equations and the use of wave functions for photons. Ultimately, it was acknowledged that Maxwell
  • #1
I've been told time and again that any beam of light (think laser) exhibits divergence no matter how perfect. This prompts three questions:

1) Theoretically, if a laser beam is emitted such that each photon is exactly parallel, (obviously more perfect than can be achieved in reality) does the beam still diverge?

2) Consider a single photon propagating through space. Does it still exhibit divergence?

3) Consider two coherent photons emitted exactly at the same time along exactly the same axis, do they exhibit divergence? If so, why?

[a note to those who will undoubtedly say the situation is impossible, and not worth considering: you're missing the point]
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  • #2
Good questions.
Unlike charged particles(say, a stream of electrons), photons do not repel each other, so the photons divergence can not be associated with them repelling each other.

I heard once that two strictly parallel lines will eventually diverge. So, perhaps this phenomenon is related to space/time divergence. Not sure though.
  • #3
Claiming that 2 photons are EXACTLY parralel means that you know EXACTLY their momentum. Then, based on HUP, you can't know their position and the beam diverges!

If narrower the beam you make (you know the position), the faster it diverges (more uncertanity in momentum)

Only infinitely wide beam does not diverge.
  • #4
My interpretation of the HUP is that there is a fundamental uncertainty (with regards to position and momentum) that can be measured experimentally -- if one is measured the other is perturbed by the measurement, thus both cannot be known experimentally. However, this is not to say that a photon does not have position and momentum, only that we can't know them both by measurement. For example, imagine you're looking at someone across the street and then a bus pulls in front of you, occluding your view. Now you can no longer see the person but it is safe to say they still exist. Can you be certain of the person's position? No, because they could walk away and you wouldn't know, but they do in fact have position even if you don't know what it is.
  • #5
No, your interpretation (instrumental) is wrong.
This is not an issue how we measure these properties.
They just don't exist at the same time - mathematically.
  • #6
What about the single photon case ? If we look at the propagation amplitude in the path integral picture, then the most of the amplitudes cancel except for the classical path (straight line). Most, but perhaps not all ?
  • #7
Single photon will hit a single point. In that sense, it does not diverge
However, it can hit a point away from the axis of the beam. In that sense, it diverges.
  • #8
It would be lot easier to discuss this topic, if the mainstream quantum literature actually had told us what kind of equation to use for the wave function of a photon :rolleyes:
  • #9
I agree that a single photon can interact with a point away from the axis of travel. But isn't this because both the electric and magnetic field vectors have an amplitude (strongest perpendicular to the axis of travel) and therefor the photon has a certain minimum "width" in a sense. So if you could see the electric and magnetic fields, then sighting down the axis of travel would not reduce the photon to a single point.
  • #10
No, you can locate a photon of any wavelength in any arbitrary small region of space.
Talking about HUP you can't use Maxwell equations (talking about electric and magnetic fields etc), you should use QM instead. Maxwell equations are just approximations of QFT
  • #11
Dmitry67 said:
Single photon will hit a single point. In that sense, it does not diverge
However, it can hit a point away from the axis of the beam. In that sense, it diverges.

Seems more like your talking about the curl of the field here. The divergence of a field is the change in flux over the entire surface of a sphere, so the direction should not matter.
  • #12
jostpuur said:
It would be lot easier to discuss this topic, if the mainstream quantum literature actually had told us what kind of equation to use for the wave function of a photon :rolleyes:

So then let's go back to the 19th century when they actually spoke intellegently about the nature of EM radiation! (Seriously... I'm not being sarcastic.)
  • #13
glengarry said:
So then let's go back to the 19th century when they actually spoke intellegently about the nature of EM radiation! (Seriously... I'm not being sarcastic.)

as opposed to uncertainly certain measurements where continuation requires an infinite dimensional space, and every value is an expectation in a world where not everything commutes?
  • #14
(single even) Photons don't travel in strait lines. They obey Maxwells equations which means they diverge.

edit: Actually, I'll qualify this as follows: you can create a photon that moves in strait line using an infinitly large current plane to launch it. Any finite sized source of the photon will create a quantum (whose probability of detection) spreads out.
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  • #15
LostConjugate said:
as opposed to uncertainly certain measurements where continuation requires an infinite dimensional space, and every value is an expectation in a world where not everything commutes?

It's hard to fathom how we got to this point, all because of one seemingly harmless little h!
  • #16
Antiphon said:
(single even) Photons don't travel in strait lines. They obey Maxwells equations which means they diverge.

Maxwell's equation describe classical electromagnetic fields only, not wave functions of photons.
  • #17
jostpuur said:
Maxwell's equation describe classical electromagnetic fields only, not wave functions of photons.

It would give correct results to interpret the square of the electromagnetic field as being prportional to the probability of finding a photon there. That makes Maxwell's eqations work as an effective wavefunction for describing the motion of individual photons.
  • #18
There is some discussion on using E+iB as a single photon wave function"
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FAQ: Photon Divergence: Questions & Answers

1. What is photon divergence?

Photon divergence refers to the tendency of photons (particles of light) to spread out as they travel through space. This is due to the wave-like nature of light and can be observed in phenomena such as light scattering and diffraction.

2. How is photon divergence measured?

Photon divergence is typically measured in units of angle, such as degrees or radians. The measurement is usually taken at a specific distance from the light source, and the angle at which the photons have spread out is recorded.

3. What factors affect photon divergence?

The main factors that affect photon divergence are the wavelength of the light and the size of the light source. Longer wavelengths and larger light sources result in greater photon divergence, while shorter wavelengths and smaller light sources lead to less divergence.

4. Why is photon divergence important?

Photon divergence has important implications in various fields such as optics, astrophysics, and telecommunications. It can affect the quality of images produced by optical devices, the behavior of light in space, and the efficiency of communication systems.

5. Can photon divergence be controlled?

In certain cases, photon divergence can be controlled by using specialized optics or by shaping the light source. However, in most cases, it is a natural phenomenon that cannot be completely eliminated. Understanding and managing photon divergence is an important aspect of many scientific and technological applications.

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